Saturday, January 23, 2016

War of North. Aggression, 2nd Amendment always trumped by means of moralism/Pharisaism--which WORK well in corrupt, hubristic society/culture....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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Christian Truth Vs. Satanic Lies, Truth Subverted By Hereticalist "Good"--In Minds Of Over-Populated Goons Of Spenglerian "Decline," Corruption
(Apollonian, 23 Jan 16)

Good golly, but this exposition u present, this blog, regarding War of Northern Aggression (a) and (b) 2nd Amendment amounts to gross over-kill for facts, logic, and argumentation against what could ONLY be a moralist ("Cory"), the moralist trumping everything, in his own mind, at least, by means of moralism and hubris.

Thus u see, as I've noted, the WORST enemy of truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) is GOOD--which good doesn't exist except as imaginary construct of subjectivism and God-like "free" human will, hence HUBRIS, which hubris always prevails in Spenglerian "Decline of the West."

And every discussion about the monstrous War of North. Aggression is ALWAYS side-lined and subverted by this issue of moralism and hence, slavery--which then justifies EVERYTHING done by the aggressors of the north. For "good" is that magical, mystic, non-existent thing which, as I noted, trumps everything else, as of existence, truth, facts, logic and least of all, mere justice and law, including US Constitution.

Thus logic which is dependent upon only that objective premise/assumption of reality, verified then by sense perception, is destroyed by subjectivism, HUBRIS, and hence, specifically, "good"--at least in the minds of over-populated weaklings of the corrupt culture in Spenglerian "Decline of the West."

Thus Christian virtue (truth founded in objectivity) is confirmed as genuine enemy of satanic lies, lies always founded in SUBJECTIVISM, but presented then, for practical purposes, upon specific occasions, in deception as objective.

And it goes to show how Christian culture, reason, and truth are under-mined so sublimely, given only the circumstance of corrupt, over-populated culture/civilization, by this satanism and hubris of pretended "good-evil" heresy/delusion/fallacy known fm time of St. Augustine as "Pelagianism."

Friday, January 22, 2016

Politically-correct moron admits there's no "cohesion" among the citizenry--hmmm, I wonder why?....

Below-copied essays by ap first published at comments,

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Irony And Sublimity Of Hubris, Political-Correctness
(Apollonian, 22 Jan 16)

"I also don't see any cohesion between the average American citizens." -JR

Of course, JR--u're AGAINST that "cohesion" which is and was essence of the Christian-based society which spawned Jefferson, Constitution, and B. of Rights.

And in ur politically-correct HUBRIS (which of course u can't admit), u imagine, golly gee, but we can have rule-of-law and B. of rights even after removing that basic Christian foundation.

Such is ur madness and hubris, JR--lamenting the lack of "cohesion" after u've done everything possible to destroy and under-mine it within ur own mind, thinking u're sooooooo clever and "moral" as u do so.

U're tooooooo "smart" and "advanced" in all ur hubristic "thinking," such as it is, to consider there is and was solid, distinct, and GOOD reason to hate, reject, and exclude Jews. But u're not the only one, for sure--THE ENTIRE CULTURE AND POPULATION agrees w. u, and thus u and we suffer, don't we?

Thus u find u suffer for ur "political-correctness"--even while u imagine u're immune fm such political-correct delusion. Such then is the supreme and horrific IRONY of hubris, veritably most sublime madness.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

People must simply re-learn the REAL Christianity, that it's anti-semitic, which anti-semitism they must not fear, yes, even though it isn't PC....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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What Rules Now?--Subjectivism And Lies, Thus Satanism--No Wonder Humanity Suffers
(Apollonian, 20 Jan 16)

"Has Judea declared war...?" Well, obviously, as ur excellent article here very well details, BUT note what Judaism is--and it's NOT just "Zionism." Judaism is Talmudism, and Talmud, basic document for Judaism, teaches Jews war against humanity--just ck for best Talmudic expo.

For, as u find out, Jews make themselves, collectively, co-equal, and even superior to God, creating the Jews having been God's main and greatest purpose, according to Jews and their Talmud/midrash.

Note then Jews/Judaism feature the "midrash"--interpretation--of original Torah which Christ roundly condemned (Gosp. MATT 15:2-9; see also MATT 23) for which the Pharisees determined to kill Christ, who is truth (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), which truth depends on the OBJECTIVE reality.

Thus Jews feature most extreme subjectivism and hubris by which they make themselves God, not allowing for any non-subjective truth which might get in their way--why they killed Christ and gloat over it in their filthy Talmud.

