Friday, December 30, 2016

Don't doubt: satanism, subjectivism victimizes and makes u nutty....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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Mr. Goody: Victim Of Spenglerian "Decline Of West"?
(Apollonian, 30 Dec 16)

Mr. Goody asks, "Whaaa? Passive aggressive? Now you are a shrink? -above, Dec 29, 2016, 11:04:00 AM

I took some psych classes, but why would one have to be "shrink"?--why not just be observant student of psychology? Did u fail to note my satirical essay, above, at Dec 27, 2016, 4:12:00 PM? Who do u think u are, Mr. Goody?--George Stephanopoulos?

For who writes like u do?--"I asked a group of military veterans the other day some questions...."

U seem to imagine u're like a celebrity who's paid to speak before audiences and groups, eh?--like George Stephenopoulos, eh? Did the "group" reply to ur questions in unison, or did they all talk in order, one after the other?--ho ho ho ho ho. U're a joke, Mr. Goody.

U seem to have a screw loose, Mr. Goody.

Then u ask, "Are Satanists different or just more of the same?" -Dec 29, 2016, 11:10:00 AM

But it's not first time I explained to u about satanism, is it, Mr. Goody?--u forget things sooooooo easily, don't u?--how is this, Mr. Goody?

U forget simplest things because u live in a subjectivistic world, don't u?--a world in which u're "good," right?--that's how u became our dearest "Mr. Goody," right?

So u see, Mr. Goody, how ur subjectivism rather fails to serve u, eh?--u can't even remember info (about satanism) given to u in ur own blogs. U imagine u're like George Stephenopoulos, talking to "groups," ho ho ho ho.

No, I'm not a "shrink," but I can tell when someone (like u, Mr. Goody) isn't all there, eh?--isn't that true of many people?--does it mean we're all "shrinks"?--I don't think so.

So u see, Mr. Goody, I submit u're another victim of "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, u taken-up along w. the general cultural hubris, so subjectivistic in ur moralistic manner, pretending u speak to "groups," ho ho ho ho ho--and forgetting simple things which have been explained to u several times, even, in ur own blogs' comment sections. Question is who is it u really think u're fooling, Mr. Goody?--'cause the answer is u fool urself most of all, and it's not a pretty sight, buddy.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Stupid, hubris-filled satanist tool reveals much about state of present culture....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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Mr. Goody Reveals Himself For Lies, Contempt, satanic Culture
(Apollonian, 28 Dec 16)

"Is that what it means to be a Christian? I'm trying to understand you Christians." -Mr. Goody, fm above, Dec 28, 2016, 6:53:00 PM

Thus fm above quote by Mr. Goody, we see far better, more clearly what he's really all about--he's stinking liar and tool of satanism, of course, but we see here more clearly just how the satanists work.

Mr. Goody, of course, first of all lies, pushing "good-evil," and he specializes in lecturing and talking-down to Christians--why Mike Rivero ( occasionally features his blog. Now we see the lying fool, Mr. Goody, pretends he wants to "understand" Christians in his distinctive passive-aggressive mode.

What this idiot, Mr. Goody, forgets is that HE'D BETTER understand Christianity if he knows what's good for him, the scummy little P.O.S., ho ho ho ho

For there couldn't be a better demonstration for the low level of respect for USA's founding culture is there?--than this passive-aggressive patronizing satanist tool, Mr. Goody, telling people about his alleged facts of reality.

Mr. Goody's passive-aggressive patronizing only goes to show how little fear satanists have for the Christian people, and I submit we urgently need to change this state of affairs.

For what has happened, folks?--I say (again) it's perfect picture of hubris within "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler. USA has become Jew S A, led about by the nose by Jews and Israel, as we see.

And we see satanists gloating and exulting--even though they seem to have lost a good deal in latest elections. Yet Jews still have strong influence over Trump, a couple of his children married to the anti-Christ scum. But it's good at least to see masterminds fall-out among themselves, there being "no honor among thieves."

For soon enough proverbial excrement will hit "fan" as US Dollar ("petro-dollar") collapses as reserve-currency, a terrible devaluation and doubling and tripling of prices, perhaps even worse.

But such horrible turmoil is what had to happen given the corruption and perversion we know about all too well.

States-rights, nullification of un-Constitutional laws, and real (gold/silver) money will serve Christians and patriots best of all--against satanic filth and scum.

So I say to scum like Mr. Goody: u seek understanding of Christians, Christianity?--well, I suggest u work to gain that info a.s.a.p., sucker, if u know what's good for u, ho oho ho ho ho

Monday, December 26, 2016

Mr. Goody: is good example of how satanists win, what they use, what they work w. in the corrupt culture of weaklings....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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Mr. Goody: What Is He Really "Good" For?--Well, Let's See...
(Apollonian, 26 Dec 16)

Mr. Goody says: "The chemtrails - I noticed you side-stepped that and other important topics - as usual." -Mr. Goody, fm above, Dec 26, 2016, 4:41:00 PM

One of the tell-tale trademarks of ur psychotic nature, Mr. Goody, is how u so easily and readily TOTALLY forget everything about what's previously, and not that long ago, either, been written IN UR OWN BLOGS, no less. Have u noticed that? Ho ho ho ho ho

For now that I think about it, I note I've actually written quite a lot about GMOs, toxic vaccines, and the toxic chem-trails, NUMEROUS TIMES in ur blogs, sucker--but u've forgotten all about it, because u have no solid sense of any serious, objective reality, do u?--to u, everything is about being normal and politically-correct, even as u deny it (being politically-correct), and "good," eh Mr. Goody? Ho ho ho ho ho oho

For EVERYTHING about u, Mr. Goody, is SUBJECTIVE--that's all u care about--and that's because all u care about is "good-evil," and how it appears to others. And everything u write about u just now thought-up on occasion of ur latest writing, right? Ho ho ho ho oho. U TOTALLY forget what was written even in ur last blog, ho ho ho ho ho

Everything u do, in way of ur "writing" efforts, is for Mike Rivero, who u think is impressed by ur anti-Christianity and way u talk-down to Christians and thus pretend to "criticize" Christianity, about which Christianity u actually know NOTHING--just platitudinous stupid crap which u imagine stupid Christians think about and/or imagine, ho ho ho ho oho. U're such a joke, Mr. Goody, sooooooooooo predictable, ho ho ho ho ho

And u have the gall to write, above: "WITHOUT RECONCILIATION OUR NATION WILL FURTHER DIVIDE." Ho ho ho ho ho

"Reconciliation"?--u don't want that, Mr. Goody. U rather want to appear "GOOD" and morally "virtuous," right? Ho ho ho ho ho--u want to impress Mike Rivero so he'll publicize ur idiot anti-Christian babbling, that's all.

So we see u point-up this theme of "reconciliation," but rather want to push anti-Christ political-correctness and "moral virtue," right?--that's ur real object, isn't it? Ho ho ho oho ho

And u can't handle (u don't seem to have the intelligence) the satanist (extreme subjectivism) issue; thus u end up the TOOL of the satanists and Jews, don't u?--and this u do quite WILLINGLY, we see, always acting the girl in ur passive-aggressive mode, ho ho ho ho.

So u see, Mr. Goody: U'RE THE PROBLEM, buddy--and u refuse to face it. Hence u're actually the perfect picture of the real problem--HUBRIS in all ur pretended "moralist" virtue, ho ho ho ho oho--soooooooooooo politically-correct as u are, even while u lie and deny u're politically-correct, blaming Christians while not even knowing what Christianity is, defending Jews, queers, and satanists, ho ho ho ho ho.

So what else can we do w. u, Mr. Goody, but to (a) make fun of u as u deserve for all ur idiot, brainless hypocrisy, and (b) to pt. out to people what u say, how u act, and how it all fits in culturally, psychologically, and sociologically. Such is "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, u being perfect case-in-pt. Ho ho ho ho ho ho

American madness, hypocrisy, hubris yet expresses itself soooooooooo poignantly....

Below essay by ap first published at comments,

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Mr. Goody Brilliantly, But Un-Knowingly Expresses His Gross Hypocrisy
(Apollonian, 26 Dec 16)

Hey Mr. Goody: why do u tell us stuff like, fm above, "Don't believe me? Consider this: CDC admits last year's flu shot was one of the most ineffective vaccines to date"

or "Want some proof? Consider this: Editor in Chief of Worlds best known medical journal: Half of all research is false:"

Do u remember all the facts I've given u about Jews and satanists?--how Judaism is just a kind of satanism (satanism being extreme subjectivism).

But then u sum it up for urself too, don't u? "The fact is that in their heart [like ur own, Mr. Goody] they still trust these monsters [like the Jews and satanists who rule Jew S A] to protect them - despite these monsters being outed in the past by researchers - but the propaganda sweeps it away - never to be remembered..."

So u see, Mr. Goody, how well u describe the very thing which I observe about u--only u want to pretend it's better or more appropriately applied to others, eh?

Amazing how that all works, eh?--are u a hypocrite?--un-questionably, without the slightest doubt, buddy. And only time is going to tell as Jew S A continues "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, the economy getting evermore desperate, the dumb****s (like urself) finding out, as they will, what it's like to being POOR, prices soon enough doubling and tripling.

What is it that keeps u urself, Mr. Goody, sooooooooooo secure in ur stupidity and ignorance--which u complain about regarding the people u speak of, above? Well, u think u're sooooooo "good," right?--Mr. "normal," ho ho ho ho

And I can assure u, Mr. Goody, the people u complain about, as u do, above, more resemble u than u imagine, buddy--feeling soooooooooo "secure" in their way, not terribly un-like u urself.

So are u frustrated?--if so, then u can understand our own frustration at folks like u who pretend u're "good," and that it's sooooooooooo "cool" to not being anti-semitic, eh?

It's truly interesting u see so much the VERY SAME problem in others, as u so well describe, above, which u suffer for urself.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

"Conspiracy theory" meme: briefly captured, weaponized by Jew world order, but now exposed for all to see....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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Conspiratorial, Sinful, Tragic Is Nature Of Humanity
(Apollonian, 4 Dec 16)

Well, "conspiracy-theory" is a buzz-phrase, obviously, easily analyzed, in all truth, which worked for some, for a while, for easily-understood reasons, given circumstances, like lack of I-net, etc.

