Saturday, October 31, 2015

Fullest meaning of "fun," how then it gets cheapened--then to pt. of satanism and total ruin of the culture/society....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Soon Enough, "Fun" Will Be Reduced To Bare Survival
(Apollonian, 31 Oct 15)

Yes, we Americans, Westerners, and humans, like the old Romans, are sinners--always have been and always will be--why?--because God created us as creatures of WILL, to be guided then by reason (TRUTH, according to Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), if and as possible, but regardless, without reason we're still and always will be creatures of will.

And what do we (through human will) seek?--whatever--and what is that?--well, what gives us pleasure or happiness--SELF-INTEREST (whatever that might be)--that's why we're such gosh-darned sinners, doggone it--because we don't always reason, it being too easy to leave off with, continuing on w. what merely "feels good." Reason requires effort (will), which is too hard to always maintain, too easy to neglect.

Thus Christianity holds the summum bonum to be God, or knowledge thereof, which includes "fun," the only way to getting there being TRUTH (= Christ), the Holy Spirit thus entailing and including REASON, the means to truth, truth (= Christ) the means to God. But it's got to be HONEST reason, for Jews pervert and corrupt reason in all their hubris, making themselves co-equal w. God, they being God's purpose, God their mere slave (gross hubris).

Notice also, this Pharisaism, hubris, and satanism (extreme subjectivism) is the ideal of masonry--"illuminism." Thus Christian truth is founded necessarily upon Aristotelian ("God-given") objective reality, necessary basis of truth. Jew lies (Gosp. JOHN 8:44) is founded upon SUBJECTIVISM, the idea that reality is whatever someone wants it to be. And Jews ALWAYS rule in subjectivist/satanist society as Jews are so "united," organized, COLLECTIVISTIC--don't forget, they literally invented bolshevism and "scientific socialism."

So, we strive to temper will w. reason, reason w. honesty, "integrity" then being that virtue of honest reason that thereupon, w. practice and "piety," pervades throughout the spirit, conscious and subconscious, which gives that integrity, thus virtue of Holy Spirit.

But what happens?--we suffer HUBRIS, that idea of a perfectly "free" human will, but which perfection only God has, we being subject to determinist sinfulness, crass, un-thinking obsession w. whatever mindless pleasure, happiness, "fun"--a kind of cheap "fun" now separated fm Godly happiness, more bound w. the "flesh."

But we MUST have that "fun" and then suffer, for only thus do we learn virtue of reason, temperance, and moderation--HOLY SPIRIT--and necessity thereof. Life SUCKS--Greek "tragedy"--and so it is for Christians too, we see.

So then what's the typical COURSE, sociologically, and according to Oswald Spengler ("Decline of the West"), for such tragedy, sin, and hubris?--well, it's the usual Pharisaism--pretending to "good," Pelagian heresy as analyzed by dear old St. Augustine. And this socially-generated hubris is always typified by cultural success, (military) "victory," and "prosperity," as we see.

The original generation is truly heroic, brave, honest (as humanly possible, of course) and productive, like the Romans of the old Republic, but w. success and military victories of their culture they breed up following generations of weaklings who wouldn't otherwise have been able to prevail and survive. And what happens?--they suffer inevitable HUBRIS, the pretense of a perfectly "free," God-like will by which they pretend to the typical Pharisaist and non-existent "good" and "evil"--Pelagian heresy.

Thus, the now over-populated fools and weaklings who presently pre-dominate and prevail in the culture allow the Jews and satanism (subjectivism) to infiltrate and take-over, esp. by means of central-banking legalized COUNTERFEITING, Jews eventually owning/controlling EVERYTHING and everybody, as we see.

So now the culture is DOOMED to perpetual warfare and "DE-POPULATION," this in accord w. "Agenda 21" of Jews' United Nations. For the weaklings and inferiors who've brought in the Pharisaism must be exterminated--they're simply over-populated--just as when drought comes to the savannah of Africa, the population of zebras, and giraffes must reduce.

So we sinners GOTTA have some fun, but sometimes, it's reduced to simply, merely surviving--as it's gonna get very sad, drastic, and desperate, soon, soon, as US Dollar and economy continue to collapse, the Jew/satanic overlords planning horrific warfare, false-flags, famine, pestilence, and terror-events up-coming, never doubt. Life is war and (Greek) tragedy, and every respite fm it is "fun," even though we might not think of it that way.

