Thursday, October 29, 2015

satanic course of horror, catastrophe continues, Trump no diff....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Satanic Tyranny Still Strong, Riding High
(Apollonian, 29 Oct 15)

How can Trump essentially change anything?--he can't--he can only MANAGE the way it already is. Anyone who attempts to seriously change anything meets up w. an accident--like JFK, who got head blown off in broad daylight in front of millions now who've seen the vids over and again.

Satanists and satanism rules, satanism being extreme subjectivism, reality whatever u want it to be (subjectivism), but then collectivist subjectivism ruling, these topmost subjectivists/satanists being Jews. For the gentile satanists, though far out-numbering Jews, are far less organized, Jews ruling especially through the money-printing (and digitalizing) mechanism, central-banking (see and for expo on US Federal Reserve Bank).

And only when this infernal fiat-money and central-banking system decisively falters will enough people wake-up to necessity of changing things--if they can survive, for present program is to REDUCE POPULATION, according to "Agenda-21."

Meantime, Jews and oligarchs are trying to steer us into war, presently, keeping people occupied and diverted; they've also got bio-weapons, HAARP, EMP and other weapons. ISIS was devised and created by these Jewwy oligarchs too, as is "black lives matter," etc.

Jew-hatred (a.k.a. dear old Christianity) used to unite the people and provide for cultural advance, but after centuries it went out of fashion, as gentiles got good at what Jews did, and now Jews have made a decisive come-back.

So folks have to focus on satanism (subjectivism) as the problem, it being easiest thing to unite people on basis of negative and common hatred. We need states rights and primacy of local gov., de-activating the centralized tyranny and one-world empire presently working to exterminate the people. Trump at least understands babies can't handle too many toxic vaccines all at one time.

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