Thus "conspiracy-theory," the buzz-phrase, came-out during the 60s, pushed by CIA and -connected Jews-media, even before Watergate (consp.) scandal, when US Dollar was still strong and dominating. But even then, it was still easily, readily noted New Test. contains consp. theory of Pharisees and Sadducees against Christ = truth, and Dec. of Independence wherein Jefferson described consp. of King and Parliament.

Note Karl Marx alluded to consp. on part of "capitalists." (Andrew) Jacksonian Democrats decried the consp. of corporations and the central bank (BUS). Don't forget the Consp. of Cataline as prosecuted by Cicero, and before that the conspiracies of Hippias and Hipparchus, as decried by Solon.

So consp. theory meme has been around since the beginning, but it was captured, streamlined and weaponized into a leftist/NWO (New world order) meme due to the hegemony over the mass-media prior to the present I-net which I-net now has definitively dissected it for far more massive audience/market.

Who then are foremost conspirators?--SATANISTS (extreme subjectivists). Who are foremost satanists (subjectivists)?--Jews and masons, Jews, most organized, -connected, and cohesive, taking precedence for obvious reasons; see

How do satanists come to dominate?--by means of criminal consp. What's foremost criminal activity?--central-banking which affords nearly (but not quite) infinite funding/financing which allows control ownership of everything and nearly everyone, even if only by threat/suggestion of assassination which even Ron Paul must observe.

And the false prosperity of a now corrupt and degenerate economic system inexorably induced by central-banking ineluctably corrupts practically an entire population, creating monsters, as we see, working for such as Agenda-21 genocide ("pop.-reduction").

The Clintons?--they simply constitute and epitomize most perfectly the very sort of satanism, hence conspiracy to be understood as exemplary case-in-pt.--all it requires is a simple listing of the various details journalists have collected. Of course, it doesn't stop w. Clintons, but continues w. such as George Soros, Jew. And don't forget, Trump himself, even though he's understood as dragon-slayer of Clintons, is closely connected w. Jews, his own progeny married in w. them, his daughter having even apostatized.

For humans are sinners, and the more successful, victorious, and "prosperous" they become, through inevitable hubris, the more satanic, hence conspiratorial they are. Greeks always warned of the Tragic ("sinful," according to Christians) nature of human existence.

What is Christian salvation, regarding this satanic conspiracy?--there is "no honor among thieves," and they inevitably fall-out, fighting one another--as we see. For it's simply CYCLIC activity, according to Oswald Spengler in "Decline of the West," and when civilization begins again, the conspiratorial activity likewise increases. Thus tragic, sinful humanity strives, suffers, fails and falls.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Real Christianity is DETERMINIST, never doubt, a very simple argument (absolute cause-effect), which satanists, subjectivists, and Platonists hate, ho ho ho....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Determinism Really Simple, Crushing Argument
(Apollonian, 29 Nov 16)

Well, I said what I said, and consider that's sufficient, u just repeating ur special-pleading and mysticism. Christianity (worship of TRUTH [= Christ] founded upon objectivity) is the Hegelian (-style) anti-thesis to Pharisaic subjectivism ("midrash," Oral Law Tradition), hence lies (Gosp. JOHN 8:44), as I've noted.

Foremost pretext to this subjectivism is non-existent "good-evil," Pelagian heresy--why is this so difficult to grasp? Neither u nor anyone is capable of "good" (which requires definition), and this is a deterministic fact, period.

St. Paul affirms we're sinners, we not having "free" will to not sinning, we requiring God's grace and mercy to enter Heaven, etc.

So is Christ = truth?--yes or no? How can there be truth without an objective reality? And if reality is objective, then it's determined (absolute cause-effect) which is affirmed by St. Paul--so what do u want? Determinism is also the necessary inductive conclusion given observation of reality, u not capable of presenting any counter-evidence. So keep wiggling and squirming.

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

Liberty Bell November 29, 2016 at 5:52 PM

As for your professed Internet difficulties: Make sure that you are not copying the final period. The period ends the sentence, not the URL. The URL is as follows:

You can also access it via The Wayback Machine.

In any case, Vexen's page relates: "I've been a member of the Church of Satan for 15 years (since 1999), and ran the London Satanists for several years..."

As to the remainder of your remarks, I already admitted that the "fact [that he is a Satanist] ...does not entail that either his biblical exegesis or his theological musings will be in error..."

Nonetheless I find it darkly humorous that, for all your protestations against "Satanism," and for all of the millions of pages written on the issue of free will by Christian exegetes and theologians, the Bible expository that you submit (in lieu of your own) in defense of your stated denial of free will was penned by a Church of Satan adherent.

Is there no Church Doctor or Divine - whether Catholic, Orthodox, or Protestant - that you can summon in support of your denial of free will? Just out of curiosity, can you point to any denomination or sect of Christianity (besides the "Church of Satan"!) that has even held or that now holds a position similar to the one that you endorse?

Of course, I already said that I would be willing to at least scan Crabtree's commentary. (Though I admit that I do not have anything like high hopes for it.) But I will need some time to do so, since at present my workload will not permit it.

So...stay tuned, I guess :-)

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Ethics then must be regarding management of emotions concerning inevitable, inexorable, determined reality, including emotions of others too; it's much an art....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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It's All God's Fault, Which He Admitted, Duly Died For, Giving Us Holy Spirit For Guidance
(Apollonian, 23 Nov 16)

Good gravy, but what is this blog really supposed to be about? I note the title question, Is God responsible (for original sin)?--and yes, he obviously must be, but still we have our problem(s) to occupy our attn.

Then, however, we see u write lots of other stuff which perhaps we're supposed to address, but maybe it's safer not to.

But when in doubt, often I find it's expedient to refer to the thematic dialectic of the literature which pertains to grasping the problem within proper context, Christ (= truth, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) vs. the satanic Pharisees who seriously thought they could murder TRUTH, but which truth triumphantly resurrected (Easter) as it can't be killed, as reality is objective and can't be killed, truly a lesson to be taken to heart.

Thus the objective, Aristotelian reality triumphs over satanic subjectivist, the objective reality base for all/any ensuing ethics, exemplified by Christ, reconciling emotion w. inexorable, inevitable, determined reality (will of God), including then, the emotions of fellow humans. It's much an artistic effort, regarding ethics, politics, and human psychology.

So "original sin" is that condition of human will, hence self-interest, and problem of management, necessity of reason and Holy Spirit by which we grasp the truth (= Christ), the greatest virtue for things. And life then is very much an art for ethical virtue and management therewith, Holy Spirit (reason, honesty, and integrity) there to guide us for grasping truth (= Christ).

Monday, November 21, 2016

Christian TRUTH (= Christ) necessarily abhors "good-evil" delusion/fallacy/heresy (Pelagianism), which is pretext for subjectivism, satanism....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Christian Truth Abhors "Good-Evil," Premise Of satanism
(Apollonian, 21 Nov 16)

"But as I said, in the historic Christian tradition - as far as I can tell, anyway - "sin" is willingly doing what is bad." -fm above text.

So what is "bad"?--there has never been any satisfactory definition of "good-evil"--it's sheer subjectivism, purpose being intimidating and scaring children and people, most of whom never emerge fm childish mentality, all this for purpose of controlling the population/citizenry. Tragedy then is this "good-evil" delusion/heresy (Pelagianism) provides pretext for more extreme subjectivism, satanism, hubris, and total degeneracy, collapse of the culture, "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

And what's "Christian tradition"?--this is extremely interesting question/issue, but we see the best theologic exposition begins w. New Test., after Christ, esp. that of St. Paul, but also St. JOHN the Gospel writer, and beyond that is highly problematical, mere attempted applications, some more successful than others. St. Augustine was great saint and thinker, but he was no better than anyone else for definition of "good-evil"--a failure.

And we see every attempt at such definition of this mythical "good-evil" falls to the simple question of WHY, ho ho ho. Take Immanuel Kant, who tells us moral virtue is duty, but doesn't tell us why (question-begging). "Duty" then is regarding absurdity of "categorical imperative" clap-trap, against self-interest, without any (sufficient or satisfactory) explanation for WHY. Kant is surely one of the great jokers of all philosophy, after Aristophanes who gave us the most accurate picture of Socrates ("The Clouds").

In New Test., "good-evil" is always kept at simpleton level of metaphor for children, there's no clear criterion ever given.

For practical purposes, we see, so often the moralists resorting to the desperate (circular) claim that it's "good" to believe in "good-evil," ho ho ho--how pathetic. And ultimately we see even the Christians can't get past the simple AXIOM of self-interest, the reward/incentive of heaven and avoidance of pain of heck.

And all this pathetic rigmarole regarding non-existent "good-evil" is obviated by simple metaphysical precept of DETERMINISM--whatever happens had to happen that way, period. Humans are self-interested by nature and Godly design, PERIOD, get over it already. Reason (intellect) is for simple purpose of assuaging one's emotions, esp. in relation to other humans, hence then virtue of discerning the determinist nature; it simply follows logically fm prior premise/assumption of objectivity.

But gee whiz, say the moralists, this (determinism) then makes life too simple--we don't then have to worry and agonize about what's "good-evil" for the morons of society so as to control and enslave them and keep them fighting one-another, golly.

Thus it was that even in Book of Genesis, God commanded humans not to eat of Tree of knowledge of good-evil--because it (such "knowledge") is a ruse by which to confound humanity and cause suffering, anguish, etc.

Very purpose of Christianity was combatting of satanism (extreme subjectivism) of Pharisees who preached subjectivism ("midrash" and "Oral Law Tradition"), pretext for this sort of "good-evil," "good-evil" then being pretext for subjectivism.

Thus Christ made sure to utterly destroy the satanists and Pharisees at the outset by establishing existence of TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6, also JOHN 8:32 and 18:37-8), hence the objective reality, hence the determinist nature. Everything else for proper ethics follows fm the metaphysical premise. Absolute worst corruption of Christianity is pretension to "good-evil" which is actually the very NEGATION of Christianity, properly understood.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Jew satanists can't allow satanists be identified as such, or analyzed as (extreme) subjectivism--because that's Jews!....

