Friday, March 23, 2018

Jew/satanists are DESPERATE to subvert Christianity MOST OF ALL, never doubt, even using Hitler/nazis--here's text-book example....

Jew/satanic Subversion Exposed (Again)
(Apollonian, 23 Mar 18)

Note the satanic/Jew enemy understands Christianity is the foremost enemy, Christian truth vs. their lies, lying, and liars, so they mount anti-Christ sites like , whence they pretend such anti-Christianity is endorsed by unc' Adolf Hitler and nazis.

Thus I replied to a posting these people made at , see .

My post was rejoined by an obvious Jew, and I then responded to this obvious Jew--whereupon I was blocked fm further posting. So u see just HOW the Jews and satanists operate. Jew, using the name, "Jack Halliday," first posts this moronic assertion: "The very same Jews you speak of are superior to you in every way. Psychologically, ideologically, morally."

I then responded: "Jack Halliday must be kike–he just, like typical kike, asserts moronically, without any substantiation–like a little Jewwy brat mouthing-off at someone who said something the kike didn’t like, ho oh ho ho oho. And no one is “superior” in a totally objective, hence deterministic reality, kike. Stinking filth."

Kike, "Jack Halliday," next posted twice, in typical Jew fashion: "Kill yourself and get the **** off my planet you repugnant Christian leech." Ho hoh o ho ho

Half an hr later, Jackie, the kike adds, "@apollonian

"Sorry, got ahead of myself there.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, apollonian is a typical example of Nigger behaviour: Notice his use of a “word salad”, saying lots without actually saying anything because he is too stupid to formulate an actual sentence. Notice the poor use of punctuation which Koko the gorilla whom had an 84 IQ was better at. Notice how he immediately labels those who disagree with him as a particular thing which he does not like, in this case, if you are critical of him you are a “kike”. Notice his use of strange, orgiastic noises, which is die to the fact that he literally thinks with his dick: “ho oh ho ho oho”. Notice how he is quick to talk **** to those who are not as mentally weak as him because he has a crushing inferiority complex.

"Apollonian – I have yet to see Negrified freaks like you to even sound slightly like this angel:" [Kike appended a vid--see the site comments section.]

I discovered then I was blocked, as I tried unsuccessfully to post this: "Ho ho ho hoo hooo--does "Jackie Jack," the obvious kikenvermin "protesteth too much"?--ho hoh o ho o hoh oho. Who talks about "IQ" like Jackie the kike, but kike filth?--hoho hoho hoh oho. Keep tawking to us, kikey, ho hooho ho ho." Kikes blocked me.

So it's notable to see how the kikes and satanists operate--a text-book example for cowardice, censorship, lies, and lying.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Hoffman is no "historian," neither knowing nor caring anything about economics, money, or banking....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...s-against.html

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Hoffman: Mere Moralist, NOT A Historian
(Apollonian, 15 Mar 18)

Mike Hoffman is now flying high, having been featured by Nation of Islam, being of use to them for his knowledge about the Talmud and Jews. See https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...s-against.html .

We note Mike Hoffman II says, "Keep . . . Hoffman working in defense of the truth...." But the actual fact and the real truth is Hoffman doesn't care about truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) as much as he cares about pretending to "good." Worst enemy of truth (= Christ) is "good," as "good" doesn't exist (see Gosp. MARK 10:18).

And we see Hoffman states at very top of his blog, "Michael Hoffman, Historian." But actually, Hoffman is far more a "moralist" (he's really a Pelagian heretic) than he is historian, and we see this in his travesty of a work, "Usury in Christendom...," wherein Hoffman totally mis-characterizes usury for what it is.

For Hoffman displays most gross ignorance of economics, money, and banking, not even understanding his putative subject-matter, "usury," falsely calling it the charging-of-interest.

And Hoffman bleats in all his self-pity that he's "censored" when he does the very same thing for suppression of simplest and most justified criticism directed his way, as we see.