Moronic insistence on ignorance of Jews and satanism doesn't help anything....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Ignorance Is No Virtue
(Apollonian, 31 Oct 15)

See JR, u refuse to face-up to the Jew menace, for some reason. U imagine Jews are like any other "religion"--they're not--they're SUBJECTIVISTS--they're really satanists (extreme subjectivism) who make themselves, collectivistically, into God. See for expo on Talmud; also, see

Remember, subjectivism--esp. extreme subjectivism--is idea that reality is whatever u view it to be, get it? So thus we get SELECTIVE justice and prosecution--as hitlery Clinton, for example, gets away w. breaking the law, nothing happens. Same w. IRS, targeting T-party groups, refusing to follow law, bankers and large corp.s getting away w. gross fraud.

And esp. in the mass, popular entertainment u get this satanism--go to u-tube and type into search engine, "satanism in hip-hop music," or "satanism in entertainment," or "satanism in movies," and u'll come up w. THOUSANDS of vid selections.

And, to make a long story short, satanism, in immediate, practical terms, means horrific currency and economic -collapse coming soon, soon indeed. And naturally the economic turmoil will be complicated w. warfare and most probably more false-flags done here in Jew S A.

U're so amazingly and strangely out-to-lunch on this Jew issue, one must wonder. It is NOT NOT NOT a virtue to be sooooo ignorant, u know.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

satanic course of horror, catastrophe continues, Trump no diff....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Satanic Tyranny Still Strong, Riding High
(Apollonian, 29 Oct 15)

How can Trump essentially change anything?--he can't--he can only MANAGE the way it already is. Anyone who attempts to seriously change anything meets up w. an accident--like JFK, who got head blown off in broad daylight in front of millions now who've seen the vids over and again.

Satanists and satanism rules, satanism being extreme subjectivism, reality whatever u want it to be (subjectivism), but then collectivist subjectivism ruling, these topmost subjectivists/satanists being Jews. For the gentile satanists, though far out-numbering Jews, are far less organized, Jews ruling especially through the money-printing (and digitalizing) mechanism, central-banking (see and for expo on US Federal Reserve Bank).

And only when this infernal fiat-money and central-banking system decisively falters will enough people wake-up to necessity of changing things--if they can survive, for present program is to REDUCE POPULATION, according to "Agenda-21."

Meantime, Jews and oligarchs are trying to steer us into war, presently, keeping people occupied and diverted; they've also got bio-weapons, HAARP, EMP and other weapons. ISIS was devised and created by these Jewwy oligarchs too, as is "black lives matter," etc.

Jew-hatred (a.k.a. dear old Christianity) used to unite the people and provide for cultural advance, but after centuries it went out of fashion, as gentiles got good at what Jews did, and now Jews have made a decisive come-back.

So folks have to focus on satanism (subjectivism) as the problem, it being easiest thing to unite people on basis of negative and common hatred. We need states rights and primacy of local gov., de-activating the centralized tyranny and one-world empire presently working to exterminate the people. Trump at least understands babies can't handle too many toxic vaccines all at one time.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Cultural satanism (extreme subjectivism) is confirmed when all details (as for Sandy hoax) are examined, taken into account....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Fullest Theory, Explanation Of Sandy Hoax Requires All Pertinent Details
(Apollonian, 25 Oct 15)

So, to sum-up for Fetzer's work here on Sandy hoax, we observe the limited, local details given by Fetzer are all fairly, quite true, far as they go--which isn't too far, truth be told. For the details are too limited.

And at least one extremely pertinent detail is missing, that being the CENTRAL-BANKING element, but which crucially accounts for the TREMENDOUS expenditures involved for financing this gross travesty of conspiracy and fraud by all the players, local and Federal.

Another crucial detail is that Sandy hoax is one of a number of other extremely similar such frauds and psy-ops--like Boston marathon bombing, Charleston, SC "shootings," "Eliot Roger" "shootings," and many others too.

For these details, above-noted, are necessary to answer question regarding the amazing ENORMITY of the Sandy hoax event, involving the collusion and co-operation of all the players involved, local police, state troopers, Feds, school officials, bureaucrats, politicians, and judges, and including the corp. entities and media who get so much funding fm gov. sources, etc.

