Friday, June 29, 2018

satanism (a) EXISTS, (b) is simple and easy to unnastan', (c) and it spits in ur very face, before ur very eyes, suckers--and only suicidal morons will fail to heed....

Below essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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satanism: Culture Of Subjectivism And Death, Suckers
(Apollonian, 29 Jun 18)

Well now, just stop and think a bit: what ELSE would u advocate if u were SATANIST in a satanistic society? Thus satanists, qua satanism, demands the culture of death.

For note, the rational culture observes the objective reality, hence human nature of self-interest, hence individual freedom according to law and contract, hence property rights, etc. Satanism and satanists are necessarily against objective reality, u see--reality is only what THEY say (subjectivism).

For WHAT is satanism?--it's extreme subjectivism, idea reality is created by consciousness/mentality, making oneself God--satanism, by definition.

Thus Immanuel Kant, for example, laid the formal foundation on pretext of moralism. Everything (beginning in metaphysics) for Kant must be jury-rigged to enable "morality" and "moralism," otherwise non-existent idea of "good-evil," and for Kant, idea of DUTY, self-abnegation. Kant doesn't say WHY--he simply insists and declares this is necessary for morality.

So, u see, satanism is whatever u want to be true--like "good-evil" for Kant--or anything.

So now we see the satanists, in guise of "anti-fascists" demanding things and declaring we all must do as they say, because they say so.

Thus everyone else must commit suicide for these satanists, hence leftists and liberals, as they're the arbiters of moralism and morality--because they say so.

Hence racism (loyalty to one's people/culture/ancestors, in accord w. 5th of original Ten Commandments, "honor thy parentage [race]") is "evil" according to these satanists/leftists--because they say so, u see.

And boys don't have to be boys; they can be girls if they want--subjectivism, u see.

So I hope u see now the satanic state of things cultural and sociologic which things have reduced to--it can get worse (DEATH--ON LARGEST SCALE, SUCKERS--in accord w. Agenda-21 and -2030 addendum), and these satanists intend to seeing things DO get worse.

Who are foremost and most dedicated, experienced, insistent, obsessed satanists?--who share an amazing sort of psycho-pathology, yet one that's amazingly successful?--see and, also practice "midrash" (interpretation) of the "Oral Law Tradition" by which anything is true if they say so. They killed Jesus Christ (= TRUTH, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), and actually brag about it. And note "truth" could ONLY exist in an objective reality--which they hate and are sworn to destroy--at least in theory, concept, mind, and profession--do u doubt it? Ho ho ho ho ho ho

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