Thus it's no surprise to see how Jews make themselves foremost among humans by means of seizing initiative and control of the leading criminal enterprise, central-banking (see and for expo on central banking) which enables the literal, legalized counterfeiting of the currency and by which then they own and control everything and everybody, beginning w. the mass-corp. Jews-media and thus manipulation of the social consciousness.

Thus the practical KEY to dictatorship of the society is the effective and literal monopoly Jews run by means of the central-bank which issues the currency and thus allows control and ownership of everything and everyone else.

So obviously, the power of monopolist central bank must be broken, commodity money (hence gold/silver) being only proper money as it can't be counterfeited.

Additionally political power of the absolute state and empire, as we see, dominated, run, controlled, and directed by satanists and Jews, must be broken by means of US Constitution and respect for states-rights, primacy of local gov. and individual freedom.

Thus the REAL Christianity featuring anti-satanism, hence anti-semitism, must be re-introduced to the people, Christianity standing for TRUTH against Jew lies (Gosp. JOHN 8:44) founded in above-mentioned subjectivism.

Thus the people must re-learn that basic lesson about Christ = truth, anti-thesis to satanic lies, liars, and lying, Jews being foremost liars, most organized, collectivist, and "connected." Thus Christians must be proudly anti-semitic and inspired by historic facts, knowing as long as Jews suffer, Christianity and gentiles prosper.

When Jews prosper, as we see by means of their satanic monopoly of central-banking, humanity suffers horribly. Anti-satanism, hence anti-semitism is only proper obedience to God, and dis-obedience renders only catastrophe.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Investigators need to figure-out that it's the bank COUNTERFEITERS who are topmost masterminds, criminals, traitors....

Below-copied dialectic by ap and TNN first published at comments,
DKG commented on a video on YouTube.
Shared publicly - Jan 6, 2016,

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Banking Counterfeiters Are Topmost Masterminds, Criminals, Traitors
(Apollonian 12 Jan 16)

+TyrannyNewsNetwork TNN, I thank u for ur response, above (see below-copied), very revealing. But u gotta grasp: the top "banksters" are the masterminds (see and for expo on central-banking), far and away the most important for the plotting and over-all planning, while the gov. operators and office-holders, politicians and bureaucrats, are mere flunkies and henchmen submissively and obediently carrying-out orders, bowing and scraping as they do so, who were long cultivated and vetted and put in place by the banker money-men of the board-rooms. "Gov. authorities"?--they're flunkies and bagmen, nothing more, who do as they're told. Ur statements indicate u're simply not sufficiently "aware" as u imagine, u having it all backwards for "responsibility."

U need to re-examine ur statement: "To my thinking, the group ordering and funding all of this is not quite as guilty as those planning, conducting and covering them up." This statement of urs makes no sense, and is actually totally back-wards and up-side down.

The people who FUNDED the operations are necessarily same as those PLANNING--they go together. For how could ANYTHING be planned without the funding, the bankers necessarily having to sign-off for anything "planned."

U ask, "Which group of criminals is a more serious matter, the banking authorities or the government authorities?" It should be obvious to u the "gov. authorities" are TOTALLY AND ABSOLUTELY controlled by the "banking authorities, the gov. taking orders fm the banks.

Consider that both the leaders of Rep.s and Dem.s are guided and controlled by such as CFR, Tri-laterals and Bilderberg--who then makes up CFR, et al.?--mainly bankers at the top, w. CEOs of corp.s and some lawyers. Even such as Kissinger and Bzrezinski take orders fm Rockefellers and Rothschilds, not other way round.

----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------

Jan 11, 2016

+Apollonian Apollonius Wait a sec. IMS members are very aware of the banking systems, how they tend to operate and the possibility that they have enormous responsibility for these staged events as well as other crimes. But consider this. Which group of criminals is a more serious matter, the banking authorities or the government authorities? To my thinking, the group ordering and funding all of this is not quite as guilty as those planning, conducting and covering them up. The banks, if responsible will have to be dealt with after the operators I'm afraid. Good point though.

Apollonian Apollonius
Jan 11, 2016

+IndependentMediaSolidarity IMS: I submit there's an over-arching theme to this Sandy hoax conspiracy, along w. all the others (Bost. bombing, OKC bombing, JFK, and 9/11) which u may be over-looking, and that's the central-bank (US Federal Reserve) that's literally legalized COUNTERFEITING. Just consider all the big financing which HAD to have been behind just Sandy hoax. Lately it's come out that the big Pharma corp.s have been putting cancer-causing enzymes in vaccines and killing the doctors who've discovered it.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Truth not appreciated much, esp. given the circumstances within CYCLE of hist, circumstances....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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The Law Of Nature: Is It Truth, Reason, Health?--That's The Real Question/Issue
(Apollonian, 7 Jan 16)

Well, nought of dreadfulness (see below-copied), we must merely remember a few things about reality and the natural law, and don't forget, either, that our dear Lord and Saviour, who was truth itself (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), was killed for his truth and truth-telling--BUT WHICH TRUTH (= Christ) RESSURECTS, so never fear in the long-run, for what happens has to happen and had to have happened. And the real truth cannot ultimately be killed, as it's the only thing that really exists--nothing else.