For Hoffman, like the Pharisees, lives in his own little, private moralistic world wherein "truth" is only what he says it is--just like the Pharisees who saw fit to (trying to) kill the real truth (= Christ), found in the objective, God-given reality.

But that's okay, Hoffman: we who REALLY support truth and Christ love to see u moralists and Pharisaics fighting and destroying one another as u do so well in ur envy-ridden disputes w. the Talmudists and Jews, buddy. And u can try to suppress the facts about ur moralism, subjectivism, and Pharisaism, but the real truth always gets out--ever noticed that? Enough people know who and what u really are, ho ho ho ho.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Brian makes good vid, short and snappy, BUT he leaves out crucial elements, (a) satanism (extreme subjectivism), and (b) sociologic condition of over-populated scum, filth, puke....

Brian's Analysis Misses At Least One Huge Element
(Apollonian, 11 Mar 18)

Brian: I just now saw and listened to ur 4 1/2 min vid, "How We are Losing to the Int'l Jews - 2 - Parliamentary Democracy" ( and again, I'm sorry to see u TOTALLY leave out the subjectivist (satanic) premise at the core of Jews' philosophy, mentality, and movement, including the "people" they lead, dominate, intimidate, and manipulate.

Jews are simply the most sublime satanists (extreme subjectivists), most sublimely collectivist, organized, and well-led in accordance therewith such extreme subjectivism.

Thus the world, now OVER-populated w. huge masses of scum, filth, goons, puke, suckers and such-like monstrosities (the other factoid u leave-out), is NATURALLY ruled and dominated by Jews who manipulate these over-populated scum, filth, et al.--done by practical means of fiat-currency, central-banking, and then the monopolized Jews-media, bought-and-paid-for politicians, judges, et al.

So u see, when u have condition(s) of these over-populated puke and masses of filth, called "people," u will have Jews taking advantage, Jews simply the sort of disease, like leprosy, typhus, or plague, that thrives under such corrupt and un-fortunate sociologic conditions.

So u overlook that if there were no Jews, someone else (probably less efficient) would simply take-up the job Jews now fulfill, leading the satanists and that satanic-themed movement, it all founded upon extreme subjectivism, the pretext for most of these suckers being moralism and non-existent "good-evil," and pretended "free" will--HUBRIS.

Note also, it's simply a deterministic process of CYCLIC history ("Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler) we're observing, including the satanic sociology, dominated and manipulated by Jews--the original satanic impulses innate to everyone as sinners. And note historically, the central-banking, etc., was all begun by gentiles, but now things have become so intensified in satanistic mode that Jews simply and naturally take over as they're most organized, inspired, etc.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Hoffman, psycho moralist pretender, desperate to get people to being sooooo impressed w. Hoffman and his "feeling" for morality....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...neo-nazis.html

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Hoffman: Moralistic Pretender, Protestor, Above All; Thinks He's Sooooo Impressive
(Apollonian, 6 Mar 18)

Hoffman, the passive-aggressive psycho obsessed w. non-existent "good-evil" moralism and Pelagian heresy by which he imagines he can extort God for a place in Heaven is most pathetic sucker for any opportunity to expressing his "moral" outrage, sentiment, and protesting too much.

For geeee whiz, but don't u like babies?--and Hoffman wants to break a lance for them--to show off what a moralist he is, u see--as if God is supposed to be impressed w. this psychotic obsession.

But Hoffman, if u don't want to abort a baby, then just don't do it, sucker. But if someone else wants to abort their baby, not yet born, then that's his/her right--isn't it? For after all, the social-contract couldn't possibly provide any protection for babies not yet born--un-born babies couldn't possibly be parties to any such contract--can't u figure that out?

So the life of babies un-born is mere privilege necessarily controlled by the female carrier, which female is necessarily the only person w. rights, according to any rational social-contract, including that of bringing baby as yet un-born to birth or not.