Jews Can't Allow satanists Named, Analyzed Explicitly As Such--satanists, Hence Subjectivists
(Apollonian, 17 Nov 16)

The (organized by Jews) satanists are psychotic and now, at this pt., so filled w. hubris of their own that (a) they're fighting among themselves--that's why Trump (leading the "good kikes") defeated hitlery (leader of the "globalists"), ho ho ho ho. So the patriots have won a slight reprieve by means of Trump, bless his Jewwy heart.

(b) Satanists are hysterical and they're not letting-up over the election which they lost, their leader, Soros, continuing w. non-stop lies, propaganda, paying "protesters" to riot relentlessly, night after night, this even though the election is over. So what's going to happen? Well, satanists are considering killing Trump, evidently. The dumb, brainless bastards--the "people"--better take heed, there may be another false-flag coming to cover Trump assassination.

Notice also, the great sin denounced by these satanists is RACISM, ho ho ho ho ho. Too bad the dumb, brainless scum (the "people") can't think to retort that racism is virtue, virtue of LOYALTY--ck any dictionary. Dumb, brainless scum, however, don't have (a) brains of their own, or (b) decent leadership. For observe these satanist scum get away w. their antics, as we see, and the morons, including Trump and such as Ajax Jones of who pretend to lead, don't have the wit to pt. out the obvious satanism of Soros, hitlery, et al., or that racism is actually quite rational virtue. Ajax Jones, as usual, is out-of-breath denying desperately he's racist, ho ho ho ho, the stupid, fat-headed hill-billy, ho ho ho ho oho.

So the satanists have their victims playing their game, these stupid victims (such as Trump and fat-head Jones) led and counseled by Jews falling all over themselves denying they're racist, failing to pt. out and emphasizing satanism. For identifying satanism properly as (extreme) subjectivism would ruin Jones' game for pretending to "good-evil," as well as exposing Jews, because subjectivism and satanism is what Judaism is all about--Jews can't have this to becoming common knowledge of the people, people being stupid, brainless scum, to such a great extent.

So remember: the big thing is top satanists (JEWS, suckers) want to saddle the people w. Jewwy leadership as Trump and Ajax Jones.

Necessary answer for people, in abstract, is emphasizing Christian truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) absolutely anti-semitic, opposed to Jew filth and their lies (JOHN 8:44) built on subjectivism. More specifically, we need emphasis upon states-rights, nullification, and gold and silver, real money, not currency.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

"Blame" upon Jews truly needs be understood for exact place, function of Jews within the corrupt, degenerate society in Spenglerian "Decline of the West"....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted but not (yet, anyway) published at comments,

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Place Of Jews, satanism In Large Sociologic Scheme
(Apollonian, 16 Nov 16)

Hoffman tells us: "Enough with blaming most of our woes on “the Jews,” or other races. Only we can defeat ourselves. It is our own brethren alone who possess the full capability to destroy us. All other enemy forces are merely ancillary."

But Hoffman: haven't I made it clear that u, personally, are integral part of the large problem? Because u urself excuse the Jews, as we see, right?--and haven't I always pt'd this out about the larger problem which concerns Jews?

For Jews are the LEADERS of organized satanism (extreme subjectivism), esp. as Jews are top central-bankers (see for expo), funding everything else for the large criminal empire. So when people "blame" Jews, as u put it, they're simply pt-ing out Jews are leaders of organized crime (central-banking). And when we eliminate Jews, we thus cut "head" off proverbial, criminal "snake." And when the leadership is exterminated, the rest of the job against criminals and conspirators is much easier.

And why and how are Jews the leaders of organized crime?--because, obviously, they're most organized and practical for their criminality, Jews being COLLECTIVIST subjectivists/satanists, unlike many if not most goyim who are far more nihilistic, individualistic, and hence un-organized and ineffective for their satanism/subjectivism.

Thus Jews merely take advantage of a corrupt and degenerate culture of "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, when the people become smug and HUBRISTIC, like u, Hoffman, pretending to subjectivism and Pelagianist "good-evil."

So sure, Jews surely aren't necessarily "primary" problem; they're not "evil" (nothing is "evil" or "good"), but they're a disease, like plague, typhus, or leprosy, and they MUST be removed and dealt with, like any criminal gang. And u, Hoffman, seem to think u're their lawyer, speaking-up for them, making excuses for them, right?--as we see.

So I guess u're really shown as somewhat accurate for ur overall cultural and psychological assessment, but not in way u imagine. For mystics and Pelagianist heretics like urself are what makes way and place for Jews, the leading, most practical satanists and criminals of our degenerate, hubristic society. Such then is place and function of Jews and satanism within hubristic society and culture in "Decline of the West."

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Trump did pretty well campaigning, but might have done better for emphasizing the satanic element to hitlery....

Trump Could Have Exposed, Emphasized satanic Element More
(Apollonian, 8 Nov 16)

Trump did a good job campaigning, I suppose, but could have done better had he more emphatically denounced satanism and associated hitlery w. that satanism. But the Jews no doubt discouraged Trump fm that sort of association and analysis as it would have pt'd up Jews and the Jew element to satanism, as it would have led to clarification for the common basic principles of the two, satanism and Judaism, for that principle is simple: extreme subjectivism, the idea that all reality is emanation of one's own consciousness/mentality, thus that one is God, creating one's own reality. Jews as well as satanists cannot stand exposure.

For Jews are most practical subjectivists, maintaining a sort of sanity about them, unlike many gentile satanists, as their subjectivism is far more collectivistic, not so much making any particular individual to being God, but rather the whole Judaic people as God. Thus Jews are most organized, Jews always the leading criminals who control organized crime, topmost enterprise being central-banking, that legalized counterfeiting, as present US Federal Reserve Bank (the "fed," see for expo) which controls all the rest of organized criminality and lots of the un-organized sort too, actually.

Regardless, that clarification, hence exposure of satanism and the subjectivist element is inevitable, and as it inexorably happens the false and satanic Christianity will itself be exposed, and those phony Christians won't like that.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Will satanists win this election?--they're certainly trying and working hard--and lots of folks KNOW, too....

satanism Working For Election Fraud--Will They Succeed?--Stay Tuned
(Apollonian, 5 Nov 16)

Satanists are all in on this election--what a joke. For anyone who takes things seriously KNOWS Trump is way ahead in voter support. HOW do we "know"?--by means of strategic polls, as done by Trump himself, for one, but mostly and especially by looking at the support given by people at the rallies. Hitlery is the satanic candidate, of Soros, CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), Trilaterals, et al. So question is merely how far the satanists will push this gross fraud. We're going to see and find-out for sure extent of satanist control at the local and state level.

FOX News pushes the fraud, along w. all the other Jews-media, to effect things are tight, regarding these phony "polls," including even Alexei Jones of, though he will hedge and sometimes admit the real numbers are Trump way out ahead. Of course, purpose of the phony polls is to make the vote- and election-fraud seem plausible.

Tex. gov. hasn't arrested the vote officials here in Tex. despite the reports of fraud and vote-flipping, so far. Most disturbing is judges now have effectively banned exit-polling, at least for some states or places, calling it "intimidation," all at behest of hitlery and satanists. Fix is in. Such corrupt judges naturally should be executed for treason.

Regardless, surely, far more people are aware of the fraud and general, prevailing satanism. Even Alexei Jones is covering the more lurid aspects of such satanism, of course not really analyzing it for simple subjectivist essence. Alexei really isn't too bright, everything considered, regardless his own high opinion of himself. Alexei Jones, proof of the "Peter Principle."

So people KNOW--they know enough, and enough people know--about the satanic power working to take-over, and it's Jews at the center of it: Judaism = subjectivism = satanism. Jews and satanism hate truth, hence freedom, hence humanity. Stupid people need to learn subjectivism = satanism = lies = death, but they're stupid, poor scum. So the stupid puke will learn the hard-way, I'm afraid--such is lesson of CYCLIC history, according to Oswald Spengler and "Decline of the West."

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

satanists, Jews, "powers, principalities" obscure the proper meaning, place, function of hatred, extremely useful emotion, reciprocal of "love" of St. Paul....

satanic Power, Principality: Real Meaning Of Political Correctness--Enforced By Jews
(Apollonian, 2 Nov 16)

St. Paul tells us that as Christians we're supposed to "love," hoh o ho ho ho--but this needs some explaining. For one can't love just anything or everything, can one? Ho ho ho ho ho No: for "love" needs be understood in proper context--along w. good old hatred--love-hate is same basic emotion, they being reciprocals. And hatred has its value and place which satanists don't want to admit.

I think St. Paul wanted to contrast things w. the Pharisaic hatred of humanity, as we know fm kikes, who hate humanity--as we see as in way they just stole the land fm Palestinians, for example, and golly, but if u bring the subject up u'll be slapped-down, and nothing ever comes of such subject-matter and discussion--but hatred and contempt by Jews. Thus one learns to hate Jews--IF one is (a) human and hence (b) HONEST. So Christianity then merely lends a temperance (part of the sublime Holy Spirit) to such hatred, hatred considered in a larger context, Christianity upholding TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6).

For after all, why not just exterminate the Jews and/or Judaism? Thus Judaism/Talmudism deserves extermination, if nothing else. See for expo on Talmud, basis of Judaism.

Thus we see the Jew-centric, -oriented world whence humans are required to accept Jew over-lordship, hence "political-correctness" (PC), and one isn't allowed to talk seriously about this Jew dictatorship and hegemony. This Jew-orientedness is essence then of PC and Satanism (extreme subjectivism by which one is God unto oneself, all reality mere emanation of consciousness/mentality) which rules our world so pathetically and sublimely.

And if one looks and sees, hating Jews was very much key to Christian/Western prosperity and security up until the fateful French Revolution (1789) whence Jews broke free to rule, even if behind the scenes, as the Rothschilds, and in name of Kantian mysticism (anti-reason) and MORALISM. Nowadays, since WWII at least, Jews rule openly. Christianity is simply subverted for proper understanding, Christians made to fighting one another so brilliantly by Jews.

Even before 1789, Jews were working their way to hegemony by means of their banking scam, legalized counterfeiting, fractional-reserve money and banking, leading to central banking (see, as of Bank of England in 1696. And of course, fractional-reserve banking always existed, but Jews made it genuinely powerful as Jews were most organized for their satanism, hubris, and thorough-going subjectivism. Subject of MONEY is not easy to explain, grasp, and understand.

