Saturday, February 25, 2017

Most interesting conversation I just had w. a satanist, shows how their minds work....

Conversation With A Satanist
(Apollonian, 25 Feb 17)

Well folks, I was intrigued by the article at fm the site, so I sent her this note:
Feb 23 at 6:03 PM

Hello: I always try to keep up w. ur site, as u so often have such interesting stories. I see ur latest story/article, "The Time Trap...."

So my question is, are u rather reflecting Immanuel Kant's idea that consciousness creates reality?

Or would u follow Aristotle who says objective reality (outside consciousness which then only grasps such reality by means of sense-perception) is necessary assumption?

So are humans, by means of this consciousness creating reality, the real God? Thanks for ur advice. A.
The nice lady replied:
Feb 23 at 7:25 PM

When the Bible says we were created in God's image, it's a mistranslation.

We were created in God's imagination. We are imaginary. Everything is imaginary and created from imagination. Look around you anything large or small and ask yourself where it came from. Anything. Everything. The answer is that it had to be imagined first.
So I asked further,
Feb 23 at 7:49 PM

Ok Grace, and I thank u for ur kind reply, BUT aren't u saying that reality proceeds fm consciousness?
She kindly replied:
Feb 24 at 12:11 AM

Reality is imaginary and imagined ...just like our dreams are imaginary and imagined.

Reality looks, tastes, sounds, smells and feels real but its an illusion of our senses. If you put anything and everything from the the physical world (like your hand or a cup) under a microscope and you magnify it with stronger and stronger microscopes, there is nothing but vibrating atoms of energy - no material world!

The same is true for telescopes and the entire universe. Microcosm and macrocosm time and space are an illusion. There are no distances.

There must be intelligent consciousness that imagined/created us and imagined/created this world that we appear to be experiencing. Since we also have imagination and imagine everything we create, the creator and the created are one.

You really need to read and watch 100% of my last article.
Which led me to give my thematic, stock exposition:
Feb 24 at 6:27 AM

Grace: u need to think about what u're saying. Note St. Augustine anticipated ur arguments, saying God could have created any sort of world, but at his moment of time chose to create our world in accord w. (Aristotelian) Identity (a = a), foundation of logic, etc.

Our senses cannot "imagine" or have "illusions," senses being automatic mechanisms which transmit info to the mind--only the mind can "imagine."

Note then what u're doing--providing pretext and excuse for SATANISM, the idea that humans are God, creators of reality.

Remember what's taught by Christ in Gosp. JOHN 14:6, Christ = truth, the only way to Godly happiness, "truth" having no meaning without the God-created objective reality as necessary foundation of such truth.

Note further, Christ opposed the Pharisees who taught Torah is whatever Pharisees say it is by their "midrash" (interpretation). See for expo on Talmud.

Thus given the alternative assumptions, as all logic must begin in assumption, btwn objective reality and the subjective, u're effectively pitching-in w. Pharisees upon subjective, hence satanist. And note the Jews feature a collectivist subjectivism, most highly organized, never forget, which is established now for so many centuries and which will dominate any other subjectivists or subjectivism, including ur own.

Think about what u would be up against--these are the very satanic globalists now who are determined upon Agenda-21 and -30 genocide and mass-murder which is taking place even as we speak in way of poison vaccines, poison prescription drugs, GMO foods, etc. Take good care, A.
She wasn't very happy, but replied, most interestingly:
Feb 24 at 12:07 PM

I'm sick and tired of this christ propaganda. How do you think Jesus got into your head?

Jesus was not even spelled with a "J" until 500 years ago.tThe letter "J" didn't even exist!

His name was Iesus - Greek.He was the Egyptian false prophet that the ancient historian Josephus refers to and that the bible refers to in Acts 21:38. He was the articulate, educated son of Greek-Egyptian Queen Cleopatra VII who sent him to India at age 14 where he learned Buddhist philsophy.

The original gospels and Gnostic gospels were written in Greek and found in Egypt. Greek was the native language of Iesus and his half-sister Magdelene who wrote "TheThunder Perfect Mind" in Greek. Women and even men in israel were illiterate - they could NOT read or write!. How could Magdelene read and write unless she was born into royalty?

Church/school/history is propaganda to control/program the masses.They recreated Iesus as Jesus, a peace loving pacifist Messiah when in fact he was a zealot warrior leading the rebellion against the Romans who stole his homeland of Egypt and disinherited him of his throne.

Your mind is closed and I can't continue this conversation.
To which I replied:
Feb 24 at 12:16 PM

I actually agree w. ur rationalist approach and idea Bible ought to be appreciated as literature. I never really appreciated Bible or New Test. till I read Homer. And that's why I pt. to the philosophy embedded in Bible and New Test. story. Christ is truth which subjectivist Pharisees think they can kill, but which resurrected, as at Easter, because truth can no more be killed than the objective reality upon which it's based.
Poor Grace rather started to lose her patience and merely typed in the "subject" line,
Feb 24 at 2:47 PM

Re: no more jesus nonsense!
To which I replied,
Feb 24 at 4:59 PM

Ho ho ho, doesn't it bother u that by rejecting New Test. u alienate urself fm practically all the rest of US and Western humanity?--what's the real problem?--why not tell us?
And her final response was:
Feb 24 at 9:29 PM

God and Satan. Black and white. Good and bad. Santa Claus and the Easter bunny. Programming!!!!!

It's all fiction! Stop bothering me or I'll have to spam you.

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