For necessary INDUCTION then is the absolutely satanic nature of the conspiracy of Sandy hoax, and including also the larger conspiracy which Sandy hoax was integral part, this for overthrow of US Constitution and state and national sovereignty of USA under one-world gov. run by afore-mentioned financial criminals at the top of things.

And this larger, satanic conspiracy then has to do more specifically w. the internal motive, leadership, and basic energy of the satanists led by foremost satanists, the Jews, followers of the Talmud, satanism being essentially extreme subjectivism.

Such then are the FULL details of Sandy hoax which must be considered for most accurate and informative THEORY, rationale, and explanation of things. Sandy hoax is truly integral event and particular piece of larger, more general "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Sandy hoax conspiracy in large, cultural/social context pt.s up SATANISM....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Sandy Hoax Placed In Satanic, Criminal Perspective, Fullest CONTEXT For Culture, Society
(Apollonian, 24 Oct 15)

Thus Sandy hoax is examined in regard to various circumstances and details attached and included therewith, the inductive logic leading to conclusion of hoax, deliberate deception and fraud, and thus CONSPIRACY is fully grasped and justified.

"[W]hen you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." -Sherlock Holmes (A.C. Doyle)

Further, note the element of financing for the Sandy hoax is truly prodigious, no expense was or even now, as the hoax continues, is spared.

To give yet further CONTEXT to Sandy hoax are the other fake shootings that have taken place and exposed, including the Charleston, SC supposed shooting of 9 church-goers, the infamous "Eliot Roger" shooting, among the many other frauds and media put-ons (a).

(b) These deliberate hoaxes and frauds then can additionally be grouped with yet other conspiracies, much more deadly, including 9/11, JFK, RFK, MLK assassinations, among others too.

(c) Further still, one must observe the largest context socially and culturally, and consider that criminal enterprise known as CENTRAL-BANKING, specifically then, the US Federal Reserve Bank, which is simply legalized COUNTERFEITING, which actually rules and controls the entire nation and culture, the US gov. completely under its control. See and for expo on US Fed and central banking.

Thus we find the continuing staging of these frauds and minor conspiracies all happening within a large context of fraud and criminal conspiracy, that of central banking, and we see the SIMILARITY of our present situation w. that of the original American founders, described in Jefferson's Dec. of Independence, when Jefferson described the King of G. Britain conspired w. the British Parliament against the colonies and citizens.

Striking differences btwn the two eras, of Jefferson's and our own, now, is (1) present establishment and corp. mass-media is fully-owned by the criminal powers and is being used against the people, UNLIKE in Jefferson's era.

(2) The religious practice of the people, Christianity, was much more effective HELP and AID to the people of Jefferson's time than establishment religion of present is for the benefit of people today.

(3) For today, there's distinct satanic element and EXTREME HUBRIS which didn't exist in Jefferson's day, satanism defined as extreme subjectivism whence one makes oneself God, the subject being creator of his/her own reality. And this satanism is something that is widely observed by numerous people for legal and political application and also in the entertainment field.

Hence the elaborate conspiracy of Sandy hoax is far more understandable in large CONTEXT of the heavily satanistic and criminal-dominated culture of the present day. Given the circumstances, Sandy hoax elaboration and production is quite understandable; MOTIVE and OPPORTUNITY are un-questionably present and demonstrable for such criminal hoax and fraud. Sandy hoax is something the top criminal masterminds WOULD seek to perpetrate--and it would be done in the way it was and is still being pushed.

Thus Sandy hoax and conspiracy is best understood IN CONTEXT, and it's a very daunting context--that of rampant satanism, the culture and nation literally in THRALL of criminals, that large criminal conspiracy being one of sublimity which is why/how it continues to succeed fueled by the typical hubris/madness which always goes along. For note, for example, the subject of money is abstract and not too easy for broad understanding. Many people then can't be saved, or cured, or "enlightened," but some surely can, and these are ones, especially the youth, who must be addressed.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Fetzer's greatest failure of analysis for satanic consp.--the hierarchy of criminal consp., the Fed, central-bank fraud at apex....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Fetzer's Single Greatest Failure--Analysis Of Ultimate Criminal Enterprise, Central Banking
(Apollonian, 16 Oct 15)

What's Fetzer's single greatest failure for theorizing for the "truth" movement regarding 9/11, JFK, and Sandy hoax?--surely it's the large context of these specific conspiracies, this large context being that of central-banking as of US Federal Reserve Bank legalized COUNTERFEITING, thus controlling the very "monetary" (actually now, currency) system. See and for best expo on Fed fraud.