For gentiles can be subjectivists, but they're typically nihilistic, dis-organized, and quite irrational as in way of outright madness--thus subject to leadership by Jews. For Jews are most sublimely organized, naturally collectivistic, and diabolical for their reasoning, as their Talmud demonstrates and teaches. Thus Jews are leaders of organized crime, as central-banking is most sublime criminal enterprise.

Thus "hatred" is treated in a special, PC manner, as by Jews, seldom mentioned but in off-hand and contemptuous manner, practically held to be synonymous w. "evil" itself, though "evil" doesn't actually mean anything of substance, as it doesn't really exist--but that's another subject-matter, part of the non-existent "good-evil" fallacy involving the hubris of a non-existent perfectly "free" will, part of the fallacious Kantian-type moralism which prevails in the gov.-funded schools and idiot-factories.

So hatred has it's proper value, place, meaning, use, and function which the anti-Christ and Jew influence has veiled, clouded, traduced, and obscured, esp. by means of keeping Christianity mis-understood for it's true rationalist value and place in larger Western culture. Perhaps most of all, Christianity has been mis-understood, for one great thing, for it's proper and necessary anti-semitism. Funny thing is many Jews will admit Christianity is anti-semitic, but they do so in such a resentful and bitter manner as if they expect the stupid Christian-styled scum (as they're not really Chrisitan and honest) to fall all over themselves insisting and repeating Christianity is NOT anti-semitic.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

People have to say the word out loud: "satanism"--that's what's working, why they'd run hitlery for Pres., even if she's such blatant criminal....

Come, Let Us Bask In All The satanic Sublimity, Glory, Ho Ho Ho
(Apollonian, 28 Oct 16)

Now consider, think, and ponder: even hitlery's aides, like Podesta and Neera Tanden were commenting, the lawyer, Mills, advising hitlery to resign fm board(s) regarding conflict-of-interest, but hitlery said to them all, "never mind," as she knew better--what was she thinking?

Well, as we now know fm wikileaks, hitlery knew she had her satanic mentors of "COG" (continuity of gov.), "deep-state," "shadow-gov." working for her, having everything covered--so they all thought, ho ho ho ho ho

But now people know lots of stuff due to leaks and revelations fm wiki, Project Veritas, and even a "fixer" Jew who has told stuff to such as Sean Hannity, and what do we see?--simply the hubris of satanism w. their nearly un-limited funds fm the US Federal Reserve Bank legalized counterfeiting instrument.

And we saw, already proven now, how hitlery defrauded Bernie Sanders and the Democrats for the nomination. Presently we see the vote fraud, flipping, and rigging that's going on now in the "early" voting. So there's plenty of grounds, seems to me, for the cops to go out and arrest and jail responsible officials, and getting rid of the rigged machines owned and controlled by George Soros.

People need to speak up, talk explicitly about the satanism in-ur-face which is going-on, ZOG running hitlery who's practically dying before our very eyes of Parkinson's disease, or whatever.

So u see folks, satanism is what it is which best and most easily explains how powers-that-be would willingly run such a psycho, criminal, and satanist like hitlery who's such a BLATANT criminal--it's part of the satanic contempt for humanity and reason. But the people need to EXPLICITLY say the word, satanism, so that others get the clue too--it's what's needed most for the information of the volk.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Who's kidding who?--the satanism of hitlery is now so gross, blatant, in-ur-face that it's positively COMEDIC when u think about it, seriously....

Hitlery: Ultimate satanist And Now Comic Poseur--Trump Should Bring It All Into Open--HE COULDN'T LOSE--Who's Kidding Who, After All?
(Apollonian, 21 Oct 16)

Observe: we see now satanism of hitlery Clinton, gross criminal and murderer (as of Qadaffi, former, late ruler of Libya, victim of illegal invasion, etc.) reduced to virtual comedy, lately, for the demand by satanists that Trump ratify on-going election fraud of hitlery being even possibly elected president which election is otherwise impossible--INCONCEIVABLE--people thereby voting effectively for war w. Russia as in Syria w. imposition of "no-fly zone" by hitlery?--open borders?--IMPOSSIBLE--as people couldn't and wouldn't ever vote for these obviously moronic things (when u really think about it)--it's now become farcical, and Trump ought to bring it all up and out in open for discussion and consideration--the absolutely satanic presumption of it all. Who's kidding who now?

Note the satanists next deplore Trump's un-willingness to roll-over for obvious election fraud like Bernie Sanders did for hitlery's and DNC's (Dem. Nat. Committee) blatant fraud in selection of hitlery as party candidate, stealing it all fm Bernie, practically in everyone's face. Cowardly and corrupt Bernie thus grossly betrayed his numerous supporters--but not our good leader, Trump, who stands like a real man against it all. Who's kidding who?

Trump should call satanists' bluff and expose these satanists explicitly by saying flat-out that if hitlery is "elected" then (a) it could/would ONLY be election-fraud, and (b) people should righteously take-up arms to over-throw the fraud and arrest the culprits, beginning w. hitlery. For how would such justified up-rising by the armed citizenry be worse than hitlery's utterly illegal "no-fly zone" and totally illegal war? Trump should simply demand to knowing whether Syria is sovereign country, yes or no? And didn't hitlery herself admit ISIS is funded by Qatar and Saudi Arabia? The logic of it all would greatly favor our good and brave leader, Trump, even though he is in w. Jews himself, unfortunately.

The "wikileaks" revelations give more than ample evidence for hitlery's gross criminality; the people well-know it, and Trump should lead and make it EXPLICIT. If hitlery had any shred of decency she'd resign, but of course, she doesn't (have least shred of decency).

And it's interesting, isn't it, that hitlery who's obviously dying of Parkinson's disease is yet pushed as candidate--how is this?--why? Well, it's just confirmation of satanist take-over of the country and world (a). And (b), it would actually be mere ruse, in all truth, by which Tim Kaine, who's another satanist, obviously, is allowed to sneak into the office. (c) And hitlery's candidacy itself is tribute by JWO (Jew world order) satanists for hitlery's tacitly admitted satanic mastery of the satanic craft for such consummate lying and posturing, hitlery the ultimate poseur, satanically so--enabler of slick Willie the rapist who lost his license to practice law for lying to the court. Who says females cannot out-do males for sheer satanism?

Thus hitlery quite literally provides most perfect model for lying, murder and mass-murder (impending war w. Russia), corruption, criminality, TREASON (open borders and gun-registration), and satanism which Trump ought to bring-up and pt.-out for a candid world and citizenry--Trump would really be doing all humanity, including himself, the greatest service in so speaking truth in the face of such blatant and now, at this pt., absolutely COMEDIC satanism. Who's kidding who, really?

So if there are any of u out there reading this, u should share this exposition of satanism-reduced-to-comedic-absurdity in way of hitlery's candidacy, especially at this pt., everything considered, to all ur friends and allies so that it might get to Trump--or at least to some nearly prominent spokes-person for civilization, humanity, and Christianity who would make it public. For WHO would be outraged or seriously offended at idea that it's totally impossible for hitlery's election except by election fraud (a), and (b) that it would absolutely justify the taking-up of arms by citizenry?--think about it.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Mr. Goody lies (again): for there's not "too little truth," no; Mr. Goody just has too little HONESTY, that's all....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Mr. Goody: Has Too Little HONESTY
(Apollonian, 28 Sep 16)

So u see, Mr. Goody: the very title of ur stupid blog is a lie, "...Not Enough Truth"--there's PLENTY of truth, sucker; u just don't want to face-up to it, that's all. And it demonstrates once again, pretended "good" and moralism is worst enemy of truth. Observe how u mis-represent the truth and evade the truth--all in name of "good" and moralism.

U evade truth about 9/11.
U evade truth about ur moralism.
U evade truth about Satanism and subjectivism.
And of course, u evade truth about ur precious Jews, most directly responsible for 9/11.

So u see, Mr. Goody, how ur putrid moralism sucks and leads to "Decline of the West" and all the horrible consequences of a degenerate culture sinking in ur sort of hubris founded in inferiority-complex.

"Not enough truth"?--no, Mr. Goody: for u, there's just not enough HONESTY, buddy, that's ur problem. For ur sort of "good" is built upon LIES and subjectivism, buddy, what u don't want to face.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Basis of "good-evil" delusion/fallacy/heresy?--inferiority complex, of which guilt-complex is mere sub-set, sub-compartment....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Mr. Goody: Psychotically Obsessed With Inferiority-Complex
(Apollonian, 25 Sep 16)

Thus we see what "American's Journey" is all about--MORALISM. And we see how it has ended for Mr. Goody: lies, subjectivism, and satanism--that's it folks, as Porky Pig would tell people at the end of the old Warner Bro.s cartoons, ho ho ho ho ho.

And what then is it at the bottom and behind all this moralist obsession as we see fm Mr. Goody?--INFERIORITY COMPLEX, that's all, guilt-complex being mere sub-compartment.

Thus Mr. Goody imagines he and humans have perfectly "free" (hence God-like) will--which can change reality, like God. Such then is satanism, folks, and now u see why/how Mr. Goody so much relates w. his Jew buddies, masters, and idols, why he defends their conspiracy, criminality, and sociopathy--because he's one too.

It's just that gentile satanists/subjectivists are not nearly as organized, u see. So like masons and homosexuals, they (satanists) have to follow along w. Jews, Jews providing the financing and funds for these subjectivists, dupes, useful idiots, and criminals who betray fellow gentiles. After all, it (treason) is all in spirit of (moral) decency, etc., according to these scum.

And how does a society produce these multitudes of scum, inferiors, moralists, and traitors?--answer: the natural over-population that occurs in CYCLIC course of "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler--as happened in Rome, and happened now in Jew S A and West.

Thus we see into the basic motivation of such traitors like Mr. Goody, the excuse being "morality," but the reality being envy and resentment borne of inferiority complex.

Friday, September 23, 2016

In times of hubris, "prosperity," etc., it's easy being Pharisaic, Jew-friendly "defender of good," etc....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Mr. Goody Doesn't Want To Face-Up To His Treason, Conspiracy
(Apollonian, 23 Sep 16)

See Mr. Goody, the satanists (extreme subjectivists) win as they know how to manipulate subjectivist (moralist) puke like u. How is it dumb****s like u imagine anyone else wants to listen to ur stupid crap?--I guess there just grows to being lots of hubristic scum who beleeeeeeeeeeev in "good-evil" fiction and psycho-babble.

