Sunday, February 19, 2017

Ajax Jewns (Alex, of shill for Jew world order, never doubt....

Ajax Jewns ( Liar, Flack, Psycho
(Apollonian, 19 Feb 17)

I used to watch Ajax Jewns (aka Alex Jones) of, and I still go to his program, but now I just fast-forward through all his narcissistic lies and lying, hysterics and haranguing. To be sure, Ajax knows lots of details about specific subjects, like guns, gun-control, gun-laws, second amendment, also toxic vaccines, and some other things, like Child Protection svc (CPS) which steals and kid-naps children to be used as satanic child-sacrifices, as we learn.

But where Ajax is pathetically weak is in larger philosophy, and that's because he wants, insists, and is obsessed w. Pharisaism and non-existent "good-evil," this Pharisaist self-righteousness the basis and pretext for subjectivism and satanism (extreme subjectivism), satanism the idea reality is produced by mind/consciousness.

For note the children are first programmed and "trained" upon idea there really is such thing as "good-evil," which then becomes the basis/pretext of satanism--not necessarily for all, but for some, and some is all u need, as the rest are easily intimidated. Only very few are understanding enough to emphatically opposing subjectivism--as it's too easily reduced to absurd.

And note then that's foremost satanic purpose for Ajax Jewns: pounding into people's heads idea of such (non-existent) "good-evil"; Jewns emphasizes this COUNTLESS times each show he does, through his 3 + hrs per week-day transmissions. Thus we see the reason hitlery Clinton plugged Jewns by name during her notorious speech on the "alt-right."

Doubt Ajax is total psycho, totally Jew-controlled?--ho ho ho ho--first just LISTEN to the creature: his vocal tone is artificially contrived and roughened by means of tightening the back of his mouth and top of his throat in order to give that gravel-tone, totally phony. Then u have Ajax's CONSTANT interrupting of everyone, even when he had Trump on his show, ho ho ho ho--a total, complete narcissist moron--it's comedic.

WHY do people still listen to Ajax?--because as I noted at top, he talks serious stuff about isolated, chosen, selected issues, like guns, toxic vaccines, etc.--and then insists Jews, lots of them, agree w. him on these issues and his views, ho ho ho--rather bold, if u think about it, the typical kike chutzpah.

Note then the common denominator btwn Trump and satanist like Clinton--JEWS, the foremost satanists (see So Trump is merely the latest face of the Jew world order, even aside fm his amazing "America first" declaration--which really means, as we see, Israel first.

Further, Jewns is instrumental as he pretends Christianity tolerates Jew filth. For Christianity ABSOLUTELY opposes satanism (Gosp. JOHN 8:44), and Judaism is leading form of satanism, providing most of the masterminds thereof, including "free-masons." Jewns pretends, "gee whiz, but Judaism is just a form of Christianity," when fact is Christianity absolutely opposes Judaism; Christianity is anti-Semitic, necessarily, the entire New Test. story all about how they murdered Christ, thinking thus they murder the objective reality, necessary basis of truth.

1 comment:

  1. Ho ho ho hoho, EPIC MELT-DOWN by Ajax, today, 21 Feb--see

    What's going on?--"deep state" wants Trump to squelch I-net due to pizza-gate scandal, fatal for these scum. But it was I-net that made Trump's victory, right? Ho ho ho ho ho oho--ck my stories at and
