Thursday, November 15, 2018

This amazing election farce is what satanic insanity gets for us--just toooooo much OBVIOUS corruption, fraud, lies, etc.--Trump MUST declare martial-law, have a do-over, sufficiently policed and over-seen, this time....

Demon-Rats And Globalists Have Reduced Election Farce To Absurd--Seriously
(Apollonian, 15 Nov 18)

This is ridiculous, isn't it?--globalists, including the Jews-media and Demon-rats have totally made a brainless mockery of the 2018 elections. To be more specific, the obvious major players in this idiot farce are (a) the globalists and Demon-rat party, including the top officers/officials, (b) the Jews-media, and (c) the utterly corrupt legal-system, esp. the judges, all having obviously taken huge bribes, etc.

It's now such a farce, the latest elections, NO ONE believes it's been fair, and Trump will look like the most brainless Jewwy flunky if he fails to (a) declare martial law, (b) arrest the ring-leaders (like the negroidal Snipes election commissioner of Broward County, Fla.), and (c) have a do-over, running fair elections w. adequate voter-ID provisions, etc. Otherwise it's a gross globalist/communist take-over, the very thing Trump is expected to prevent and oppose.

This is HOW stinking putrid and absurd things have come to, folks--martial-law is the only thing to be done to restore a modicum of sanity.

Of course we all know who is benefitted most by all this idiocy--THE JEWS, especially Israel (who control Trump, don't doubt), who else? But evidently, those scummy kike psychopaths have just gone too far for their cheating, fraud, and lying--having now fooled themselves to imagine anyone is supposed to take these latest moronic developments as within realm of plausibility.

The virtue of such martial-law is that it would solve lots of things if done right--Trump should take the opportunity. The legal system has grossly failed; martial-law is the only alternative.

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