Saturday, April 1, 2017

Hoffman is caught again for mis-guided criticism of Jew liars, subjectivists, satanists....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted, but probably not to be published, at comments,

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Hoffman Fools Himself About Jews
(Apollonian, 1 Apr 17)

U're soooooo smug, Hoffman, but here, I'll just take u up for ur last paragraph. U pretend others "miss" "facts," but are u sure u're not missing a few things?

For first of all, race-consciousness is no less than 5th of original Ten Commandments, "honor thy parentage (race)." And why wouldn't race be "everything," as Disraeli notes--for Jews aren't wrong in that regard. For racism is virtue of LOYALTY to people, ancestors, and culture.

And racism, hence loyalty, is not the primary sin of Jews who are satanists who make themselves God the creator, by means of extreme subjectivism by which consciousness/mind is held to be origin/source of reality, thus making themselves God, thus their presumption to midrash and "interpreting" the Torah, etc.

The Judaic nuance, making their satanism so effective and successful, is it's COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivism, unlike the gentiles who simply drive themselves insane by means of their subjectivism, Jews being more organized and better led for their satanic purpose(s).

And as Christ is truth, the only way to the Father (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), such truth necessarily entails and implies the OBJECTIVE (God-given) reality--against Jew subjectivism and lies (JOHN 8:44).

"Leftists" only confirm value and ideal of race as (a) they want to destroy that of their enemies, grasping its virtue, and (b) making one of their own, "mixed" as it is, setting it up as substitute ideal.

So Hoffman, u're refuted as racism is not a sin, and the real sin, as of Jews, is not racism, but rather their satanic (subjectivistic) urge and obsession to set themselves up in their eyes and eyes of others as God or practical same thing, etc., w. ability to creating reality as they preach, this beginning w. Pelagian heresy of "good-evil."

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