U may retort that we Christians are equally inept, but such are the circumstances of "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, the stupid people, corrupt and hubristic (subjectivistic)--like u--think they know everything, and Christian honesty is difficult to sell--as we see.

So people must suffer and some of them even have to "fall" by proverbial "way-side," unfortunately. And only out of these difficult circumstances do people learn value of honesty, rejecting hubris and subjectivism as urs.

So u see, Mr. Goody, once people agree in subjectivism, like Judaism, masonry, etc., THEY'RE CONSPIRATORS, and when any one of them commits a crime, THEY'RE ALL GUILTY. That's why Jews, masons, and Pharisaics and subjectivists like urself need be rounded-up and dealt with--it's going to happen, sucker.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Mr. Goody's satanic function: cognitive dissonance, telling folks there's "not enough truth," facts, when in reality there's PLENTY, all we need....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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Mr. Goody Pushes Lies, Dis-Info, Cognitive Dissonance, Doing His satanic Work
(Apollonian, 19 Sep 16)

"15 years of 911 but not enough truth," says Mr. Goody, above.

But actually, we know quite a lot of the truth, including about scummy puke like Mr. Goody here and now who's simply adding some cognitive dissonance. "It's Jews, stupid." See "Solving 9/11" at

And of course, along w. Jews, instrumental is the satanic (extreme subjectivist) cultural complex Jews head, lead, control, and manipulate, including then willing dupes and useful idiots like Mr. Goody, who says he hopes we're all "inspired," the scummy patronizing P.O.S., anti-Christ traitor and liar, pretending he's "patriot," who loves calling American Christian people "hypocrites."

Mr. Goody wants people to think we need to know just a few more things, ho ho ho. No, Mr. Goody: we really know all we need to know, esp. about Jews and Jew-friendly traitors and scum like u, buddy.

For we KNOW the ignorant, slanderous, lying scum, Mr. Goody, knows nothing about Christianity, despite his constant and continuous denigration of Christians/Christianity, and further, he vows not to know anything about Jews and satanism as he tells us, above, Sep 14, 2016, 8:21:00 PM. So we see the program of cognitive dissonance clearly, subtly pushed, in his way, by Mr. Goody, who says he wishes us all to be "inspired."

And observe Western tradition of Jew-hatred and anti-semitism (anti-satanism), HEALTHY CHRISTIANITY, led so steadily to prosperity and relative security. But when this healthy and virtuous anti-semitism was rejected, great horror and calamity has ensued--and which is still playing itself out as the over-populated goons, fools, scum, morons, and suckers of the West and world struggle through the cognitive dissonance to discern what has happened.

Observe how one of the very greatest saints and anti-semites of all history, dear unc' Adolf, continues being demonized by the satanic complex and mouth-pieces.

Unfortunately, the masses of so-called Americans have been too well programmed and trained in "learned helplessness" by such as Mr. Goody, and it will take a little more time and surely a lot more misery before the masses of goons, fools, suckers, and morons begin to getting a brain, so-to-speak. Such is life in CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Never forget: subjectivism is core, essence, basis of satanism, perfectly reflected by Jew, Talmud and all history....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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satanic Cultural Complex Founded By Such As Mr. Goody
(Apollonian, 16 Sep 16)

What's problem w. Jew S A?--satanism in general (extreme subjectivism) which has so much taken over Jew S A and West in general, which satanism then is led by Jews (see and founded upon the political-correct Jew-friendliness and anti-Christianity of such as Mr. Goody.

Observe Mr. Goody's satanic obsession for Jew-sympathy, along w. anti-Christianity, and insane insistence upon subjectivism and "good-evil," all essential part-parcel for the satanic complex which thrives and rules in West and Jew S A. How did 9/11 happen?--over-population of people like Mr. Goody.

------------below-copied by Mr. Goody in response to above-------------------

Anonymous Sep 16, 2016, 8:05:00 PM

Apsterian: Do you share this definition? We can get to your addition of "extreme" later...

From wiki:"Subjectivism is the philosophical tenet that "our own mental activity is the only unquestionable fact of our experience""

I, JR, do NOT agree with the statement.

Perhaps you think my actions speak louder than my words - maybe I am writing specific words that lead you to believe this incorrect analysis of me.

---------------------below-copied by ap in response to above--------------------

apsterian Sep 16, 2016, 8:54:00 PM

(Apollonian, 16 Sep 16)

Then why do u uphold delusionary "good-evil"? For there is no "good-evil" in an objective, hence determinist (absolute cause-effect) reality. "Good-evil" is SUBJECTIVISM. And the active, most practical satanists (extreme subjectivists) are simply COLLECTIVIST subjectivists who collude in their typical criminal enterprises as in case of central-banking and then all the derived criminal activities dependent thereupon.

And subjectivism is the very CORE of Judaism (Talmud) by which they are "chosen" and thus entitled to exterminate, murder, cheat, and lie to the rest of humanity who are considered to being legitimate victims and targets--BY THE EXPLICIT TENETS OF THEIR FILTHY Talmudic religion.


apsterian Sep 16, 2016, 10:54:00 PM

Judaism = Talmudism = Subjectivism = "Interpretation" = Satanism
(Apollonian, 16 Sep 16)

Hence then, it is rightly, accurately said Judaism is satanism, criminality, and sociopathy, a literal war-plan against humanity, and there's no "good" Jew anymore than there's "good psychopath" or sociopath. No decent person calls himself "Jew."

And this EXPLICIT subjectivism and literal WAR AGAINST HUMANITY is perfectly verified fm their filthy Talmud, Zohar, etc., and then confirmed fm all history, including present-day as we see their mass-murder of Palestinians, Arabs, et al. See And as sponsors and supporters of UN Agenda-21 they (Jews) work for extermination of world population. And note G. Soros the main force behind "black lies matter," fomenting war btwn/among the races, etc.

Thus Judaism/Talmud holds God's very purpose was to create the most precious thing of existence, kikes, the "apple" of God's eye. Thus the Jew Holy Days are days of mass-murder, as Passover and Purim (look them up), Hannukah is another. Judaism is a religion of WAR.

Thus Jews preach God gave Moses the "Oral law" by which Jews "interpret" (midrash) the Torah by which to serve Jews in best way. And that's why Torah is NOT NOT NOT the controlling rule of Judaism, but rather the Talmud midrash (interpretation), which midrash Christ rejected and repudiated (Gosp.s MATT ch. 15; Mark ch. 7)

The SUBJECTIVIST nature of Judaism and Talmud is so gross, emphatic, and blatant that Talmud is divided into two main sections, (a) Mishnah by which Torah is interpreted, and then (b) Gemara by which the Mishnah interpretation is further interpreted--the literal interpretation of the interpretation, in case there's any mistake. Thus Torah is ONLY what rabbis, through Talmud midrash, says it means, SUBJECTIVISM, whence Jews make themselves God, rabbis the leaders/masters, which Christ repudiated, why Jews say Christ was rightfully executed for heresy and blasphemy.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Jew-friendly subjectivist (moralist) demonstrates problem of satanism dominating degenerate culture of Jew S A....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Mr. Goody Struggles To Figuring-Out About "Nano-Thermite"
(Apollonian, 15 Sep 16)

"Why has no one been able to prove where the nanothermate came from - and start there?" -Mr. Goody, fm above, Sep 14, 2016, 8:16:00 PM

Like it's all some huge mystery, eh? Ho ho ho oho ho, Mr. Goody, who OWNED WTC bldgs. in first place, eh?--who controlled the Port Authority which made the sale in first place? So what "security" corp. did he hire?--aren't these the necessary, presumptive starting places? U have to have this all explained to u? And the only "nano-tech" "nano-thermite" co.s are CIA and MOSSAD -connected, right? shows us all who was total master of every operational aspect of 9/11--MOSSAD and no one else, not even CIA who merely suck-along--going back to the 70s they (MOSSAD) were planning and plotting it all.

And don't forget P-Tech (see which inserted the soft-ware for the air-control systems for the Fed Aviation Admin, which inserted all the fake blips for where the planes were supposed to be--MOSSAD all the way.

Good gravy, but u're amazingly, so conveniently dumb, aren't u?--like u think this bit about the "nano-thermite" is some kind of rocket-science to figure-out, eh? GTFO, sucker. Everything about u is always sooooo Jew-friendly, -serving, and -sympathetic--WHY?--HOW? Is it because u're subjectivist, moralist, hence given and susceptible to satanism?--dumbass sucker thereto?

And ur Jew-friendliness and susceptibility to satanism also follows naturally fm ur psychotic anti-Christianity, doesn't it?--aside fm fact u don't and can't even say what Christianity really is all about, u poor, brainless s.o.b., sucker for satanism, traitor and enemy of the real USA, now the Jew S A, as there are actually quite a few people like u, eh Mr. Goody?

So u see, Mr. Goody, in merely and simply examining u urself, ur mentality and "philosophy," such as it is (subjectivism), we see what the real problem is, not only for urself but for all Jew S A too, eh? Ho ho ho ho

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

satanism, moralism, (non-existent) "good," hubris, and death-worship: it all goes together, suckers....

satanism, Moralism, Warfare, Hubris, And Death-Worship: It All Goes Together
(Apollonian, 13 Sep 16)

Satanism, of course, is extreme subjectivism as noted, and root of this satanism and subjectivism is inferiority-complex and the obsession to pretend to non-existent (in an objective, determined reality, at least) good-evil taught to the young and obsessively retained by so many.

Lately, we see "climate-change" is pretext for pretended "good" excuse for dictatorship, and the satanists want to blame humanity. Note also, lots of things, including terrorism, like 9/11 can be blamed on "evil, the excuse then for police-state, the struggle against such "evil" being pretext for war, war the pretext for dictatorship, satanists/subjectivists the masters of this police-state system in perpetual war for perpetual peace.

Thus satanism is involved in DEATH-WORSHIP, dicatatorship always having to be involved in such perpetual war, the latest "climate-change" psy-ops being blamed on humanity, humanity now having to be managed for population-control, sustainability, and the latest agenda-30 dictatorship, following agenda-21.