For folks, overall and in general, don't understand MONEY, what it is and must be, and why it must necessarily be commodity-based, thus gold/silver being best.

That's why the best and easiest thing to do, for "truth"-telling, is to move to an simple concept, that of the over-all satanism (extreme subjectivism) which then is psychologic/abstract circumstance for criminal activity in general, hence KEY Federal Reserve COUNTERFEIT-scam, then 9/11, JFK, etc.

Thus "ethics," in general, another abstract subject-matter is best understood in general cultural terms, ESPECIALLY in way of Christian culture vs. satanism--and this isn't really too difficult, but Fetzer is sadly incapable, as we see.

This Christian subject-matter is another failure of Fetzer's as he's too willing to write it off as mere "religion," not worthy of serious rationalist evaluation which Christianity is supposedly bereft of any genuine or serious cultural/philosophic value, substance, or meaning.

Thus as we understand philosophic enterprise is matter of setting general context for specific items and plotting the various relations, we see Fetzer's philosophic failure, for ethical and cultural analysis, contexts for the various conspiracies, and that key, master conspiracy of them all, central-banking.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Hubristic fools would rather pretend to being "good" than to being alive....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Fetzer: Scribe And Pharisee, Perfect Example, Case-In-Point
(Apollonian, 13 Oct 15)

Poor Fetzer: observe he cannot grasp the satanic conspiracy--why not?--for isn't the definition for such satanism solidly enough established, along w. all the observational evidence? So what's Fetzer's real problem?

Problem is Fetzer, amazingly enough, is supporter of such satanism, right? After all, Fetzer supports the subjectivist premise for his moralism and "ethical" delusions--that's the basic problem for Fetzer.

And this pathetic situation of Fetzer's indeed is the problem generally: subjectivism is the premise for Pharisaism, hubris, and especially fallacious, delusionary "good-evil."

So as Fetzer, along w. so many others, are determined to preserve the "good-evil" delusion, they find themselves incapable of identifying the premise, subjectivism--this then is the psychologic problem of the age and the broad population, now so miserably fallen to hubris, leaving the society such pathetic victim to the rampant and raging satanism--this is what's going on, folks.

Such is the state of affairs within CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, the irrationalist, mystic, subjectivist obsession, founded upon non-existent "good-evil," is the pretext at the root of things satanic, ravaging the culture and population which would rather be "good" even than to being alive.

And we observe the spectacle of such as Fetzer, supposedly one "educated" to being duly aware of such philosophic problem, not only useless to the task, but actually rather responsible, along w. the others of his establishment sort for the great cultural predicament.

And such cultural corruption pt.s up the perversion of publicly-funded "edjumacation"--it doesn't help, but actually only compounds and aggravates the problem of human sin and hubris.

Thus we are confronted w. the spectacle of such as Fetzer and so many others of his sort, incapable of simplest inductive logic to the satanic situation steadily working to the massive death, destruction, and horror impending, before our very eyes.

-------------------above by ap in addition to below-copied----------------------

People Must Focus Upon The satanic Plot And Motives: One-World Dictatorship, Extermination Of Humanity
(Apollonian, 11 Oct 15)

Eowyn asks: (see above citation)

"•Were the 10 ducks a prediction of the Umpqua death toll?
"•If so, that foreknowledge implies the Umpqua shooting is a planned and contrived false-flag event."

And one must answer, given all the inductive evidence, yes, the ducks were indeed a prediction, and this has all been a literal psy-ops and terror-campaign by ZOG, including the Charleston, SC incident, "Eliot Roger" incident, the recent Virginia stunt, and many others too.

These incidents, above-noted, and the others, are simply part of a great SATANISTIC plot to bring down US Constitution and its gov. Citizens must (a) take explicit note of the satanic motives and character, satanism readily understood as extreme subjectivism.

