Saturday, April 29, 2017

Central-bank, fraud (the Fed), is engine of satanism, death, destruction, perdition, horror, which all accelerates....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted, but then deleted by kikes, at comments,

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Empire Of Lies And Death Founded In satanism
(Apollonian, 29 Apr 17)

Well, I think most important thing to understand about central-banking is its fundamental NATURE as criminal enterprise--LEGALIZED COUNTERFEITING. FRAUD is the essence of this totally criminal enterprise, and this mode of SYSTEMATIZED corruption and perversion steadily leads and progresses to evermore RAGING satanistic insanity--as we see in this present day of Agenda-21 (and -30 addendum) genocide, "reduction of population." These psychopaths of the "deep-state" and United Nations (UN) are actually mass-murdering people, even if by slow-kill methods, BEFORE OUR VERY EYES by means of poison prescription drugs, poison vaccines, poison GMO foods and other food additives, poison fluoridated water, "chem-trails," and toxic radiation of electro-magnetism and nukes.

And as the central-bank is privately-owned it means the money and credit created by the criminal-satanistic system is used by these monopolists to buying-up everything and everybody, the Satanists ending-up owning everything and everybody. The empire-of-lies is a horrendous slave-system of debt-slaves.

Perhaps saddest of all is realization that the masses of over-populated goons, suckers, morons, and scum REFUSE to face fact they're enabling this satanistic monster which is out to exterminating them--because these stupid people refuse to grasp real money must be commodity-based, hence gold/silver being best.

So we're doomed to warfare, but which warfare we must wage and conduct, at this stage, by means of information and ideas. Thus we pt. out the satanists are SUBJECTIVISTS who hold reality is creation of mind/consciousness--this subjectivism then being the core essence of their satanic religion.

Another pt. to be made about this satanism/subjectivism is it works by means of a collectivistic and group-effort and group-thinking sublimely led and guided by master-minds and leaders. Thus humanity which hopes to survive this sublime and perverse satanistic dictatorship must resist by means of a co-operative effort of their own.

Hence subjectivism/Satanism must be opposed and contrasted by means of determinism and the CYCLIC theory of hist., as of Oswald Spengler's "Decline of the West," in which he shows how high cultures begin in objectivity and honesty, but proceed then to maturity, "decline" a degeneration by means of subjectivism and hubris, the very hubris of people and society, so evident even at this very moment, by means of idea humans have a God-like, perfectly "free" will by which they can be "good" or "virtuous," or "progressive," etc., and that their demonized opposition is "evil," the "evil" consisting of "racism," "intolerance," etc., again, as we see before our very eyes.

It isn't easy opposing the satanists because as long as their invincible central-bank instrument continues to seem to function successfully, even in all the phony and false "prosperity," the huge masses of goons and suckers who are willing to enforce the system, long as they're well-led, will succeed long as the opposition is demoralized by the still-functioning mass-media and entertainment instruments ("bread and circuses") who demonize such opposition and then otherwise neutralize, confuse, and befuddle the rest of the population.

Hence the last, or at least latest, stage of our present battle and warfare regards integrity of the still-functioning Internet--which has not, so far, been a great success for the satanists, in fact, the I-net having been great disappointment for them.

Regardless, we keep the people generally informed as we identify the great beast-enemy of the people the satanist-subjectivists pushing their culture of death, fraud, and lies, and their culture of political imperialism and dictatorship. Thus we must emphasize states-rights and local gov., against the empire, founded in rational social-contract, constitutionalism, and respect for individuals, private-property, sanctity-of-contract, rule-of-law, etc. Thus we want and need real, commodity money, gold/silver, nullification of irrational imperial laws, and secession fm the imperial collective. Amen.

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