Sunday, December 23, 2018

White "witches" are most comparable to the early, original Christians....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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White "Witches" Of Today Most Comparable To Original Christians
(Apollonian, 23 Dec 18)

What Langdon says here in his article is eminently, largely true, of course--<b>whites and their traditional Christian culture are the enemy</b>, and it must be destroyed by satanists, satanists led by Jews, of course, Jews foremost satanists--just ck their filthy Talmudic religion. See,, and for best Talmudic expo.

Thus Christianity features hero, Christ (= truth, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), who is God-the-Son (so u know he's right and definitive) preaching against satanic Pharisees (among others, but Pharisees are leading heretics); see Gosp. JOHN 8:44.

So the large and general philosophic battle going on btwn Christ and Pharisees is TRUTH VS. LIES.

Thus Christ demonstrates ETHICS, most revered by Christians and many others among people, which ethics follow fm his metaphysics, which (barely implicit) metaphysics features OBJECTIVE (Aristotelian) reality, necessary basis of TRUTH--against the Pharisaic "midrash" and "Oral Law Tradition" which is thorough-going SUBJECTIVISM, extreme subjectivism.

Thus the philosophic battle is objective reality, basis of truth, vs. subjectivism, which subjectivism in extreme form is SATANISM, worship of death and lies. For note the subjectivist holds reality to be mere "construct"/product of mentality/consciousness, making subject God, the creator--satanism. Q.E.D.

Thus satanists hold their present political power specifically by means of satanistic central-banking, a criminal enterprise which is literally legalized counterfeiting by which they print-up (and digitalize) currency, not real money which is gold/silver, out of nothing--and then charge interest upon it. See for expo; use their search engine.

But interest is just icing on proverbial "cake"--it would still work even if no interest was charged--the real problem is the (literal) counterfeiting--charging interest is mere side-issue used to distract/divert the debate.

Thus it's this central-banking by which satanists hold and maintain their impetus by which they persecute truth, Christianity, and all humanity which defends truth, whites understood as primary and traditional Christians. But actually, don't doubt, satanists, hence Jews, the leaders, are against ALL humanity ("Amalek") in general, against truth, reason, etc.

Satanists and Jews are most effective as they're premier COLLECTIVISTIC satanists/subjectivists, w. most effective "group-think," co-operating most effectively, as they are most committed, dedicated, organized, and cohesive upon their group-think.

Hence these Jews (a) dominate the satanist contingent among satanists in general, the satanist gentiles, though more numerous, yet more individualist, un-organized, and un-connected, and (b) then, the satanists altogether, including Jews and everyone else, intimidating and manipulating the un-organized, distracted, un-witting people in general, as we see.

Note further, this satanism only prevails generally within a "mature" and degenerate, late-imperialist sort of culture, the culture in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, Spengler describing the corrupt culture declining fm the original founders, like among the Romans, for example, but also Americans too, who were at first brave, heroic, and honest--OBJECTIVELY-oriented (Aristotle) in general philosophy.

But now, the degenerate offspring inheritors of the original culture and heroes generations have become corrupt, especially pretending to subjectivism and "moralism," especially of non-existent "good-evil," as we see, non-existent "good" upheld over TRUTH itself as highest ideal. Thus we see the irony that satanism is founded upon lies and frauds, like central-banking, including idea there's such thing as "good," "good" now worst enemy of TRUTH (= Christ).

What now must happen?--there are now simply tooooo many fools, suckers, and goons, over-populated, among the "people" who "BELEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEV" in this corruption and subjectivist delusion of "good-evil" including subjectivist idea that it (non-existent "good") can actually exist if only one "beeleeeeeeeeeeeeeevs," making themselves the false God, the supposed creators--satanism--even though the "people" imagine they're "good" in so "beeeleeeeeevin'."

Thus there must be strife and warfare, and that original Christian ideal of TRUTH, above all, must re-emerge. Presently too many fools imagine that idiot "beleeeeeeeeeeeevin'" is a virtue as they think mere "beleeeeeeeeeeeeevin'" can create reality in God-like fashion--as they've been taught it's "good" to so "beleeeeeeeeeev."

Note then the sublime purpose of Jews and satanists: they are the disease, like typhus and plague, that grows and spreads, which works to identify and eliminate the over-populated fools, suckers, inferiors, and weaklings among the people--and no "free-will" can possibly stop the process as reality is objective, determined (according to absolute cause-effect), and CYCLIC as Spengler noted.

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