Thursday, July 30, 2015

Hoffman and Baldwin predictably overlook the main cultural problem--satanism, built upon subjectivism....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Hoffman, Baldwin Are Integral Parts Of Large Cultural, Hereticalist Problem
(Apollonian, 30 Jul 15)

Hoffman: both u and Baldwin make significant pt.s, but u both miss-out on the essential general precept, which is SUBJECTIVISM, esp. extreme subjectivism, satanism, the idea that all reality proceeds fm one's mentality or consciousness--that there is no objective reality.  Thus by means of this subjectivism one suffers most gross HUBRIS and makes oneself God, the creator--the ultimate satanism. 

Why and how is it u miss this?--extreme subjectivism, hence satanism?  Thus Christ = Truth (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), and the only way truth can exist is by means of the (God-created) OBJECTIVE reality, necessary foundation/premise/criterion to any possible truth.

And the pretext by which one begins the ignoring of Christian TRUTH (= Christ) and objectivity is PELAGIAN HERESY, the idea one can be "good," which "good" couldn't possibly exist, we being most hopeless SINNERS as the St.s, Paul, Augustine, and Martin Luther affirmed.  For humans don't have a perfectly "free" will, only God's will being perfect.

Thus the primary cultural problem is satanism, hence subjectivism, and hereticalist "good-evil" is the pretext taught to children which hereticalism, guilt- and inferiority-complex most of the poor children never grow out of, the original pretext for subsequent rampant satanism and empire-of-lies, as we see.

For note Jews and satanists aren't "evil" anymore than typhus, or plague, or leprosy are "evil"--which "evil" doesn't and couldn't exist, and u and Baldwin FAIL for ur over-looking this about satanism built upon subjectivism and especially the heresy of Pelagianism, pretext and initial building-block for all following Pharisaism and satanism--it all goes together.

Thus Hoffman, u and Baldwin are integral parts of the cultural problem, built upon Pelagian heresy, which u refuse to acknowledge, never doubt.

Monday, July 27, 2015

satanism is the problem, and it's simple thing, really, for explaining to folks; practical Christianity MUST deal w. this satanic problem....

Below essay by ap first published at comments,

See the YouTube vid, about 20 mins long when u get a chance.

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Christianity MUST Be Practical, Emphasizing Satanism, Pharisaism, Lies, Hubris Of Present Corrupt Culture
(Apollonian, 27 Jul 15)

Well, I took the time to listen to the entire vid.  I must say it was very slow, plodding, much lacking in drama.  Christian leaders must dramatize things much more, and more effectively.  See, satanism is the problem, and satanism is real thing--so people need to get hip.  So what specifically, at root, is satanism?--it's extreme subjectivism, philosophy by which one rejects the God-created objective reality, everything then coming fm one's own mentality, one making oneself God (hubris).

Jews then are foremost subjectivists (Gosp. JOHN 8:44) as they practice a collective subjectivism, u see, Jews most organized, "connected," allowing them to rule over masses of gentiles who out-number Jews.  Thus Jews are foremost satanists, leaders of organized crime, the power behind US Federal Reserve Bank legalized COUNTERFEITING scam, their primary earthly tool.

Examples of this satanism and Jew dominance are constantly evident w. all the news stories.  Mark Dice and "Vigilant Christian" (use search engine), to name just a couple, do great jobs on U-tube for their vids on this satanist subject-matter.

Christ then affirms the objective (hence God-created) reality, opposing Jews and satanists decisively, conclusively.  For as Christ is truth (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), there couldn't be truth without the objective reality to serve as criterion/basis thereto.

So Christian task is to oppose satanism--NOT expounding Bible--Bible should only be used sparingly for reference purposes.  U've got to do the Christian job on ur own, speaking extemporaneously, not relying upon Bible as the major prop.  Speak fm top of ur head about subject-matter that's topical relating w. people in most practical way.

