Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Hoffman, psycho moralist pretender, desperate to get people to being sooooo impressed w. Hoffman and his "feeling" for morality....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...neo-nazis.html

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Hoffman: Moralistic Pretender, Protestor, Above All; Thinks He's Sooooo Impressive
(Apollonian, 6 Mar 18)

Hoffman, the passive-aggressive psycho obsessed w. non-existent "good-evil" moralism and Pelagian heresy by which he imagines he can extort God for a place in Heaven is most pathetic sucker for any opportunity to expressing his "moral" outrage, sentiment, and protesting too much.

For geeee whiz, but don't u like babies?--and Hoffman wants to break a lance for them--to show off what a moralist he is, u see--as if God is supposed to be impressed w. this psychotic obsession.

But Hoffman, if u don't want to abort a baby, then just don't do it, sucker. But if someone else wants to abort their baby, not yet born, then that's his/her right--isn't it? For after all, the social-contract couldn't possibly provide any protection for babies not yet born--un-born babies couldn't possibly be parties to any such contract--can't u figure that out?

So the life of babies un-born is mere privilege necessarily controlled by the female carrier, which female is necessarily the only person w. rights, according to any rational social-contract, including that of bringing baby as yet un-born to birth or not.

But Hoffman doesn't care about rights, justice, or peace among rational men founded upon social-contract rationally understood--he just wants people to be aware of and impressed with his breast-beating and moralism, awwwwww geeeeeeeeeee. And Hoffman wants to establish dictatorship over the female carriers, this in way of demonstrating his moralistic corruption and psychosis in spite of any contract, reason, or real regard for humanity.

So have fun beating ur worthless breast, Hoffman, and yes, we know allllllllllllll about u moralistic fakes and charlatans, so ignorant, so shallow and empty, so desperate to pretending to ur strong "feelings" for moralism and pretending u're sooooooooo "good"--because, gee whiz, u care about babies, right?--and u imagine it's soooooooooooooo impressive to others w. weak minds and inferiority-complexes like ur own, eh?

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