Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Of course we MUST have satanism and anarchy--how else to treat w. stupid, corrupt, hubristc scum called, "the people," vastly over-populated?....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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satanism Will Prevail Long As People Are Stupid, Worshipping Lies Like Central-Bank
(Apollonian, 11 Jul 18)

Sure, this all may be true, as the writer, Nolte, says, but don't doubt Trump himself is all in on it--or at least those Jews and neo-cons who control, fund, and finance him (Trump), like the Jew, Sheldon Adelson.

Keep the stupid goyim fighting one another is obvious and age-old stratagem, men against women, old vs. young, diff. races, etc.--extreme cog. dissonance. After all, the central bankers (see, use their search engine) own the Jews-media, all politicians and judges, everything and everybody.

And in a corrupt society in CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, fomenting such chaos and anarchy works, the stupid, over-populated puke, called "the people," overwhelmingly impelled by HUBRIS and eventually, like now, outright satanism--extreme subjectivism, mind/consciousness held as creator of reality, basis of non-existent "good-evil" and/or moralism-Pharisaism--whence stupid, brainless scum, like "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see and for expo) heretics say Christ was Jew.

Can anything be done?--only very little, like the real Christianity, hence ANTI-SEMITISM, Christ = truth (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) against satanic lies (JOHN 8:44). For Christianity, the real thing, upholds OBJECTIVE (Aristotelian) reality, necessary foundation for "truth," don't forget.

Meantime Satanists, led by Jews, will continue to prevail long as their central-bank, legalized counterfeiting scam, keeps pumping-out intrinsically worthless CURRENCY, not real money, and the over-populated goons and suckers keep accepting it as they do, the poor, brainless scum.

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