Monday, July 9, 2018

About 9/11: Jews essentially say, "sure we did it, gentile scum--and WHAT do u think u'll do about it, suckers?"--ho ho ho ho....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Induction, Objectivity Indicts, CONVICTS Jews, Satanists
(Apollonian, 9 Jul 18)

This is another incredible, great article by Bollyn w. crushing, smashing, over-whelming INDUCTIVE evidence, which induction is stock science and legal investigation procedure. Gather the evidence, and now look at likely suspects--Jews, foremost criminals and satanists (see,, and

So what's next step?--kikes of Israel are OBVIOUSLY number one suspects--or at least among the topmost, eh?

So now, in science and logic, including for legal investigations, the LEAD SUSPECT MUST start "talking turkey" and begin explaining why they shouldn't be suspected and indicted (formally accused) and put-up for trial as culprits.

But is that even conceivable in this age of Jew dominance?--suspecting the kikes?--isn't that anti-semitism?--ho ho ho ho ho. And indeed, that's kike's only defense, isn't it? The over-whelming evidence pt.s to Jews, but no matter, u can't suspect or accuse Jews as that's anti-semitism, right? What a brilliant defense, eh?--ho ho ho ho ho.

But then again, isn't that just CONFIRMATION of the necessary and indicated accusation/indictment?--the FACT that Jews actually don't deny they're guilty, do they?--they just say u can't do it (suspect or accuse them) as it's anti-semitism. According to kikes, it's "immoral" to observe evidence and suspect and indict kikes--regardless the facts of reality, ho ho ho ho.

And when u stop to think about it all, we begin to realize the horrific TRUTH--kikes DID 9/11, and they essentially ADMIT IT in their back-handed way, don't they? "Sure, we did it, u scummy goyim, but what are u gonna do about, maggots?"--ho ho ho ho ho ho oho.

Cui Bono?--WHO BENEFITED fm 9/11, suckers?--it was Jews, wasn't it? Thus stupid goyim of Jew S A started wars against Jews' enemies, created refugees, and now they're invading Europe and West, eh?--Jews love it, don't they?

So HOW does this Jew criminality and dominance in-ur-face CONTINUE to prevail?--is it because it's a satanistic age, suffused in (extreme) subjectivism and moralism, the corrupt people pretending and insisting upon "moral" virtue above any other value, elevating moralism/Pharisaism above truth, facts, reality, honesty, integrity, and even life itself?

Thus as moralism/Pharisaism is necessarily founded upon SUBJECTIVISM, foundation is laid for satanism, which is simply extreme subjectivism, consciousness/mentality creating reality, making oneself God the creator--Jews being most adept, successful, organized, and "connected" collectivistic subjectivists, thus dominating the far more isolated, dis-connected, dis-organized subjectivists among stupid goyim.

Observe further, the Jew "midrash" (interpretation) ideal of Talmud which elevates subjectivism, the very method of Judaism by which they rule and dominate the moronic, corrupt, stupid goyim, and which such "midrash" and "Oral Law Tradition" Christ condemned in New Test. in the name of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), which truth has no meaning without the OBJECTIVE (Aristotelian) reality.

So gentiles must re-capture the REAL Christianity, worship of truth (= Christ), above all, including the implicit, necessary anti-Semitism. And if u're not anti-Semitic, u ain't no Christian, sucker.

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