And as Oswald Spengler teaches us, history is CYCLIC, and we're in a down-turn, the "Decline of the West." Thus a formerly successful civilization, as of the West and Jew S A, inexorably breeds-up an over-populated mass of simpering, passive, cowardly inferiors and weaklings, the inevitable brood of the original pioneers, heroes, and conquerors, ironic as it may seem (a).

(b) These inferiors and weaklings then commit the worst crimes of HUBRIS, making themselves God--or co-equal thereto--and determine that they, these inferiors and weaklings, are the arbiters of all truth and knowledge.

Such then is SUBJECTIVISM, basis of satanism, whence objective reality is banished and reviled. Thus under such conditions of cultural corruption and perversion, truth-telling is abhorred and the real truth-tellers are reviled and persecuted. The idea there's truth founded upon an objective reality is not allowed, and people like Tracy who speaks truth regarding such objective reality must suffer, and books like "Nobody Died At Sandy..." hoax must be suppressed, for such is the nature of the corrupt culture in the Western "decline," at war w. objectivity and anyone, like Tracy, who professes to make observation thereupon.

The other thing to note and take due consideration of is the practical, existential weapon and instrument of this subjectivistic culture, the institution of central-banking (see and for expo), legalized COUNTERFEITING, by which currency (not real "money" which must be commodity-based, hence gold/silver) is pumped-out nearly at will by these top-most criminals by which they own and control everything and everybody, directly or in-directly, quite literally.

Thus these "bankers" own/control all the mainstream mass-corp. Jews-media, all the politicians, judges, bureaucrats, all the corp.s, all "education," public and private, and obnoxious truth-tellers like Tracy, who rock the proverbial "boat" of subjectivism, are punished, persecuted, and treated--as we see.

What then is the pretext by which the poor masses of fools, goons, and suckers are inveigled to supporting this great satanistic travesty of cultural "decline"?--it's none-other than non-existent, fallacious, delusionary "good-evil" (Pharisaist moralism and Pelagian heresy) for children and dogs, by which they're intimidated and psyched, which is learned at a young age.

So what happens?--well, the inferiors and weaklings must somehow be put in their proper place. Historically, this cultural re-adjustment takes place by means of depressions and wars.

Thus the proper standards of money, economics, and civilization must be re-instated and re-instituted, commodity-money, hence gold/silver the only proper standards appropriate to objective reality and culture.

Another necessity is rule-of-law and proper Constitutional gov., esp. states-rights and primacy of local gov. above all.

But regardless, the weaklings and inferiors must not be allowed to prevail and dominate the healthy portion of the culture, enforcing and imposing their satanism and subjectivism--as it will only lead to extinction of humanity if it succeeds. It's a matter of do or die. Thus health and reason must prevail over disease and irrationality--as it always does in accord w. the law of nature.

So if truth = health, then it must and will prevail, and the present madness and Spenglerian "Decline of the West" of rule-by-inferiors must pass, come what may.

So if the natural law is survival of the fittest, the most healthy, then reason must, should, and will prevail over satanism/subjectivism.

----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------------------

Dreadnought January 7, 2016 at 5:27 PM

Is America not paying attention? This is a university professor being fired for teaching something that a member of the public didn't like to hear. "Don't teach that" is followed by "Don't say that" which is usually followed by "Don't think that" and then finally, "It's illegal to think that". It's obvious that in Orwellian times, more of us need to assume an integrity commensurate to Orwell's example. Allan Powell

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Jew-friendly sucker invokes/cites natural law, apster gives details....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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How Natural Law Actually Works In Detail, Specific Terms
(Apollonian 2 Jan 2016)

Here below, I analyze and describe in further detail what JR, just above (or see below) cites,

"Unless these issues are addressed natural law will take over and as nature forces humanity to obey her laws, or God gets pissed - pick your paradigm..."

Well see, it's like I've always noted, exposited, and explained: (a) at any given time, for any issue, u have the two polar opposites, but in-btwn are MOST OF THE PEOPLE who are "un-decided," don't know too well, who need leadership--this is the way societies are.

