Sunday, March 4, 2018

Christian determinism is deliberately anti-thetical to Jew, satanic subjectivism, pefectly "free" (God-like) will, never doubt....

Christianity Is Necessarily Determinist, Without A Doubt
(Apollonian, 4 Mar 18)

Hi Ken: thanks for ur invite, but I'm not interested in discussing "Bhikkhu Bodhi." For note any such discussion would tend to giving a significance which isn't there based on his own merits--aside fm fact I'm already busy reading-up on WWII hist, esp. for allies of Germany and victimization, after the war, of these allies' leaders, etc., as I was discussing in connection w. Jim Garrison, DA of New Orleans who suffered for the truth. I don't know anything about "Bikkhu Bodhi," anyway, of course as I noted, and not interested in doing any reading-up--as I'm already heavily engaged.

Buddhism in general seems to be quite compromised if it endorses BOTH objectivity and (perfectly) "free" will--which is contradictory and impossible--Jews are sure to taking advantage of this sort of logical flaw, and "Bhikkhu Bodhi" is mere detail to this.

Never forget Jews and satanists HATE Christianity--BECAUSE Christianity most forthrightly opposes (thesis vs. anti-thesis) Jew subjectivism ("midrash"--see and, satanism, and lies. Determinism is mere follow-up consequence to absolute cause-effect which all follows fm objective reality, basis of truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6).

To pretend to (perfectly) "free" will is to surrender to and endorse subjectivism and Judaism--u gotta realize this. We have will, but not a perfectly "free" will--and it's because we don't know all the factors and so we often have difficulty predicting out-comes--thus we use what limited will we have to best of our ability to working within the cause-effect nature of objective reality (hence "science").

Remember also our will isn't "free" to pursuing anything but self-interest due to simple fact our survival is at stake. The moment we got substantially off pursuit of self-interest (self-preservation), it would be all over, and things wouldn't and don't evolve in this manner--we're sinners, creatures of will, though not perfectly "free," hence self-interested, necessarily, at least to a minimum extent for purpose of survival. U must grasp this necessity of self-preservation/interest--we wouldn't have evolved without this.

FM Gosp. MARK 10:17-18, “As Jesus started on his way, a man ran up to him and fell on his knees before him. ‘Good teacher,’ he asked, ‘what must I do to inherit eternal life?’ ‘Why do you call me good?’ Jesus answered. ‘No one is good – except God alone.'"

Then there's St. Paul's Epistle to Romans, 7:18, "“For I know that nothing good dwells within me, that is, in my flesh,....” Also, “I of myself serve the law of God with my mind, but with my flesh I serve the law of sin” (7.25).

St. Augustine then further confirms the hopeless sinful nature of humankind in his writings--see "On Free Choice of the Will." And of course, I don't pretend these quotations here should PROVE anything for u, Ken, but I trust u can see the determinist nature of basic Christian theology--how it opposes the Jew conception--it's not an accident.

So if u want to discuss Buddhism in general, say vs. Christian theology, I guess I could do that, but I can't bother w. "Bhikkhu Bhodi." Take good care and keep up ur good work, A.

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