Soon, very soon, US Dollar will collapse decisively, losing 50% or more of it's value--this means prices will DOUBLE, on avg., which will be crushing, causing food shortages, riots, and civil un-rest.  U've got to get AWAY fm this ponderous sort of scriptural quibbling and emphasis--that's NOT what Christianity must be used for.  U must tell people about satanism, but in a practical, down-to-earth manner, as I note, the solution being Christian truth, hence OBJECTIVITY.  Take good care.  God bless.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

satanism must be grasped, seen clearly for what it is, how it works....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Real Christian Values Must Resurrect, Revive--Against Jews, Satanists
(Apollonian, 26 Jul 15)

This was great article; u bring up excellent pt.s, and I refer u to the great historian, Oswald Spengler's work, "Decline of the West," wherein Spengler outlined the CYCLIC process of history whence a nation grows-up and becomes empire, then declines--it happened to Rome and now it's happening to USA, Jews so much the catalyzing problem in both instances.

And the "decline" of the West is seen definitively in the Judaic take-over and destruction of what used to be Christian-oriented West, founded in TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), hence the objective reality. What happened?--we, in the West, now find ourselves prisoners of an empire-of-lies, hence, culturally and psychologically, the thematic Judaic subjectivism which pushes (non-existent) "good" over TRUTH.

Thus the Jews' central-banking--just really legalized COUNTERFEITING--took over the economy, and has thoroughly corrupted the culture, capturing all establishment Christian institutions, including now, as we see, the satanic pope, calling for world government.

So we have to hope for a heroic leader w. a movement, like a newly invigorated and truly anti-Semitic Christianity, led by such as St. Constantine the Great, resurrecting and reviving the old Western values of objectivity, truth, and honesty against Jew lies and hereticalist, Pharisaic delusions.

People have to see and face the great satanic monster which has captured the West, satanism understood for what it is--SUBJECTIVISM which follows upon Pelagian heresy of non-existent "good-evil" which corrupts people in guilt- and inferiority-complex, rendering them slaves to Jews and their lies.

But of course, people will not readily begin to thinking seriously UNTIL disaster happens, perhaps even catastrophe--much like in the old Roman Empire at time of St. Constantine. Soon enough, US Dollar will lose much of its value causing food-shortages, riots, and civil un-rest. Meantime, Christian soldiers, defending TRUTH (= Christ), must militarize, hence be rationalist and preach the reality of satanism in way of subjectivism, hubris, and Pharisaism, this all led by Jews.

INITIATIVE for Christian militarization, oriented against satanism, subjectivism, hubris, Judaism....

Virtue And Necessity Of INITIATIVE For Christian Militarization, Truth Founded On Objectivity--Against Subjectivism, satanism, Hubris, Judaism
(Apollonian, 26 July 15)

Proper, Necessary Christian militarization thus needs a target and initiative for practical action, an object for one's effort and passion, and anti-Semitism has always well-served even though it's well-anticipated by Jews and others who are ready w. countless excuses, lies, and attempts and techniques of diversion and deflection. For never forget Jews are masters of the lie, and their lies never cease (Gosp. JOHN 8:44).

Thus anti-Semitism is necessary as Jews are leaders of satanism, subjectivism being thematic to both, Jews always dominating because of their collectivism, hence organization which allows Jews thus to command and rule all the huge mass of gentile satanists, dupes, accomplices, stooges, and victims who yet so vastly out-number the Jews.

For example and proof, observe then Jews dominate central banking and such as US Federal Reserve Bank legalized COUNTERFEITING scam and mechanism, this giving Jews and satanists their overwhelming worldly power, owning and controlling everything and everyone one, even the good Christians, like Ron Paul, fearing to be assassinated by these infernal satanists.

And it only needs reminding that Jews are defended most loyally by such as the Judeo-Christian (JC--see for expo) hereticalists who say Christ was Jew and who support terror-state of Israel. These JCs then constitute the largest and most powerful single political interest group among gentiles, controlling all establishment Christianity which keeps the average, nominal Christians so demoralized, confused, and mis-led, poor deluded fools, desperately needing leadership and guidance.

(a) JC hereticalists, for further examples, are amazing for their multiple confounded mis-conceptions, for example, pretending Christianity is primarily about "love" (or anything) rather than TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) above all/any, truth then requiring the objective reality as criterion.

