Sunday, February 5, 2017

Wheeeeeeeeeee--great satanic fun at the stupid bowl--again....

Golly Gee, But satanists Won Stupid Bowl--How Did I Know?
(Apollonian, 5 Feb 17)

Satanists won the stupid bowl, "Lady Gaga" of "pizza-gate" fame performing satanic (Jewwy) ritual at the half-time, and golly, but wasn't the game soooooooo "exciting"?--even went into overtime. So how did it all take place?

Well, I didn't bother to watch, but I kept some tabs, and while I didn't see the game or play-by-play, I'm sure this is how it went:

(a) First part of the game was officiated fairly evenly, and so one team got behind.

(b) Hence then, in the second half, the officials started calling the penalties against the team in the lead, and the behind team began to "come-back"--golly, how exciting. The stupid scum spectators were sooooooooooooooooo "thrilled," weren't they?

And gee whiz, but even if it didn't entirely happen the way I analyze above, WHY is it I'm so suspicious and otherwise sure that's way it happened?

Could it be because we already KNOW satanists (Jews--see RULE?--beginning w. their criminal enterprise at the top, legalized counterfeiting (central banking--see for expo), by which they just print-up and digitalize practically all the money they please?

So by means of this criminal monopoly of central banking, satanists RULE, owning all the other monopolies, big-pharma drug, the Jews-media, and all the others, bought and paid-for by powers behind central bank.

And satanists keep the over-populated stupid scum, called "people," entertained, fascinated, entranced, distracted, diverted, and trans-fixed by means of moronic spectacles like stupid bowl, as satanists are busy killing them, at same time, by slow-kill means, like poison vaccines which they force the people, by law, to take; poison GMO foods, poison prescription drugs, poison "chem-trails," etc., for which they force the stupid scum to pay-for w. their tax-money.

Golly gee, but the stupid puke sure had fun w. the stupid bowl--can't wait till next year!

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