Friday, June 22, 2018

Patriots grasp: half-heartedness and defeatism is for losers--MUST see "big picture," CYCLIC hist....

Below-copied essay by ap in response to below-copied note at comments,

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Patriots Must Grasp satanic Sociology, Circumstances In CYCLIC History
(Apollonian, 22 Jun 18)

"Unknown": u just gotta keep ur head, buddy--like a good soldier who's used to being under enemy fire. Remember MOST people, sociologically, are half-baked weaklings and FOLLOWERS who do little thinking for themselves; they need and want LEADERSHIP--and all they really want, immediately, is "bread and circuses." Long as they have this cheap "prosperity," and football games on TV they really don't care too much about ANYTHING else.

It's only when actual disaster begins and gets (economic collapse) going that the fools begin to be concerned, and even then they can't think for themselves, needing leadership--the way it's ALWAYS been since beginning of time.

Regarding "Rt 91"--I wasn't even sure what u were talking about--had to go to search engine to see u're talking about "Las Vegas shootings" fm last yr. See, we're under "tower of babel" circumstances--"info and propaganda OVERLOAD"--all DELIBERATELY fomented by top satanists and Jews.

Note "satanism" is basically extreme subjectivism--idea reality is created by consciousness/mentality, making themselves God. Lots of gentiles fall victim to this subjectivist fallacy, pretending and yearning for non-existent "good-evil," lacking organization--Jews provide leadership for these satanists as Jews are COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivists who co-operate and collude most effectively.

So my advice is to keep things SIMPLE for the morons--simple but still TRUE, accurate, and informative. Thus we're up against truly SATANIC circumstances, u must grasp. Thus Jews (obviously) DOMINATE as (a) Judaism is satanism--see (b) Jews are MOST ORGANIZED satanists, capable of leveraging, manipulating, and then leading the masses of gentile satanists and "liberal" ("useful") idiots who actually, don't forget, greatly out-number Jews.

For Jew satanists (a redundancy, actually) are most effective COLLECTIVISTS who agree upon basic premises and goals for their satanic goals, and don't forget they've ALREADY WON for establishment of their main, invincible weapon, CENTRAL-BANKING (US Federal Reserve Bank), literally legalized counterfeiting by which they simply print and nowadays digitalize otherwise worthless CURRENCY (not real commodity-based) money--see for best expo. Thus top satanist masterminds literally OWN and control all establishment politicians, judges, and everyone and everything w. masses of printed-up (and digitalized) currency--literally legalized counterfeiting which the morons (the "people") just can't understand w. their pea-sized brains, addicted to watching TV as they are.

Thus history is CYCLIC, in accord w. Oswald Spengler's "Decline of the West," and we Christian patriots can only hope to affect things when the serious economic ("hyper-inflation" of the currency) catastrophe begins--even then it won't be easy as satanists dominate for ability of dis-info. Life sucks, don't forget, and no one guarantees it was ever going to be easy thing contending against this satanic subjectivism by which people imagine they're "good" (which child's "good" doesn't exist) and that, collectivistically, they can be God.

-------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------

Unknown June 21, 2018 at 11:16 AM

I am believing that these crimes are too big to be pursued. People would rather believe that Debbie Wasserman is a good representative and Obama was a scandal-free President. These kids could all come forward and admit they are the ones in the photos and still no one would believe. I am so disillusioned that I find it hard to keep following these hoaxes. I'm amazed how few people still care about Rt 91 massacre.

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