So just as in Stalinist Russia (USSR), perpetual war requires evermore oppressive police-state and -policies and ever-greater reduction of population under all the various pretexts, latest being "climate-change," humanity now having to be reduced for purpose of something other than humanity, like the planet earth and its climate. Some humans must be sacrificed and exterminated for the good of others, but always for supposed and pretended "good" of the planet, otherwise an inanimate object, masking dictatorship of a few humans at the top.

There can never be any letting-up or curtailment of the ever-greater police-state and totally structured society serving the "greater good," always anti-human. Thus "good" is anti-human; good is DEATH--all for the good of the "planet" and it's climate.

And note further, this un-remitting, un-ceasing death-worship parallels the ever-greater grasping of power for the police-state, the anti-human instrument, the satanic servant of death, the topmost powers at ever-greater odds w. one-another, suspicions against the others always foremost consideration. Thus ultimately the police-state must exterminate itself as the human population is destroyed, the leaders finally, necessarily working against one-another even if at first they pretend to co-operating.

Thus the Platonic "Republic," built upon false ideal of "good" and subjectivism is doomed, as we see presently, and as we see satanism is built upon irrationality (subjectivism), serving only death, the people lost within hubris and madness, the delusion of moralism and non-existent "good," built upon inferiority-complex

But note then in the inexorable degeneration of the previously productive society (as in USA and West fm the 20th cent.) there will be a period when, as in Soviet Russia, the delusion is maintained for a while among the fools who are yet steadily exterminated, that the "good" (as the "Great society" of LBJ in US history) actually exists, this hubristic delusion fueling the great, horrific carnage, warfare, and activity, all this within the CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

Such then is the inevitable course of satanism following upon Platonic "good" and subjectivism, the resulting police-state, and perpetual war for perpetual peace, satanism fostering death worship, as in Agenda-21 population reduction and "sustainability."

Monday, September 12, 2016

Until people grasp absolute necessity of anti-semitism as key to solution of satanism, they're doooooomed....

Bellow essays/commentary by ap first published at comments,

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People MUST Realize: It's satanism Ruling Presently
(Apollonian, 12 Sep 16)

Yeah, well ok, I listened to a lot of ur vid (see above), but it rather seems u might be tending to indulge in ur "outrage," eh? For what u got going w. present culture is "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, in which the people are degenerate, having become subject to HUBRIS, pretending they have God-like power(s) as of a perfectly "free" will, attaining to "good," by which they will, for example, "earn" a way to heaven, known in (Christian) theology as Pelagian heresy, also called Pharisaism, pretending to self-righteousness, etc.

Okay?--so it's simply a function of sociology that u'll have CRIMINALS taking advantage of the dumb, brainless scum of society, stealing and sacrificing the children, committing ritual murder, etc.--it's what's called SATANISM, and that satanism is what's going on.

I'll end this w. simple but definitive expo on essence of satanism which is also essence of hubris, which is extreme subjectivism: the idea that reality is nothing but what proceeds fm one's mentality/consciousness, get it? By means of this satanism and subjectivism, u see, one makes oneself God, creating one's own reality. And what u need to figure-out is this satanism actually exists in a serious way, organized, and extremely powerful, running organized crime by means of central-banking, legalized counterfeiting, literally (see for expo).

The twist is these organized satanists are most practical as their satanism is COLLECTIVE, they all colluding w. idea that the "reality" they all practice is then imposed on the stupid suckers of society, these suckers now being over-populated, everyone else now being victimized and dominated by this organized, criminal enterprise, like central-banking and the sort of consequences which follow and obtain. So that satanism is what's going on; people only now need to figure-out what to do about it, for there is an answer, but I fear it will require the removal, by whatever means, of a great part of the over-populated scum, suckers, and morons who dominate our society.


HowISee SandyHook22 hours ago

Thanks for your comment, it goes deep, doesn't it? At the end you say we have an answer but basically a lot of us must be removed?? Please explain...


Apollonian Apollonius22 hours ago

Life Is War: Necessary Determinist (Hence CYCLIC) Nature Of Reality, Jews And satanists the Catalyst
(Apollonian, 12 Sep 16)

Don't u get it?--the present problems are CYCLIC in nature, in accord w. Spengler's "Decline of the West," humanity over-populated w. fools. For example, when there are too many Lemmings, they are observed to running about in large groups and seen then (sometimes) to running off of mountain sides and cliffs. Same w. locusts who gather in large clouds. In mid 14th cent. Europe, there were so many people, there was large die-off in the Black Plague yrs. 1348-9.

The typical means for human de-population is wars, like the German 30 yr war, early to mid 17th cent. Don't forget the Darwinian/Spencerian principle of "survival of fittest." TV-addicted people of West suffer hubris, as of the "liberals," metro-sexuals, trendies, et al., led-by-the-noses by satanists (extreme subjectivists), satanists led by Jews and Trilateralists (also Bilderbergers and Council on Foreign Relations [CFR]). At a minimum, the satanists and criminals must be removed, but this surely won't happen without resistance by these and their cohorts. Remember LIFE IS WAR, in accord w. Homer, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Darwin, et al.

Simply observe: (a) Islamic invasion of Europe, just for one example, is fostered by who?--it's admitted G. Soros is behind it, along w. his Trilateralist cronies, a "globalist" program endorsed by "liberals" and metro-sexuals, all encouraged by satanists.

(b) But now Jews are clever, a minority faction arising, sponsoring Trump and such as Alexei Jones (, representing the "good" Jews. So it's obviously war sponsored by Jews and satanists behind it all, stoking it merrily along. Meanwhile Israel loves it as it continues slaughter of Palestinians, Israel behind ISIS.

(c) West suffers because it lost heart for anti-semitism surely by time of French Rev., and thus Jews rule, esp. by means of their central-banking (legalized counterfeiting) instrument which over-populated goyim fools haven't figured-out. Fools and ignorant morons will continue to perish, naturally.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

People are getting the idea: satanism isn't pretty, and Trump looks good by contrast, simply by keeping steady....

satanists, Fronted By Hitlery, Are Not Having Too Easy Time Against Trumpster
(Apollonian, 4 Sep 16)

Slowly but steadily the realization is dawning upon the poor morons of Jew S A that they're going to have imposed upon them a blatant, outright CRIMINAL, psychopath, and satanist, hitlery Clinton, and this will be done by blatant, outright criminal fraud and election-rigging. And there's nothing the poor, stupid morons can or will do about it--at least so the satanic masterminds seriously seem to imagine--Jews-media is all in w. it.

But regardless, satanists will have their way long as the fiat-currency (legalized counterfeiting by US Federal Reserve Bank--see for expo) continues to be accepted as payment for goods and svcs, and the fiat-currency continues to be imposed by military force all over the world, as we see. And what will happen to Trump? Pray, suckers. For if Trump gets into office, the satanists may have some bad things and events coming to the light of the people, like the Sandy hoax shootings, phony as the Orlando "Pulse" event, and then 9/11 inside job may come-out. So our dear Trump needs be careful.

So maybe hitlery, a doddering, diseased old corpse grasping at the railings, might not have been the best choice after all, now that people know evermore that Stevens, the Ambassador to Libya in Benghazi was deliberately allowed to die, Gold-star families were lied to about the fake vid, hitlery calling them liars, that it's true Obola and hitlery built ISIS just as Trump has said, and that Jew S A is about to become a third world nation, the people impoverished, the country colonized by foreigners, like the Chinese coming here to run businesses and telling the people what to do. And who's behind it all?--we see now it's even older scarecrows like George Soros pulling hitlery's strings, feeding her money for her campaign, Soros and the Trilateralists, like Zbigniew Brzezinski, whose daughter snipes on the Jews-media and MSNBC w. her boy-toy, Joey Scarborough.

So even though there are still huge crowds and groups of utterly stupid scum surviving, the currency is not going to last long enough to keeping them all dazzled for much longer, US Dollar due for a severe devaluation of at least 50%, prices doubling, at least. And at some pt. the powers-that-be are going to be sorry--they'll probably kill a few of the morons just for fun in another staged false-flag psy-op, to start another war, but if we're lucky, the powers will be rather divided and engaged in in-fighting among themselves--perhaps that in-fighting is going on now--as after the failure of the Turkish coup lately.

And we know there's "NO HONOR among thieves," so maybe we'll get lucky as the powers become evermore concerned for surviving the chaos which they've created, suspecting one-another of the inevitable double-cross, but the chaos now affecting them more than they expected and planned. Key then and now for patriot success is in keeping things simple, satanism founded necessarily upon (extreme) subjectivism; real satanists organized and led by Jews, most cohesive (see Thus states rights, secession, nullification, and gold and silver money are the first steps which will do most and best for proper security of the people. And thank heaven we still have excellent men like Ron Paul who remain alive and well among us. We're still in the game, and fighting.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Analysis of satanism, roots, seeds, main components for psychology, to philosophy, to sociology....

satanism Founded Upon Subjectivism, Rooted In Inferiority-Complex
(Apollonian, 29 Aug 16)

The sublime simplicity of satanism must merely be grasped by more people who now suffer only fm idea there's anything particularly complex involved. For note, at root, satanism is simply extreme subjectivism, that's all, subjectivism being idea reality proceeds merely fm one's own mind/consciousness.

The only twist or "complication" is that practical satanism is COLLECTIVE--a subjective view that's shared among various individuals, esp. CRIMINALS, and then most notably among politicians and bureaucrats. These most practical subjectivists then are Jews and those who consort or sympathize w. them, esp. masons (or "free-masons"), but also "Judeo-Christians" (JCs, see and for expo).

So philosophically, it's easy to analyze the satanic network, but never forget or doubt, the practical leadership will always be Jews and close supporters/sympathizers. For the top of the satanic network is ALWAYS criminality, and the crux to the organized criminal network is the central-banking scam/criminal-enterprise.

So the analysis for the satanic network is easily understood for sociology, politics, and economics, the crux being Jews and banking and then everything/anything leading to and serving this source of livelihood, the legalized counterfeiting system feeding and controlling everything else. To confirm these simple facts here analyzed one merely needs consult the basic works of Jews, Talmud and Zohar, at,, and For central-banking, see, and the "Austrian" economic school analyses of central-banking, fiat-currency, etc.