(b) Citizens then must unite upon the Christian principle of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), which indicates the necessary OBJECTIVE reality and premise, and (c) proceed to make use of Constitutional principles of nullification and 10th Amendment.

Key issue is the tottering and steadily collapsing monetary system which must be restored to commodity (hence gold/silver) standard(s). For ZOG presently prevails long as the mis-guided and ignorant volk continue to support ZOG's primary existential weapon, that literal criminal enterprise central-banking fraud and fiat-money. The people must face-up to the gory and satanic implications of "Agenda-21" and planned "population reduction"--it's truly matter of life and death.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

"Free inquiry"?--can't have that in satanist society which upholds subjectivism and "good"....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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"Inquiry" (Reason), Truth Must Be Subordinate To "Good," Hence Subjectivism, Satanism, Obviously
(Apollonian, 10 Oct 15)

Well of course there are limits to inquiry, obviously. For ONLY in a rational society would inquiry be free as it needs to be in accord w. political and individual liberty.

And that's the whole pt., then, isn't it?--to uphold and maintain a satanistic criminal dictatorship, right? And the way to maintaining this satanism is consistent w. its basic principle, SUBJECTIVISM.

For only upon subjectivism is there such thing as otherwise non-existent "good," and "good" is the end-all and be-all, right?--at least it is for all "right-thinking" folks who believe in "good," even if it doesn't exist.

Thus we observe our present society is totally captive to, hostage of foremost criminal powers and master-minds, the central-bankers who run the various central banking (legalized COUNTERFEITING) institutions, US Federal Reserve Bank, IMF, B. of England, ECB, BIS, etc.

So NOTHING can be allowed to threaten these satanistic institutions founded upon false (subjectivist) principles, especially "good." Hence inquiry must be limited and closely watched-over--in interests of "good," of course.

Thus at any time, statements and action can and will be suppressed upon (subjectivist) premise of "good"--esp. "good" of topmost criminals and leadership (Jews, foremost satanists), so necessary for the subjectivistic society of "good."

So then, specifically, u can't say anything against Jews (foremost satanists and subjectivists) or their lies, as these are "noble" lies (like the holohoax) designed for non-existent "good," but at least for the "good" of topmost satanistic criminals, including Jews and their cohorts. See and for best Talmudic expo.

So u have two, opposed principles, (a) "Good," which exists only under subjectivism, best understood by Jews, who are Holy, or (b) TRUTH and hence free inquiry (freedom); u can't have both.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

"Good-kike, bad-kike" game only helps Jews....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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"Good-Jew, Bad Jew" Game Pretends To Lie, For There's NO "GOOD" JEW; Judaism = Satanism
(Apollonian, 6 Oct 15)

Ur analysis and expo (see below-copied) fails as u mis-identify SATANISM which is EXTREME SUBJECTIVISM, foundation of hubris and lies, by which subject makes him/her -self God, the creator of all reality, reality issuing exclusively fm one's own mentality/consciousness--and it all begins w. pretext of moralism/Pharisaism and non-existent "good-evil."

For reality is OBJECTIVE, hence determined, and all humans are SINNERS--self-interested creatures of will--not a perfectly "free," God-like will--just as Christ, St. Paul, and St. Augustine affirm.

Thus ALL JEWS, not mere "zionists," are guilty of this subjectivism which is explicitly taught in their filthy Talmud (see and confirmed in New Test. and Gosp. JOHN 8:44.

Thus "zionists" are mere junior partners for "good-Jew, bad Jew" charade, "zionists" and "neo-cons" pretending to the "right"/"conservative" in phony opposition to the "leftist" senior partners of the big bank establishment run by same Jews pushing one-world-gov. and Jew world order.

And Jews rule in the evermore corrupt, CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, as Jews are most sublimely COLLECTIVIST, hence most organized and "connected," hence natural masters of the subjectivistic-oriented culture of corruption, perversion, and psychopathic criminality even if and though gentiles still vastly out-number kikes.