(b) Another mis-conception is regarding "faith" which only properly means LOYALTY, not "believing." Note also, this "faith" as beleeeeeeevin' is NECESSARY to satanism, Judaism, and lies, for how otherwise can one take lying seriously unless one is subjectivist and insists upon what one wants and desires to being true--for such is subjectivism and a subjectivist reality--it depends upon BELIEF, insistence, obsession.

(c) Another mis-conception is about Christianity requiring "peace" among humans, these phony "Christians" then preaching pacifism and "non-violence," even to the pt. of treason. But real Christian peace is that within the individual who's confident of one's honesty and rational passion for truth.

So Christian militarization and initiative is anti-Semitic, yes, but best is to begin w. anti-satanism, satanism then understood as subjectivism and hubris, one making oneself God, all reality proceeding fm one's mentality. Jews then are natural LEADERS of satanists, most sublimely subjectivist as they're collectivists, natural leaders and masterminds of criminals, ruling all the gentile subjectivists and criminals even as Jews are out-numbered.

Such then is Christian militarist initiative, putting pressure on the necessary pt. and place, in right way, for right reason(s)--it begins w. anti-satanism, w. understanding what satanism is, SUBJECTIVISM and hubris. Anti-semitism then merely follows logically.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

How the REAL Christianity must mobilize for conveying to the people that basic thing regarding truth vs. lies....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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WHAT People Need "Give A Damn" About--Truth Vs. Lies
(Apollonian, 25 Jul 15)

"Whether or not anyone gives a damn is another question entirely."  -Very last line of this essay by JR, so Ironic.

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People give a "damn" (see above quote) as so many understand there's horrible things happening.  US Dollar about to lose 50% of its value, soon--within a yr, many say now.

But have u ever considered it's HOW u give a damn, or WHAT u give a damn about?--it's u, JR, who doesn't give a damn about the right, necessary, proper thing, I submit.

War is being waged against people of USA--by satanists, and u don't give the damn u demand others give.  Thus satanism, for practical purposes, is SUBJECTIVISM, the idea that all reality comes fm one's mentality, there not being an objective reality--which Christians are taught to think of as "God-created."  And of course, we know, u're too clever to take Christianity or such thing as "God" seriously--U'RE THE ONE WHO FAILS to giving the necessary "damn," sucker.

Thus extreme subjectivism amounts, for practical purposes, to making oneself God--this is satanism--and it's really quite simple.  And this satanism is what's steadily destroying the world, sucker--which u're not grasping, observing, or heeding.

For only about, maybe, 5% of folks can understand things in terms of strict logic or reason, u see--the rest of the people don't consider themselves clever enough to take such logic or reason too seriously, it being great strain on their child-like minds. 

That's why then, we teach all people, fm the earliest age, the Christian mythology--it's a way of conveying philosophy, but in an allegorical manner--as in way of Aesop's fables which sought to teach "moral" lessons, such as it was for the Greeks who immediately preceded the Christians.

Thus the Christ hero figure/character opposed satanism and SUBJECTIVISM, insisting upon the idea there was such thing as TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), hence then the objective reality, necessary basis/foundation of any possible "truth."

And Christ taught this TRUTH was the "only way" to Godly happiness.

So u see, this great battle btwn TRUTH and lies (satanism), lies founded in subjectivism, naturally, is at the heart of the Christian moral of New Testament--and this is what one must "give a damn" about--most Christians at least vaguely understand this, though not sufficiently, evidently, to be able to with-stand present satanic juggernaut, so dominant, so over-whelming, about to crash-down upon the poor people soon, soon, I'm afraid.

So far, people know fairly solidly that LIES are the basic problem--it's at the heart of Gosp. JOHN 8:44--but they just have problem converting or translating it to most practical terms.

Irony for the large culture/society is that establishment Christianity, including "Vatican," for example, is so totally captured by these satanic lies (and liars), and that's greatest asset and advantage of satanists.

Thus Christianity must MILITARIZE and mobilize--hence must un-veil itself by means of strictest reason.  For Christianity is the only real thing that can lead the people, the people not able to grasp strict reason and logic, as I note.

Thus folks must understand the WAR being waged by Satanists (a), and then (b) HOW they do it, beginning by means of attractive LIES, esp. the lie regarding "good-evil" Pharisaism, known to Christians as Pelagian heresy.

