Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Jews-media "big-lies, -lying, perfectly accompanied, enhanced by cognitive dissonance....

Notice Amazing, Epic satanist Big Lies, Lying, Enhanced, Multiplied By Cognitive Dissonance
(Apollonian, 22 Feb 17)

We now have two excellent examples of satanism and the satanist big-lie and -lying going on, right in-our-faces: (a) first, and for a good long time now, we see the literal INVASION of sovereign states by foreign, alien, enemy races, esp. now in Europe, Europeans betrayed by their "leaders." But the Jews-media, working along w. traitor politicians want to pretend the invasion(s) are all good, there's no treason, after all, ho ho ho ho; rather, the "leaders" are acting "MORALLY."

Thus proper "morality" requires humans are exterminated in face of "climate-change" lies too.

(b) The other instance is such as Ajax Jewns of being frozen-out, deprived on pretense of property right of ad agency acting selectively and against contract, this in concert and collusion w. other ZOG-owned entities, like Farce-book and Goooooogle, ho ho ho ho, for purpose of Jew World Order (JWO) monopoly and dictatorship. See and

The monopoly/monopolization is fueled, funded, instigated, directed, and sustained by the top-most engine for it all, the central-bank legalized counterfeit scam(s) which prints-up and now digitalized nearly all the currency (not "real money") they need.

In case of Jewns, it's part of necessary and urgent effort by ZOG to suppress the infamous pizza-gate info which is fatal for the scum, so that's why they're so moronically heavy-handed in their monopolist criminality and "big-lying" about it all. Irony is Jewns was going-along in suppression of the pizza-gate story, ho ho ho oh ho--u can see why the stupid hill-billy is soooo mad, ho ho oh ho.

Note additionally, the cognitive dissonance program having been applied and in effect for so long now, mere part of the BIG LIE and lying. Trump gets in, his election due nearly exclusively to I-net, but now fails to prosecute Clinton or Obola, even though they're GROSS criminals and murderers, and this is because of the Jews who control Trump, his own daughter married to one of those Jew monsters, etc.

And the big-lies and -lying couldn't get over so well as it does without the cognitive dissonance which is contributed by bought and paid-for, thoroughly corrupt politicians and judges, helping to setting it all up.

It's that dog-gone I-net which kikes and satanists under-estimated, thinking in their hubris they could control and manipulate as they've done soooo successfully through the yrs now.

Perhaps most of all, note the literal, criminal conspiracy that's behind this large effort of dictatorship and monopolization, and most specifically, the agitation and sedition directed against Trump by George Soros, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), "Morning Joe" propaganda, etc. This latest incident against Jewns is another, provable fraud and conspiracy (racketeering), as Jewns rightly complains.

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