Saturday, June 2, 2018

Evolutionary, transformation of culture, fm gentile-oriented to Jew dominant satanist....

Below essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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The Corrupt, Hubristic, satanified Culture, Dominated By Ultimate Subjectivists, Jews
(Apollonian, 2 Jun 18)

Ok, so Israel terror state, run by foremost mass-murderers, wants to rule world, but then who doesn't? But Israel is SUCCESSFUL in this bid for rulership, and the rest of us are jealous, eh? Well, regardless, it's still important to analyze things fm historic/sociologic pt. of view.

Why are Jews, including esp. Israeli murderers, so successful?--well, they run the central-banking of the world (see for expo; use their search engine), which is actually legalized counterfeiting, they just printing-up paper currency--not real money which must be commodity-based, hence FINITE in amount. Currency is infinite; u just add zeroes to the number printed on the bills, see.

So having all the currency at their disposal, they naturally rule, owning and buying everything and everybody--just observe reality, and observe history which confirms--is it really that difficult to grasp?

But note further: Jews couldn't succeed without millions of willing cohorts, co-conspirators, and collaborators among the corrupt, over-populated goyim. So then what is it about Jews that lends to their "success"?

Well, note that in a corrupt environment, the murderer will always beat the pick-pocket. And the larger gangs of murderers will beat the isolated psychos who can't work w. others in co-ordinated effort. Jews are most outstanding, best organized collectivists who naturally dominate the more individualistic goyim, given more to in-fighting and quarrelsome rivalry.

So what's the core of Jew "philosophy" or mentality, as contained in the Talmud, the Talmud being their basic document?--it is "midrash"--the INTERPRETATION (subjectivism) of the Torah (see, and for best expo). Thus reality is SUBJECTIVE and is only what rabbis say it is--most thorough-going SUBJECTIVISM. Thus we have freedom of speech, esp. for Jews--except when any speech threatens the Jew hegemony.

Obviously then, this Judaic subjectivism only works when there's enough corrupt gentiles to help Jews ENFORCE their regime. And u only get enough of these corrupt goyim AFTER the gentile culture has been sooooo "successful" that they've produced all these now over-populated gentiles, as we see. HOW did this corruption and over-populated stage of history occur?--what happened?

Simple: in CYCLIC history, according to Oswald Spengler's "Decline of the West," the successful culture has now become decadent, the people now consumed in HUBRIS, the idea that they can achieve "good," which "good" doesn't actually exist, there being no criterion for definition of (non-existent) "good" that works in all cases. "Good" is SUBJECTIVE. And it's this gross, pervading subjectivism and HUBRIS which takes over the evermore corrupt culture.

Thus the culture originally arose based upon honest farmers, as in the Roman example, who were also brave and successful warriors--they upheld the OBJECTIVE view and understanding of reality--hence Aristotle, though of course, most people don't grasp actual philosophy in specific terms, most folks never having even hrd of Aristotle.

But once the culture takes on this corruption and hubris, ever-greater subjectivism, the Jews, most sublimely organized, begin to dominate evermore--as we see, USA now the Jew S A, dominated and commanded by Jews, as we plainly see.

Note further the rise of the general SATANISM--what is this satanism? Satanism then is extreme subjectivism, the idea consciousness/mentality is creator of reality--making oneself God, the creator--satanism, by definition. And note this "satanism" isn't really anything either mystic or even "religious," in all truth--actually quite easy to observe.

Pt. then is this general satanism/subjectivism increases for the now corrupt general culture, the Jews/Talmudists naturally dominate, the Jews leveraging the less well organized goyim satanists, the satanists, led by Jews now dominating the general, corrupt culture and population (over-populated now w. these satanists), the satanists in general dominating and intimidating the rest of the dis-organized and demoralized population, the satanists in general more organized and well-led by the Jews, Jews foremost satanists of all time.

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