For "good-evil" doesn't exist in the objective, hence deterministic world; fallacious/delusionary/hereticalist "good-evil" can only exist upon SUBJECTIVISTIC premise--satanism, in all the possible, imaginable irony.  For we're all sinners, doomed to fiery flames of heck.  But this "good-evil" delusion is most difficult for people to ignore, they having been brought-up on it fm earliest age, so many having induced upon them "guilt-complex" (also known as "inferiority-complex").  And such "good-evil" lie is then the foundation of that subjectivism the satanists rely upon--as they do presently.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Chutzpah-filled kike, Maher rebutted--for the record....

Below-copied comment by ap first published at comments,

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Kike Maher Rebutted
(Apollonian, 8 Jun 15)

Well, the obvious refutation to kike, Maher, is the "Christians" he talks about are really, mostly, only NOMINAL for their Christianity, Christianity being necessarily anti-semitic (Gosp. JOHN 8:44), the kike filth following their satanic Talmud which teaches them Christ was rightfully killed for blasphemy and heresy (see, Talmud teaching it's ok for kikes to lie to and murder gentiles.

Thus stupid, ignorant puke, calling themselves "Christian," accept tolerance of this psychopathic filth, called Jews, who, for example, run their funny-money scam, US Federal Reserve Bank legalized COUNTERFEITING, by which Jews own and control practically all politicians, judges, edjumacation, mass-corp. Jews-media, all the corp.s--essentially the entire culture, NSA sending all the raw data to Israel, at least now 3 and probably 4 kikes on US Sup. ct., etc.

And the proof kikes and queers dominate this degenerate culture is esp. in the pop music industry wherein u have EXPLICIT devil worship and Jew Cabalism as of Madonna, Jay Z and his wife, Beyonce', and all the other illuminists--don't forget Marilyn Manson (who's Jew) is explicit satanist.

So when we say Christianity is under attack, remember we mean THE REAL THING--Christian worship of truth and objective reality (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) which is understood only be too few, the false Christianity prevailing for the great majority of these scum who call themselves "Christians," but who support terror-state of Israel, etc.

How powerful is Israel, actually?....

Israel Evermore Isolated, No Longer Thrives As Well For It's Criminal Enterprise, It's Central Banking Breaking-Down
(Apollonian, 14 Jun 15)

How powerful is Israel?

Note Israel is essentially head-quarters for a global-wide criminal enterprise founded upon the banking cartel featuring legalized COUNTERFEITING--"central banking."

How powerful is this criminal empire and network?--how powerful are the entities included?--for it includes Jew S A and all the other "nations" controlled by this legalized COUNTERFEITING empire--practically the entire world.

And this legalized COUNTERFEITING scam is tottering on brink of utter bankruptcy, hence the empire seeks to begin a huge round of warfare by which to "muddy" the proverbial "waters" while specific criminals escape--but where would they go?

And note warfare is notoriously difficult to control once it gets started.

So the question reduces to how powerful are the criminals vs. how powerful are the enemies, the victims, of these criminals?

Thus one would have to admit the West and USA, for example, are pretty far along in the CYCLIC historic "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, currency and economic collapse beckoning.  Can the people rally in the face of these collapses, and in the face of the criminal opposition?  Jews/satanists seem to be fairly well organized as usual.

And the question then has to do w. unity and strength of the opposition to Jews/satanists--which would seem to be strengthening in rough proportion to the weakening of general economy.  Surely KEY to the "strength" of the anti-satanic opposition is the unity of the core Christians--are these true and real Christians faring well against the phony Judeo-Christian (JC--see and for expo) accomplices to Jews/satanists?--perhaps, but perhaps they could do better for their "out-reach" for Christian grasp and consolidation.  Rise of Internet and its info has not been good for Jew/satanist criminals and their network/conspiracy, surely.

Here's good analysis of Judaic/satanist "ideology"....

Christian Analysis Of Judaic "Ideology"/Philosophy
(Apollonian, 16 Jun 15)

(a) Ideology: Jew philosophy or ideology isn't really difficult; just start fm basic principles  For remember Christ analyzed them to a "T"--Jews then are simply the ultimate liars (Gosp. JOHN 8:44), very sons of satan himself.  For Christ (= truth, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) endorses the objective reality, created by God the Father, the basis/criterion for truth.  What is truth?--what corresponds, is verified by reality--such is science, one notes.

