Sunday, October 4, 2015

Fetzer: establishment hack, thoroughly examined, analyzed....

Below-copied first posted at comments,

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Fetzer: Establishment Hack, Gate-Keeper
(Apollonian, 4 Oct 15)

How is it mere "rant," "thing [I] actually condemn"? (see below-copied)--I identify and confront Fetzer w. the essence of the cultural problem: SUBJECTIVISM which is root, substance of satanism.

Previously, I exposited this satanic subjectivism, as in the selective application of judicial treatment, "hip-hop" music, etc.--which Fetzer and his establishment ilk is deliberately over-looking and ignoring (a), and then (b) FAILING to characterize as "satanism" it obviously is.

(c) Fetzer then, further, fails to identify the leaders of this satanism, Jews, (d) playing the "good Jew, bad Jew" game, pretending there are "good" Jews like there are good psychopaths, etc.

(e) Fetzer additionally fails to note the most effective and genuine PHILOSOPHIC value of Christianity, the real thing, which stands for TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), hence the necessarily objective reality under-lying, against Jew lies (JOHN 8:44) built upon subjectivism.

(f) And how then does Fetzer FAIL so miserably?--I pt.-out his own compromised "philosophy," such as it is, specifically ethics, in which he endorses the very satanic premise, subjectivism.

(g) Thus Fetzer the establishment hack, as ethicist, for example, too effectively acts the GATE-KEEPER for "truth," failing to note that basic, overall satansim which so perfectly identifies the problem and the enemy of the people and culture. Q.E.D.

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------

David NortonOctober 4, 2015 at 11:51 AM

A billion muslims believe they have objective truth. Maybe youre on the outside looking in.

Your first few paragraphs are a nice summary. The last few devolved into a philosphical rant. The thing you actually condemn. Perhaps you should write about how to escape the clutches of zog. Ive heard of alex jones.

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