But again, never forget or doubt the sublime simplicity for analysis of satanism, always beginning w. that principle of subjectivism, the pretext for it nearly always being moralism, Pharisaist "good-evil," the perfectly "free" human will, pretending to Godliness and ability of creating reality, and Pelagianism, all rooted, psychologically, ultimately in inferiority-complex (including guilt-complex) by which poor people desperately strive to appear "good" in eyes of others. These are the necessary seeds and components of satanism and satanic society.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

WHY did hitlery gratuitously give Ajax Jones ( such publicity-boost?--remember, Jones is owned by satanists/Jews, never doubt....

Is satanism/Judaism Acknowledging Failure For Globalism, Now Reverting To Pharisaism?
(Apollonian, 28 Aug 16)

Why now has hitlery Clinton gratuitously interjected Ajax Jones ( See Well, it could be satanic powers have seen fit to cover the Jews w. one of their main suck-alongs, Ajax Jones, who, don't forget, emphatically upholds "good-evil" heresy/fallacy, insisting there are good Jews, that he's not racist, etc.

For note Jews rule, and the hitlery crowd has become un-popular, their outright satanism having become "old." So perhaps the Jews imagine they will gain more by playing along w. Trump and Jones.

For remember, satanism is built on extreme subjectivism, the idea one's mentality/consciousness creates reality, making oneself God. And this satanist/subjectivist premise begins w. the pretext of "free will" and "good-evil," which Ajax Jones pushes vehemently and emphatically. Two of Trump's children are married to Jews.

So up till now, ZOG didn't want to give Ajax Jones too much attn. for his anti-globalism, but perhaps ZOG is tacitly admitting defeat on this globalist issue, willing now to revert back to that Pharisaic moralism which Jones pushes so readily and often.

So remember once again it's all about Jews, satanic leaders, the game being now btwn "good-Jews" and the "bad-Jews" of hitlery's globalism, according to Jones and Trump. So for some reason, ZOG has seen fit to give Ajax Jones great publicity. But Christians must simply remember the problem is w. satanism, thus subjectivism.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Dialectic w. satanist: interesting how these monsters think

Below is dialectic w. satanist/subjectivist, could be Jew, copied fm comments at

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Fanaprimo22 hours ago
+Robert Yeahright Dear Sir, we all live in a virtual world, we can only see the picture our brain offers us. Our senses are not capable of perceiving reality, our eyes are almost blind, only seeing a small part of the elektromagnetic spectrum. Solid matter ? LOL there is no "Solid" All atoms are 99.999999+ % empty space ! So we create our own world inside our head. But your world will not be accepted by others so you will end up very lonely, soo sad for you.

Apollonian Apollonius18 hours ago
+Fanaprimo All u do is to invoking the ancient dialectic btwn Aristotle and Plato, u essentially taking Plato's position, esp. regarding the non-validity of sense-perception. BUT what u utterly over-look is that this is ASSUMPTION on ur part--extreme subjectivism. Aristotle pt'd out that in order for there to be logic and science, we must ASSUME an objective reality. All philosophy depends upon the starting-pt. in assumption. Ur extreme subjectivism results in SATANISM, u making urself God, pretending u create reality. Just wanted to show how old-fashioned ur fallacious reasoning is.

Fanaprimo17 hours ago
+Apollonian Apollonius We do not create reality, we create a picture of reality. That picture is not the Truth, only a picture to enjoy. That is what science does. Science does not handle the truth Scientists try to describe reality. It is a description, a picture, nothing more. And it will be abandoned if we have a better fitting, more precise picture in the future. And Satanism?.......Sorry, I am not a follower of ancient superstition from the Middle East. I live in the 21st century.

Apollonian Apollonius17 hours ago
+Fanaprimo All u do is follow the Platonic philosophy, ignorant dip****. U adopt the assumption of SUBJECTIVISM. And how do u know if there's reality?--it's just an assumption u make, though u don't have the guts to admit it's either objective or subjective, stupid, lying scum. And u're just now admitting to being pawn/flunkey for the Satanists. U think u're clever, but u're moron/sucker.

Fanaprimo17 hours ago
+Apollonian Apollonius You do not sound very polite/civilized. I can be wrong due to cultural differences, but I think not.

Apollonian Apollonius17 hours ago
+Fanaprimo No: U'RE THE ONE UN-CIVILIZED and stupid, pretending u're smart. Is there reality?--YES OR NO. If there is reality, it is either objective or subjective, YES OR NO. Get a brain--or stfu.

Fanaprimo17 hours ago
+Apollonian Apollonius I never said you are not civilized, only that you do not sound civilized. Just my impression. But if you re-read your last 2 comments, what would you call it yourself ? Does it looks polite or civilized in your eyes? And if you showed those comments to your mother, how would she react ? Just curious.

Apollonian Apollonius17 hours ago
+Fanaprimo How is it civilized for u to conduct a dialectic about reality in this manner w. ur stupidity and attempting to divert fm the subject? Conclusion?--u lose, sucker. If u adopt the subjectivist assumption, then u're either satanist or dupe thereof, PERIOD.

Fanaprimo17 hours ago
+Apollonian Apollonius As an answer on your question . Yes, there is a reality. Can we see it ? NO. Can we imagine it ? Maybe in the future. Until then, we all live in our own created "reality"

Fanaprimo17 hours ago (edited)
+Apollonian Apollonius In reality, I am someone totally different then you think. What just proves my point of view. So I was right all along. Thank you very much for the confirmation.

Apollonian Apollonius16 hours ago
+Fanaprimo If u say YES there is reality, then the only question is whether it's objective (God-given), or subjective, created by urself posing as ur own God, hence satanistic. So u seem to have a problem fooling urself; u don't fool me, or too many of anyone else, I submit.

Fanaprimo15 hours ago
+Apollonian Apollonius The Universe is not created by God, nor by me. Only what I see from reality is created by me. Just a picture in my mind. And I have no problem with that, because it is a beautiful picture. There is so much beauty in chaos. The Universe for the last 13.7 billion of years, Earth for 4.5 billion, Life itself. (See the pictures of 25 years Hubble Space Telescope for instance)

Apollonian Apollonius15 hours ago
+Fanaprimo U miss the pt. (as usual), for reality is either-or, objective or subjective. U're just a subjectivist, satanist or dupe thereof.

Fanaprimo15 hours ago
+Apollonian Apollonius You are convinced that it has to be objective or subjective. I disagree with you, it is none of both. But you cannot see that, another proof of my statement. You are locked in your own worldview. And without a desire to escape you will stay in your own prison. Such a pity, humans should have a free spirit.

Apollonian Apollonius15 hours ago
+Fanaprimo Yes idiot: but u just said reality existed, so it's either-or. If it exists then it's either a product of ur mind or not. And if it's not product of ur mind, it must be objective; there's no other alternative. What u are is now a MYSTIC, just another form of subjectivism and satanism. But u don't seem to be intelligent enough to be outright Satanist, hence u're just pawn/flunkey. U don't fool anyone, sucker; u're just a babbling idiot.

Fanaprimo15 hours ago
+Apollonian Apollonius A babbling idiot working as a private teacher for 48 years now. Yeah right ! LOL. With every reply you get more funnier. Keep up the good works my friend. (making me smile) It is almost 05.00 AM over here, see you tomorrow, gonna get some sleep now.

Apollonian Apollonius15 hours ago
+Fanaprimo Well, we have ur own words here in this dialectic, u pretending reality is subjective, but not wanting to admit it, not wanting to admit it's satanism, and not wanting to admit it must be objective. So u may be good at something, like music, or whatever, but u don't even understand Plato and Aristotle, and that's demonstrable fact, shown in this dialectic of ours. Why do u bother pretending w. logic or philosophy if u're just a mystic?--answer: u lack honesty, and u just fool urself, pretending u're clever or something--it's ur problem, not ours.

Fanaprimo14 hours ago
+Apollonian Apollonius Sorry ,you got it wrong . I am not a mystic, a scientist maybe, a skeptic for sure and a human. Calling names doesn't bother me , used to that, I got thick skin. Most of the time it comes from envious people, Btw, Plato and Aristotle are dead Greeks. And I do not see why we should preserve their mindset/worldview. They did die for a reason, to make room for something new.

Apollonian Apollonius14 hours ago
+Fanaprimo Ho ho ho ho, Well u're either a mystic or not, ho ho ho--do u agree? Ho ho ho ho. And if u're not mystic, and u say u're "scientist," then u must admit the objective reality, necessary foundation for science and logic, ho ho ho oho. And we see u're Satanist even though u deny it, right? Ho o ho ho oho. And all u do is fooling urself, sucker, ho ho ho ho ho. Sure Plato and Aristotle are dead, but their ideas live on, deservedly--worth far more than anything we get fm u, eh? Ho ho hoho

Fanaprimo14 hours ago
+Apollonian Apollonius Maybe a scientist..... You should read more carefully before you reply. Satan does not exist (lack of evidence) So I cannot be a satanist, only in your imagination I can be. But we both agree that imagination is not real. Ideas of dead people should be replaced with better ideas after a while. (progress) Ideas can live on, but nonsense can stay for a long time too. Ideas should evolve too. If it doesn't fit anymore, get rid of it.

Apollonian Apollonius14 hours ago
+Fanaprimo Well, u admitted reality exists, now u don't want to admit if it's objective or not, hence u're satanist. Note satanist is simply one who makes himself God, creator of reality--which is what u do, though u don't want to admit it, lying to urself.

Fanaprimo2 hours ago
+Apollonian Apollonius You got it all wrong. I wonder why, you should read more carefully. Yes, I admit that there is a reality, But I am convinced that I am not capable to perceive it, so how can I form an opinion if it is objective or not And I create my own reality (with and in my brain) that makes me human, not God. So your comments make no sense (to me) Please explain why I am a Satanist when I use my senses and look at the picture my brain offers me. If someone is lying to me it is my brain, it offers me an incomplete false image of reality, but by being aware of that I still can see beyond my horizon and think outside the box.