(b) And esp. after "victory" and "prosperity," as in Rome and now here in Jew S A, the society becomes over-loaded and over-populated w. these fools and weaklings in the middle, too easily led, as by TV, radio, etc.

(c) Note also, and again, it's CYCLIC phenomenon, regarding sociology and history, in accord w. Oswald Spengler's "Decline of the West," and the generation and rise of empires.

(d) Thus we have a situation now in the "decline" stage, w. over-populated goons, fools, morons, weaklings, and inferiors, most of them now having been led by the establishment criminals who've taken control of the culture, society, and economy by means of that foremost, definitive criminal enterprise, central-banking (see for expo), a private corp. (US Federal Reserve Bank) issuing the currency by means of control of credit, etc., all of this totally un-Constitutional, etc., as I've noted. Since they issue the currency to practically any amount they choose, they own/control all the mass corp. Jews-media.

(e) The pt. I've always made is that the culture now, as I've described, is SUBJECTIVISTIC for psychology, which parallels the "decline" and corruption, and thus is led for this subjectivism by the core criminals, hence Jews, which u can palpably VERIFY for history and philosophy, as fm their Talmud (see

(f) And u can look back in hist. at Roman emp., for example, and see exact same (or very similar) situation for the generation of the Christian revolution which finally overthrew, at least briefly, this subjectivistic dominance of Jew criminals.

(g) The only other thing to be noted and grasped is subjectivism as the basis of SATANISM, making oneself God, w. perfect "free"-will, subjectivism holding that all reality is mere emanation/product of one's mentality/consciousness. Entry-vehicle to this subjectivism is the "good-evil" delusion taught to children and then held and up-held esp. by the goons/fools/suckers of the "middle section" of the population.

(h) Thus we have a situation presently in which satanists are very much in control of things, the economy utterly DOOMED, the currency about to collapse which then sets-up for the leaders bringing us all into a war--in fact, in which war conditions we already find ourselves, as against "terrorism," which terrorism they, esp. Israelis and CIA, have created themselves--like present ISIS, totally created by "West," meaning CIA and MOSSAD, funded by Jew S A w. willing assistance, co-operation of "neo-cons" and Judeo-Christians (JCs--see and for expo) who have intimidated and "psyched" many if not most of those poor goons who populate the "middle" section of the political spectrum I described above, (a) through (d).

(i) And u, JR, are a part of those many in the "middle" section of population, who have been psyched, bamboozled, and deceived, NO LESS THAN JCs, by the satanists and Jew-masters, Jews natural leaders of satanists. Proof?--observe how u defend Jews, hence satanists and satanism, in knee-jerk fashion, pushing the same, typical sort of political-correct phrases, esp. for the prop. and lies against Christianity and the poor, deceived Christian people so horribly victimized, yet to be victimized even more in near future.

(j) Observe further, how u uphold the subjectivist pretext, as for "good-evil," thus doing ur part for the satanists, hence Jews, along w. all the other politically-correct phrases and Jew-friendly gestures u make, used then by satanists, and having effect for the poor fools, and victims of afore-mentioned "middle sections" of population who follow leadership, as of ur own sort, working for Jews and satanists as u do, consciously or un-consciously.

--------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------

Anonymous Jan 1, 2016, 10:43:00 PM


Apsterian says:

"JR: Nutty As A Fruit-Cake, Ho Ho Ho

JR writes (above):

"We need to get agriculture going again - people can get loans for machines and land....I drove about 8+ hours the other day and saw a lot of land that could be used for agriculture - at a profit."

Oh, so people can "get loans"?--HOW DO U KNOW?--do u have the money to be loaned?--I highly doubt it.

Apsterian, The question isn't about whether or not it is "my money" or whatever - we are talking here - when we are talking about agricultural reform using modern automated equipment that even the corporations will tell you doesn't need human intervention...

We are not talking about private loans - we are talking about public loans - in other words - what are we as a country going to have our representatives do with the money they are already collecting from the public via taxation?

Presently that money is being spent on war, controlling drug production places and grabbing natural resources - and posturing/prepositioning our military forces to hold and advantage for future conflicts that are probably already in the making.

We can choose peace or war. That is a human decision.

WE currently have nobody running for or holding leadership positions that are willing to address "ROOT CAUSE."

Unless these issues are addressed natural law will take over and as nature forces humanity to obey her laws, or God gets pissed - pick your paradigm...

Things will go in a certain direction and that direction, if we do not address 911 and a few other big issues - we are headed for a war within this country.

That's just an opinion and I know it stinks just like the rest of them.