Thursday, April 6, 2017

Trump shows true colors: works for Israel, Israel working for deep-state--just when deep-state is on "ropes" over Rice "un-masking" scandal--who'd have figured?....

Trump: Flunky, Chump, Sucker For Kikes, satanists--Criminal, Traitor "Tomahawks" Syria
(Apollonian, 6 Apr 17)

So look folks, the stupid, brainless punk, patsy, chump, and sucker, Trump, the "alpha male," goes and does PRECISELY what "deep state" satanists, and kike filth of Israel need and want--launches Tomahawk cruise missiles against Syria, committing war crimes, crimes against US Constitution, etc., and leaving himself liable for exactly what Democrats want--impeachment and removal, the stupid, brainless scum. It's not "America first," suckers--it's Israel and kike filth first, satanism first.

Just when "deep-state" satanists and Democrats are on the ropes for the Susan Rice "un-masking" and spying scandal, using nat. security surveillance for pol. purposes, Trump and MOSSAD save the day for them, showing what MOSSAD does for "deep state," how the satanists of "left" ("globalists") and right (Israel-first and neo-cons) work together.

Turns out Kushner, the son-in-law is a big leftist and globalist, and he's muscling-out Bannon, Ivanka herself interceding for "climate-change" lies. It all goes to show who really is in charge--same old same old satanists, pulling the strings. And don't forget Tillerson the Sec. State was instrumental for getting gays into Boy Scouts.

So look folks, face facts: Trump is a criminal and a traitor, and Christians and patriots need to take stock at just how miserably they've been fooled and suckered by these scum and Jew-loving filth.

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