Monday, October 1, 2018

Fetzer's blog taken down: gee, I wonder who did it and why?....

Fetzer's Web Blog Taken Down--More TRIBULATION(s)
(Apollonian, 30 Sep 18)

Well folks, the blog of James Fetzer, where I've been posting lots of neato essays and "comments" lately, has just been taken down, Friday, the 28th. Jewgle (google) which owns the BlogSpot system, like it owns Jew-tube, just says, "blog has been removed," not saying whether it was Fetzer who did it, or Jewgle. Fetzer hadn't posted any new blogs since the 23rd.

I don't know why Jewgle would take-down Fetzer's blog, though Fetzer has posted some dangerous stuff--"dangerous" to the Jew lies which Jewgle is built-upon. And I'm not sure why Fetzer himself would take-down his own blog when he had some fairly interesting stuff on it--some of it his own work.

So it's just more activity in way of censorship (a), and (b) "TRIBULATIONS" as of New Test. Book of Revelations that stuff like this, Fetzer's blog being taken-down, that inevitably has to happen. Fetzer's blog offered excellent topics I was able to comment upon providing material for publishing on my blogs. So now I'll have to look for some other blog, like Fetzer's, or I'll have to think up my own topics, darn it all.

For we need "tribulation," unfortunately, in order to get more people thinking, "tribulations" putting pressure upon the people in general, causing them to think and act--such "tribulation" being necessary facet of "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, in the course of CYCLIC history.

For note the stupid goons of Jew S A (used to be USA) need "tribulation" as inspiration, so to speak--and we haven't really been suffering much here in Jew S A, so "tribulation" is what is due--the more people understand this about "tribulation," the better off they'll be, the more serious they will become--I hope.

For we suffer gross, rampant SATANISM, suckers, and people must grasp the implications for exactly what satanism is, etc., the more and the sooner, the better.

That's great thing about "Book of Revelations": it reminds people there are "end-times" in CYCLIC history--not necessarily the total end of the world, but that we have down-turns in CYCLIC history, and for example, "Decline of the West," w. currency and economic collapse, etc.

And of course, we don't say Jews are first cause of such "decline" and "end-times," but they do and will have to be dealt with as they become prominent and dominant during such end-times, as we see, Jews being foremost satanists. See,, and

We have to get rid of Jews, and before we can do that we have to treat satanism and deal w. the legion of satanists, first among the goyim (like "Judeo-Christian" [JCs] heretics--see and for expo on JCs), which satanist goyim vastly out-number Jews, though the Jews lead them and provide that basic organization, etc.

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