Sunday, October 25, 2015

Cultural satanism (extreme subjectivism) is confirmed when all details (as for Sandy hoax) are examined, taken into account....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Fullest Theory, Explanation Of Sandy Hoax Requires All Pertinent Details
(Apollonian, 25 Oct 15)

So, to sum-up for Fetzer's work here on Sandy hoax, we observe the limited, local details given by Fetzer are all fairly, quite true, far as they go--which isn't too far, truth be told. For the details are too limited.

And at least one extremely pertinent detail is missing, that being the CENTRAL-BANKING element, but which crucially accounts for the TREMENDOUS expenditures involved for financing this gross travesty of conspiracy and fraud by all the players, local and Federal.

Another crucial detail is that Sandy hoax is one of a number of other extremely similar such frauds and psy-ops--like Boston marathon bombing, Charleston, SC "shootings," "Eliot Roger" "shootings," and many others too.

For these details, above-noted, are necessary to answer question regarding the amazing ENORMITY of the Sandy hoax event, involving the collusion and co-operation of all the players involved, local police, state troopers, Feds, school officials, bureaucrats, politicians, and judges, and including the corp. entities and media who get so much funding fm gov. sources, etc.

For necessary INDUCTION then is the absolutely satanic nature of the conspiracy of Sandy hoax, and including also the larger conspiracy which Sandy hoax was integral part, this for overthrow of US Constitution and state and national sovereignty of USA under one-world gov. run by afore-mentioned financial criminals at the top of things.

And this larger, satanic conspiracy then has to do more specifically w. the internal motive, leadership, and basic energy of the satanists led by foremost satanists, the Jews, followers of the Talmud, satanism being essentially extreme subjectivism.

Such then are the FULL details of Sandy hoax which must be considered for most accurate and informative THEORY, rationale, and explanation of things. Sandy hoax is truly integral event and particular piece of larger, more general "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

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