Thursday, March 15, 2018

Hoffman is no "historian," neither knowing nor caring anything about economics, money, or banking....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...s-against.html

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Hoffman: Mere Moralist, NOT A Historian
(Apollonian, 15 Mar 18)

Mike Hoffman is now flying high, having been featured by Nation of Islam, being of use to them for his knowledge about the Talmud and Jews. See https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...s-against.html .

We note Mike Hoffman II says, "Keep . . . Hoffman working in defense of the truth...." But the actual fact and the real truth is Hoffman doesn't care about truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) as much as he cares about pretending to "good." Worst enemy of truth (= Christ) is "good," as "good" doesn't exist (see Gosp. MARK 10:18).

And we see Hoffman states at very top of his blog, "Michael Hoffman, Historian." But actually, Hoffman is far more a "moralist" (he's really a Pelagian heretic) than he is historian, and we see this in his travesty of a work, "Usury in Christendom...," wherein Hoffman totally mis-characterizes usury for what it is.

For Hoffman displays most gross ignorance of economics, money, and banking, not even understanding his putative subject-matter, "usury," falsely calling it the charging-of-interest.

And Hoffman bleats in all his self-pity that he's "censored" when he does the very same thing for suppression of simplest and most justified criticism directed his way, as we see.

For Hoffman, like the Pharisees, lives in his own little, private moralistic world wherein "truth" is only what he says it is--just like the Pharisees who saw fit to (trying to) kill the real truth (= Christ), found in the objective, God-given reality.

But that's okay, Hoffman: we who REALLY support truth and Christ love to see u moralists and Pharisaics fighting and destroying one another as u do so well in ur envy-ridden disputes w. the Talmudists and Jews, buddy. And u can try to suppress the facts about ur moralism, subjectivism, and Pharisaism, but the real truth always gets out--ever noticed that? Enough people know who and what u really are, ho ho ho ho.

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