For note Jews, by definition are followers of Pharisees who held, against Christ who spoke against this, that Torah law of Moses was to be "interpreted" ("midrash") according to "Oral law tradition."  Torah then only means what kikes say it means, right?--ho ho ho ho--which Christ denounced emphatically, saying these lying hereticalist Pharisees had substituted the laws of men for the commands of God, making the law of "none effect."  Jews then conspired to murder truth (= Christ) which then resurrected (Easter)--for one cannot kill truth.

So then note Jews are simply most sublime, organized, and united CRIMINALS, that's all--foremost liars and frauds who, for example, run the central-banking scam (like US Federal Reserve Bank, but also the B. of England, ECB, IMF, World Bank, etc.) by which they legally COUNTERFEIT the money-supply, owning and controlling everything and everybody, anyone not going along, who won't be bribed and who stands against extortion, simply being assassinated.

(b) Victimism: So of course Jews are narcissists--BUT note they're collectivistic narcissists, sublimely coached, trained, and led, united, connected, and organized.

Most of all, consider Talmudism/Judaism is actually a war strategy against humanity, the God of the Jews being a WAR-GOD, quite literally--similar to the Greek/Roman war-god, Ares/Mars, or the Babylonian Marduk.  Thus it reduces to a criminal conspiracy, Jews just a bunch of war-like psychopaths and criminals--as history verifies.  No wonder Jews are hated.

(c) Messiahism: Thus as Jews are necessarily SUBJECTIVIST (satanist), reality (esp. beginning w. Torah) being "interpreted" and meaning only what they say it means, note then the "hook" for this subjectivism is mysterious and totally subjective "good-evil," designed for children, and esp. those suffering fm inferiority and guilt -complex, most folks finding it so difficult to graduate to adult-hood, freeing themselves fm childish addictions and fears.

(d) Thus historically, which history is CYCLIC as it is objective and hence determined according to absolute cause-effect, we see as a society/empire matures, working towards eventual collapse and demise, it creates weaklings who are un-equal to the heroism, honesty, and valor of the original conqueror generation, as esp. in classic Roman example, and also as we see presently, in the American instance.

Thus the inferiors and weaklings of the maturing empire, following upon their inferiority and guilt -complex, adopt the Jews' lies and frauds, esp. based upon that fundamental fallacy of "good-evil" (Pharisaism), allowing Jews and masterminds to controlling them, as we see in present MTV, "hip-hop" culture, featuring nearly explicit satanism and anti-Christ, anti-rationalist MYSTICISM and occultism.  Thus Jews and criminal masterminds betray and destroy the culture w. the un-witting help of the sucker generation, all built upon inferiority-complex and fallacious "good-evil."

Only Christian revival and resurrection of the original rationalism and culture can save the situation, but before that happens, evidently, disasters and catastrophe must happen to dis-empower and dis-credit the masterminds and demoralizing their suck-alongs who are large in numbers and over-populated.  Christian patriots must harken to the example of original Christian revolutionary, St. Constantine the Great.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Judaism is satanism, but most sublime, a collectivist sort--unlike stupid gentiles who are "individualist," hence victimized by more organized, "connected" Jews, always....

Below essay first published at

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Satanism Must Be Understood For Nature, Circumstances
(Apollonian, 11 July 15)

Satanism is subjectivism taken to extreme--the idea that all reality merely is in one's own mentality--that there is no OBJECTIVE (hence God-created) reality. Thus Satanism is making oneself God, extreme subjectivism.

Thus Christ = TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), truth not possible UNLESS there's objective reality to serve as criterion/basis. People underestimate the serious, genuine philosophic virtue and lesson given in New Test.

Note then the Jews are simply collectivist subjectivists, subjectivism foundation of lies. And Jews, being far better organized and "connected" then, absolutely RULE all the rest of the goy subjectivists, who vastly out-number Jews, and who are notoriously "individualist," and thus dis-organized in face of organized, "connected" Jew master-minds.