And there are NO "good" Jews any more than there are good psychopaths, good satanists, or good Christ-killers. U're just a Jewwy liar shilling for the Jews, probably a Jew urself.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------

GodSend October 6, 2015 at 3:56 PM

One problem, dear professor of scientific truth, is that most people (Americans and Christians included) prefer to cling to their long-standing fallacies (as Ogden Nash poetically pointed out), rather than believe what by now is self-evident but "inconvenient truth". A closely related and REALLY BIG problem (as Albert Einstein pointed out) is blind obedience to figures of "authority" - such as pastors, presidents, policemen - and even professors! No church-going Christian dare question their pastor (especially a CUFI pastor like John Hagee, Joel Osteen, Len Solomon, Chas. Stanley and MANY others) when he proclaims that Israel is the homeland of the "Chosen People" and should be blindly supported, no matter that the evidence PROVES that Zionist Israel is a ROGUE State which has practiced genocide and State terrorism since 1948 - not to mention their DECEPTION (hallmark of the Devil) when pulling off (and down) WTC buildings and one "False-Flag" CRIME after another! (USS Liberty attack, Forrestal "suiciding", Wellstone "accidenting", JFK and RFK assassinations, 911, 311, etc.).

The American SHEEPLE have been and are continuing to be brainwashed 24x7 by the Zionist-controlled MSM (see the "Protocols") and they are just not capable of escaping from their enforced mass lobotomies. We can all blog until the cows come home and the Zionist Slimeballs couldn't care less!

Only 1 thing can STOP THEM: FORCE! (just like that Zionist Slimeball Harold Wallace Rosenthal said in "The Hidden Tyranny" interview). What kind of FORCE? INSTANTANEOUS, ANNIHILATING, MELTING FORCE - such as Yahweh promised in Ezekiel 22:20. Otherwise, THEY will employ their long-promised "Samson Option" (and 400+ NUKES, pre-deployed to European capitals and American cities), to wipe humanity off the face of the Earth!

Blogging may produce a few converts to "inconvenient truth" but the masses of SHEEPLE will continue to bleat: "We want more grass, TV sports, smartphones and booze!"

We are fighting a losing battle, especially since there are not enough true American Patriots left in the Military to pull off "Seven Days in May".

We'll just have to wait for Yahweh to complete His "gathering" (aka Aliyah) of Zionist Slimeballs in Israel before He finally fulfills His long-promised FINAL SOLUTION (literally). As THEY say in Tel Aviv: MAZEL TOV!

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Fetzer: establishment hack, thoroughly examined, analyzed....

Below-copied first posted at comments,

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Fetzer: Establishment Hack, Gate-Keeper
(Apollonian, 4 Oct 15)

How is it mere "rant," "thing [I] actually condemn"? (see below-copied)--I identify and confront Fetzer w. the essence of the cultural problem: SUBJECTIVISM which is root, substance of satanism.

Previously, I exposited this satanic subjectivism, as in the selective application of judicial treatment, "hip-hop" music, etc.--which Fetzer and his establishment ilk is deliberately over-looking and ignoring (a), and then (b) FAILING to characterize as "satanism" it obviously is.

(c) Fetzer then, further, fails to identify the leaders of this satanism, Jews, (d) playing the "good Jew, bad Jew" game, pretending there are "good" Jews like there are good psychopaths, etc.

(e) Fetzer additionally fails to note the most effective and genuine PHILOSOPHIC value of Christianity, the real thing, which stands for TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), hence the necessarily objective reality under-lying, against Jew lies (JOHN 8:44) built upon subjectivism.

(f) And how then does Fetzer FAIL so miserably?--I pt.-out his own compromised "philosophy," such as it is, specifically ethics, in which he endorses the very satanic premise, subjectivism.

(g) Thus Fetzer the establishment hack, as ethicist, for example, too effectively acts the GATE-KEEPER for "truth," failing to note that basic, overall satansim which so perfectly identifies the problem and the enemy of the people and culture. Q.E.D.

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------

David NortonOctober 4, 2015 at 11:51 AM

A billion muslims believe they have objective truth. Maybe youre on the outside looking in.

Your first few paragraphs are a nice summary. The last few devolved into a philosphical rant. The thing you actually condemn. Perhaps you should write about how to escape the clutches of zog. Ive heard of alex jones.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Pharisaic fool confronted w. his own bafflement regarding ever-advancing satanism....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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JR: Confronted W. His Own Bafflement, "Basting" In Moralist Precursor For Satanism
(Apollonian, 3 Oct 15)

JR asks, "I wonder what ever compelled me in the first place to try to point anything out to Americans." Well, JR, u just wanted to persuade them, as u thought u could, that B. of Rights was good idea, etc. It's just u didn't consider what it was culturally that was necessarily under-pinning.