Apollonian Apollonius55 seconds ago
+Fanaprimo U make no sense: "Yes, I admit that there is a reality, But I am convinced that I am not capable to perceive it,...." If u say there's reality, then it must be a perception, for if u couldn't so perceive, there'd be no reason to conclude there's a reality. For if u really couldn't perceive, then u're simply making it all up in ur own mind in satanist manner, making urself God. And WHY would ur brain offer "an incomplete, false image of reality"?--this is just a lie which u make up. U're saying ur brain lies to u--NO, moron, that's U lying to urself, u pathetic psychotic scum. And if u had no contact w. reality through the senses, u wouldn't be able to conduct "science." If u admit there's reality u have only one of two possible choices, either that it's objective or not, and if not then its subjective, satanist, of ur own making. If it's objective then the senses would be the only way of contact w. it. There would be no reason, basis, or warrant to insist ur brain or senses is lying, UNLESS u were psycho (which we see u really are, ho ho ho ho). So u're just a psycho, as we see, and u should have no contact w. children. A psycho is only sort of moron like urself who would argue as u do, insisting ur brain is lying to u, ho hohohoho ho ho ho

1:22 PM
+Apollonian Apollonius
I teach children private so they can get their certifications and the future they desire.
For almost 50 years now
and all of them would disagree with you.
They know me, you not.
You suffer from projection all your fears on me
You have no ground to stand on.
You are just floating in your self created paranoid reality.

Apollonian Apollonius
1:44 PM
+Fanaprimo Ho ho ho--what's this now?--I suffer "projection"?--ho ho ho--u're a Jew pushing Freud, eh?--ho ho ho ho. And everyone can see our dialectic here, sucker. U're a psycho telling folks their brains lie to them, eh? Ho ho ho ho. And u're a homosexual too, aren't u?--tell us. Ho ho oh ho

Fanaprimo26 minutes ago
+Apollonian Apollonius What part of my statement was not correct dear Sir ? I suffer from the conviction that all was true.

Apollonian Apollonius1 minute ago
+Fanaprimo I explained it to u, psycho, just re-read the notes, fool. U admit reality exist, but deny it's objective--which is a lie. U also tacitly admit u're kike filth, expert liars (and satanists). And ur resulting subjectivism is satanism, which is what u Jew filth are and express in ur devilish works, Talmud and Zohar (Cabala). U fool very few, scum; mainly just urselves. Ho ho ho ho

Fanaprimo9 minutes ago
+Apollonian Apollonius Reality can only be objective ? I think we disagree with each other.

Apollonian Apollonius1 second ago
+Fanaprimo Dip****: if reality exists, which is an assumption, then it's either objective or not. If not, then it's subjective and we're God, creating reality in our own minds--satanism. Thus u've talked urself into satanism, but don't want to admit it. Only way reality makes any sense is if it is assumed to be objective, hence the senses the necessary means of contact/apprehension, u dumbass. All this is simple Aristotelianism, over 2 thousand yrs old now, dumbass--and u're just now figuring it all out? Ho ho ho ho. But then u insist ur brilliant brain fools u, eh? Righto, ho ho ho ho. But u Jew filth are famous for ur infernal satanism and lies, aren't u?

Fanaprimo5 minutes ago
+Apollonian Apollonius So reality has only two choices to exist ? Sub- or Objective ? What about a third option ? Maybe it is just real ? And the rest is just our opinion.

Fanaprimo3 minutes ago
+Apollonian Apollonius Btw. if you believe in Satan can I assume you believe in God also ?

Apollonian Apollonius1 minute ago
+Fanaprimo Ho ho ho, Jewwy liar doesn't quit, do u? Ho ho ho ho--golly, but could this incessant lying on ur part be reason why all humanity hates u kike filth? Ho ho ho ho. Reality either exists or not, if so it's either objective or not. What about a 4th or 5th or 6th option, eh? Ho ho oho ho

Apollonian Apollonius9 seconds ago
+Fanaprimo Dumbass Jew filth: u can't prove there is no God, moron--u never hrd that before?--I thought u kikes were "smart"? Ho ho ho hoh oho

Fanaprimo6 minutes ago
+Apollonian Apollonius Ok, but you did not answer my question.

Apollonian Apollonius41 seconds ago
+Fanaprimo Ho ho ho--I answered all pertinent questions, kike, ho ho ho ho--u're lucky we gentiles are stupid enough to allow u filth to continue existing.

Fanaprimo4 minutes ago (edited)
+Apollonian Apollonius Let's try again, just to be sure : Do you believe in God ?

Fanaprimo3 minutes ago
+Apollonian Apollonius Take you time BRB in 1 hour

Apollonian Apollonius1 second ago
Ho ho ho: the kike is conducting an "investigation," ho oho oho ho. Jew filth: why don't u simply make ur pt.?--stupid Jew scum, ho ho ho ho

Fanaprimo11 minutes ago
+Apollonian Apollonius You still not answered my question. So I will assume you are religious Christian. Are you not afraid to end up in Hell? Because the Jews are God's most favorite people, not the Americans. And you sound heavy anti-Jew. And if you are not scared to end up in Hell, then it is possible you are an atheistic Nazi, it would be explain a lot about your superior mindset.

Apollonian Apollonius12 seconds ago
+Fanaprimo Ho ho ho ho--u are kike w. capital "K," aren't u? Ho ho ho ho. But I thought u Jew filth were supposed to be so "smart," eh? Ho ho ho ho. Kike: u should indeed presume I'm Christian, we being foremost anti-semites, leaders among oppressed humanity against u Jew filth. We're not "afraid" to end in heck, dumbass--why?--because we're all sinners DOOMED to heck, there being NOTHING we can do to avoid fiery flames of heck, ONLY mercy and grace of God to save us--get it, kike filth? All humanity is "anti-Jew," scum, never forget, as even kikes themselves admit, they being at war w. humanity, according to their filthy Talmud--see

Fanaprimo7 minutes ago
+Apollonian Apollonius But,but....Jesus was a Jew. Christianity is a Jewish sect. Now I am puzzled. How bent up your mindset must be to combine your beliefs with that fact.

Apollonian Apollonius20 seconds ago
+Fanaprimo No, u stupid, lying Jew filth: u see, that's ur problem. In ur satanic/subjectivistic world which u make up for urselves, u actually end up LYING TO URSELVES, believing ur own moronic lies and lying. So u're deluded by simple means of ur own infernal lying, spin, propaganda, and deception. "Jew" refers to followers of Pharisees who later (500 AD) came out w. Babylonian Talmud. "Jew" is DIFFERENT fm Judean, Jew filth (followers of Pharisees, basically the middle class) making up only 5% of pop. of Judea at time of Christ. Christ was Galilean descended fm Judeans, NOT kike filth. U're funny kike--keep talking to us, u stinking, lying filth, ho ho ho ho ooho

Fanaprimo11 minutes ago
+Apollonian Apollonius About the existence of God You said: I cannot prove that God does not exist. Of course not. You can never prove a negative. No matter what subject you pick. Remember Saddam Hussein ? He could not prove that he had no WMD's. They hanged him. But you claim there is a God. Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary proof. So where is the proof that you God exist ? Just asking, I told you I was a skeptic.

Apollonian Apollonius2 minutes ago (edited)
+Fanaprimo Ho ho ho, u're "skeptic"? Ho hoh oho, no Jew, u're Jew filth is what u are, satanist. And what's "skepticism"? Skepticism is denial of validity of senses, just a form of subjectivism/mysticism, typical of Jew satanists, as u obviously are. And where do u get this idiocy, "extraordinary claims demand extraordinary proof"?--(a) why is this true?--(b) who ever said this? Proof is proof, kike scum; get a clue. And note, we Christians merely assume there's God, the origin of the objective reality, reality NOT being subjective as it is for u filth called kikes, it ("God") not being possible to dis-prove, as I noted--and why is that soooo mysterious for u Jew puke?--I thought u were sooooo "smart," eh? Hohoho ho ho ho Keep talking to us, Jew scum

Fanaprimo16 minutes ago
+Apollonian Apollonius I forgot to tell you, I am not Jewish , I am Frisian. So you Christians assume there is a God. So your God is an imaginary entity. Now I understand why there is no evidence. By your own definition that makes you a Satanist, by making up your own reality.

Apollonian Apollonius43 seconds ago
+Fanaprimo Jews are liars, right?--and u're a HUGE liar, lying even to urself, so u're probably Jew, to go by the inductive logic and evidence. U're also horrifically ignorant, as usual for u lying filth. See, Christians worship TRUTH (= Christ), for which truth Christ is mere figure/characterization in literature; see Gosp. JOHN 14:6. So u see Christianity is actually literary/aestheticalist monument to the objective reality, the only way/basis for existence of TRUTH, in opposition to Jew liars (JOHN 8:44). And why/how is Easter the holiest of Holy days?--because it's resurrection of truth (= Christ) which CANNOT BE KILLED, the joke on u Jewwy, lying filth--because u cannot kill reality, which is objective ("God-created"). Keep talking to us, Jew lying filth, ho ho ho ho

Fanaprimo2 minutes ago
+Apollonian Apollonius You missed my reply ? I am Frisian (both parents)

Apollonian Apollonius46 seconds ago
+Fanaprimo U're a satanistic LIAR, hence probably Jew, to go by the inductive evidence--did u miss that?

Fanaprimo3 minutes ago
+Apollonian Apollonius Christ (Christos) is a Greek translation. Meaning: the anointed , NOT Truth.

Fanaprimo1 minute ago
+Apollonian Apollonius No, I do not quit, having to much FUN (to be honest).

Apollonian Apollonius16 seconds ago
+Fanaprimo U dumb piece-of-****. I gave u the citation, stupid scum, Christ = truth, Gosp. JOHN 14:6.

Fanaprimo1 day ago
+Apollonian Apollonius Citations , pah. The Bible is written by Man, not by God. And as I told you before I am a skeptic. And the most of my skepticism goes towards humans. History proves that that is a right thing to do

Apollonian Apollonius1 second ago
Why/how would brain/mind "fool" the subject? If we assume reality exists, then why wouldn't it be objective reality, senses being necessary link/contact?--u make no sense. For objectivity is ONLY way reality can make any sense, the only means of reason, logic, science, brainless scum. If reality were anything other than objective, there would be no possible reason, logic, knowledge, dumbass. Objectivity (Aristotle) is NECESSARY assumption for all reason. Thought of the great Aristotle is worth FAR more than mystic, satanist, lying filth like u.