Wednesday, July 4, 2018

"Deep-state" is satanic, satanism, and ONLY serious Christian movement will have any real effect(s)....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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Removing "Deep State" NOT NOT NOT Like Removing Bad Tooth
(Apollonian, 4 Jul 18)

"[K]ill the deep state"?--u mean remove Jews?--impossible for Trump, absolutely un-thinkable, inconceivable. Trump's very purpose is "Israel-first," above all, and nothing other--this has been known fm Trump's very first statements. Don't forget Trump's false-flag way back in April 2017 when he used pretext of "chem-attack" for bombing, Tomahawking Syria.

"[K]ill the deep state"?--then one must "kill" that engine of prosperity (ho ho ho ho ho), the central-bank, which churns-out nearly INFINITE "currency"--not real money which is necessarily FINITE (limited in amount--see for expo, use their search engine). Were Trump to even begin to imagining removal of central-bank, Jews-media, owned and operated by central-bank powers, would roast Trump un-endingly, there'd be false-flags, etc.

ONLY thing which will remove deep-state (hence Jews and their central-bank instrument) is the real, hence anti-semitic, Christianity (worship of TRUTH = Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6, affirming OBJECTIVE reality) by the presently over-populated goons, scum, filth, puke, morons, suckers, and TV-addicts among "the people," which is impossible without many, many, many of them being killed-off, which will require FAILURE of central-bank, thus HYPER-INFLATION, up-coming, soon enough.

Observe, just for example, foremost supporters of Israeli terror-state are the Judeo-Christian (JC--see and for expo) scum, liars, and heretics who say Christ was Jew, who are legion--who are notorious Trump-supporters. Jews control ENTIRE "Christian" establishment, Cat. and Prot.--all of them, without exception.

Don't forget Trump's buddy, Giuliani, Mayor of Jew York on 9/11. Jeff Sessions took MAJOR funds fm Israeli interests--that's why u have DOJ (Justice) actively stone-walling, Jew, Rod Rosenstein, stalling, subverting Congress--why hasn't hitlery been indicted?--think she ever will be?--hoho ho ho ho ho.

Central-bank is literally legalized counterfeiting, and the puke, called "people," cannot for the very life of them grasp diff. btwn "currency" and real money--never have, never will.

US Dollar and "petro-dollar" will only gradually give way to the new gold-backed Yuan (or any genuine money standard), so there will still be great struggle, turmoil, and disasters to keeping people terrorized, confused, ignorant, de-moralized, and mis-led.

Thus I keep telling folks, only the REAL Christianity will adequately guide the survivors of the people, and that means serious anti-semitism--anti-satanism, hence anti-subjectivism. And if u're NOT anti-semitic, u ain't no Christian, sucker. If u're not anti-semitic, u're just a satanist or dupe thereof. It's truth vs. lies; Christ vs. satanism; humanity vs. Jews, Jews leaders of satanists, satanism.

---------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------

Jim Fetzer July 4, 2018 at 8:54 AM

Yes. I voted for Bill twice and for Barack twice as well. When it came to Hillary, there was no real choice. We live and learn. I am optimistic that Trump will actually kill the Deep State. Major revelations from the DNC server out today, 4 July 2018! How appropriate!

BuelahMan July 3, 2018 at 3:35 AM

Allow me to point out that Fetzer was an Obama Maniac.
Fetzer was a Drumpfter.
B'Man warned everyone about both of them BEFORE they were sElected.
Who has discernment and who does not?

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