U still can't figure-out what's going-on?--A VAST CONSOLIDATION by the topmost monopolists. First the US "Civil War" destroyed sovereignty of the states, and now same thing's going for the nation-state, including Jew S A. Corp.s now are all merging together; u can't sue big Pharma for the deadly vaccines they're pushing on the people w. help of their bought and paid-for politicians.

And when u get sick fm the toxic vaccines, then big Jew Pharma pushes their poison drugs and pills on u. Who's behind the monopolistic movements?--could it be same Jew powers behind the "money"-monopoly?--that legalized COUNTERFEITING scam?--the privately-owned US Federal Reserve Bank?

And u persuade urself it's best not to know anything about Jews and satanism and the great subjectivistic cultural degeneration that's taking place.

It's u and people like u, JR--that's what's happening--u don't want to face-up to the overwhelming satanistic wave and trends that are taking-over, all of it built upon subjectivism and self-righteousness--precisely the sort that oozes fm ur writing and essay, above.

Then u tell us, "Ha ha ha. I'm starting to enjoy watching this fat slob population baste in their own juices"--but that's u, isn't it?--u who doesn't want to address the Jew issue and the Jews behind the great satanistic take-over that's going on.

U and the "fat slob population," JR: u're one and the same. U both cannot and refuse to face-up to the Jew issue and the satanism under-lying things, right?--and why is that?--is it because u both suffer the same delusions about "morals," as u put it?

Seriously, JR: u need to face fact u and the "fat slobs" are alike, even IDENTICAL, for ur complacency regarding Jews (= satanism) and ur bafflement for the cultural break-down that's going on. U BOTH tolerate Jews, imagining they're not diff. fm Christian, and u both go along w. child's idea of "good-evil" founded upon delusionary "free" will. And it's u who's "basting" no less than the "fat slob population."

Friday, October 2, 2015

Tyrannic satanism (extreme subjectivism) evermore in-ur-face, evermore blatant, un-deniable--citizens must be armed....

Below-copied first submitted at

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Satanism: Evermore Blatant, Obvious, Explicit
(Apollonian, 2 Oct 15)

Yes vorlos, but note (a) citizens have all the rights, always, necessarily, and (b) we need be armed in order to overthrow tyranny which is precisely what we got if people only stop to look and think.

(c) Only goons could or would fail to note the tyranny, in ur face, Jews ruling, pushing the homosexual goons, importing literal invading aliens, trained terrorists among them. Didja' hear in Germany--they kicked-out the German citizens fm their gov.-subsidized housing in favor of invading aliens? So who's gov. working for?--NOT the citizens.

(d) Evermore, the blatant Satanism becomes in-ur-face--who could mistake?--only the brain-damaged--NO WONDER ZOG pushes the toxic vaccines making the autistic kids--if they survive.

(e) And the Jew-owned big-Pharma continues to push the deadly drugs, and the other Jew-owned/controlled corps. continue to push the GMO foods, etc.

And what then is essence, basis of this satanism?--it's extreme subjectivism whence all reality is held to be mere issuance of one's mentality/consciousness, hubris--making oneself God, the creator.

Thus Christ assures us of TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), which can only exist in accord w. OBJECTIVE reality, God-created, according to the allegory, Christ opposing Jew lies (JOHN 8:44) built on subjectivism ("midrash").

Thus in the corrupted, "Decline of the West," within the phony "prosperity" and advancing subjectivism, Jews dominate, rule, and control--WHY/how?--because, given the subjectivism, Pharisaism, and nihilist corruption, Jews remain organized, united, and "connected" among the isolated, moronically "individualist" gentiles, even though these moronic gentiles may vastly out-number Jews.

Necessary answer then is plain: the REAL Christianity, rationalist in accord w. Holy Spirit, consisting of REASON and honesty, appropriate to truth and objective reality, hence anti-semitism, anti-subjectivism, and emphasis upon state and local gov. (10th amendment)--against the Jew-oriented, Jew-serving central collectivist dictatorship.