But Hoffman doesn't care about rights, justice, or peace among rational men founded upon social-contract rationally understood--he just wants people to be aware of and impressed with his breast-beating and moralism, awwwwww geeeeeeeeeee. And Hoffman wants to establish dictatorship over the female carriers, this in way of demonstrating his moralistic corruption and psychosis in spite of any contract, reason, or real regard for humanity.

So have fun beating ur worthless breast, Hoffman, and yes, we know allllllllllllll about u moralistic fakes and charlatans, so ignorant, so shallow and empty, so desperate to pretending to ur strong "feelings" for moralism and pretending u're sooooooooo "good"--because, gee whiz, u care about babies, right?--and u imagine it's soooooooooooooo impressive to others w. weak minds and inferiority-complexes like ur own, eh?

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Christian determinism is deliberately anti-thetical to Jew, satanic subjectivism, pefectly "free" (God-like) will, never doubt....

Christianity Is Necessarily Determinist, Without A Doubt
(Apollonian, 4 Mar 18)

Hi Ken: thanks for ur invite, but I'm not interested in discussing "Bhikkhu Bodhi." For note any such discussion would tend to giving a significance which isn't there based on his own merits--aside fm fact I'm already busy reading-up on WWII hist, esp. for allies of Germany and victimization, after the war, of these allies' leaders, etc., as I was discussing in connection w. Jim Garrison, DA of New Orleans who suffered for the truth. I don't know anything about "Bikkhu Bodhi," anyway, of course as I noted, and not interested in doing any reading-up--as I'm already heavily engaged.

Buddhism in general seems to be quite compromised if it endorses BOTH objectivity and (perfectly) "free" will--which is contradictory and impossible--Jews are sure to taking advantage of this sort of logical flaw, and "Bhikkhu Bodhi" is mere detail to this.

Never forget Jews and satanists HATE Christianity--BECAUSE Christianity most forthrightly opposes (thesis vs. anti-thesis) Jew subjectivism ("midrash"--see and, satanism, and lies. Determinism is mere follow-up consequence to absolute cause-effect which all follows fm objective reality, basis of truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6).

To pretend to (perfectly) "free" will is to surrender to and endorse subjectivism and Judaism--u gotta realize this. We have will, but not a perfectly "free" will--and it's because we don't know all the factors and so we often have difficulty predicting out-comes--thus we use what limited will we have to best of our ability to working within the cause-effect nature of objective reality (hence "science").

Remember also our will isn't "free" to pursuing anything but self-interest due to simple fact our survival is at stake. The moment we got substantially off pursuit of self-interest (self-preservation), it would be all over, and things wouldn't and don't evolve in this manner--we're sinners, creatures of will, though not perfectly "free," hence self-interested, necessarily, at least to a minimum extent for purpose of survival. U must grasp this necessity of self-preservation/interest--we wouldn't have evolved without this.

FM Gosp. MARK 10:17-18, “As Jesus started on his way, a man ran up to him and fell on his knees before him. ‘Good teacher,’ he asked, ‘what must I do to inherit eternal life?’ ‘Why do you call me good?’ Jesus answered. ‘No one is good – except God alone.'"

Then there's St. Paul's Epistle to Romans, 7:18, "“For I know that nothing good dwells within me, that is, in my flesh,....” Also, “I of myself serve the law of God with my mind, but with my flesh I serve the law of sin” (7.25).

St. Augustine then further confirms the hopeless sinful nature of humankind in his writings--see "On Free Choice of the Will." And of course, I don't pretend these quotations here should PROVE anything for u, Ken, but I trust u can see the determinist nature of basic Christian theology--how it opposes the Jew conception--it's not an accident.

So if u want to discuss Buddhism in general, say vs. Christian theology, I guess I could do that, but I can't bother w. "Bhikkhu Bhodi." Take good care and keep up ur good work, A.