Foremost pretext for subjectivism is "good-evil" to which children are subjected and taught, most of them NEVER growing out of such delusion, BUT which delusion is most effective, when people are young, to controlling people. People become addicted to being and pretending to be "good"--such an INFERIORITY-complex they develop when young, never giving it up, always seeking to prove how "good" they are.

Thus St.s Augustine and Paul uphold DETERMINISM, absolute cause-effect (no perfectly "free" human will), it not possible to be "good," we ALWAYS being "sinners," creatures of will, hence self-interested.

Thus Jews are properly understood as DISEASE--they're not "evil" so much as they're sublimely INSANE (hubris)--no more evil than typhus, or plague, or leprosy, and God creates them for purpose of exterminating excess humanity which becomes over-populated, these humans becoming infected w. same Pelagianism/Pharisaism, pretending they're good. Jews, far more organized, then coming along, arranging for wars to exterminate excess gentiles.

For as reality is (a) objective, (b) hence deterministic, (c) it's CYCLIC in accord w. Spengler's "Decline of the West," and as an empire is first established by brave, heroic conquerors, the descendants become corrupt, not having to fight and suffer for what their ancestors provided them for nothing. Thus descendent generations become evermore corrupt, pretending evermore to Pharisaist "good," letting in the Jews who then complete the job of destroying the once great, successful, and prosperous empire--as we see now in USA, Dollar collapsing, USA soon to suffering hyper-inflation, total economic collapse, etc.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Why work so hard to "prove" Christ existed?--when it's easier to simply observe in logic one can't dis-prove God or Christ....

Below-copied essay by ap first posted at comments,

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Just Contemplate And Grasp Genius Of New Test. Literature
(Apollonian, 9 July 2015)

Good gravy, but isn't all this (about "reality of Christ") just a bit besides the pt.?--do u ever wonder u "protesteth too much"?--do u ever get tired of all this effort and energy expended?--WHAT exactly are u really trying to prove, anyway?

Why can't u simply be secure in truth, reality, reason, and logic to effect it's well-known in logic one cannot prove universal negative?--that it's impossible to prove there is no God (or Christ)?

So u don't understand simple logic--hence u find urself constrained to present all this mass of . . . text--with 27 footnotes, no less!--are u satisfied and happy now?--will u EVER be?

And so now--what?--u imagine u've accomplished anything?

But New Test. is simply the replacement of preceding Homeric literature as defining Western cultural mentality, Christ affirming the existence of TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH, as affirmed in Gosp. JOHN 14:6, 8:32, and 18:37-8, hence the necessary existence of objective reality, criterion for such truth--God-created, for those not literate or philosophically-oriented.

And this Christian affirmation of truth (= Christ), the ONLY way to Godly happiness, is and was meant as definitive rebuttal to satanic Pharisees, the greatest henchmen of satan and lies (Gosp. JOHN 8:44), this Pharisaism and lying based upon SUBJECTIVISM--the "interpretation" (midrash) of Torah and Mosaic law for the good of Jews, but really to the benefit of the top Jew masterminds, the rabbis and their cronies.

And thus as Christ stood-up for truth (hence objective reality), the greatest virtue, above all/any other precept, including "faith," "love," "peace," and ESPECIALLY (non-existent) "good," the satanists, Jews, Pharisees, and Sadducees determined to kill Christ--but which TRUTH (= Christ) yet resurrected on Easter as truth CANNOT be killed, truth being God, as Christ the Son.

And the greatest ENEMY of truth, God, and Christ is this non-existent "good," pretext for subjectivism, foundation of lies and satanism.  For objective reality is thus determinist in accord w. absolute cause-effect, there being no perfectly "free" will, only God's will being free, humans hopeless sinners doomed to fiery flames of heck, crucially needing God's grace and mercy for salvation.

So instead of wasting all ur time and effort for this sophomoric attempting to pretend there was this Christ person (which cannot be dis-proven), perhaps u ought to just stop and think and appreciating the basic story and meaning of New Testament, ode to TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH and the objective reality which mocks those infernal Jews and satanists pretending to non-existent "good," basis of subjectivism and lies, Pharisaist hubris, and all perdition.