Tuesday, October 6, 2015

"Good-kike, bad-kike" game only helps Jews....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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"Good-Jew, Bad Jew" Game Pretends To Lie, For There's NO "GOOD" JEW; Judaism = Satanism
(Apollonian, 6 Oct 15)

Ur analysis and expo (see below-copied) fails as u mis-identify SATANISM which is EXTREME SUBJECTIVISM, foundation of hubris and lies, by which subject makes him/her -self God, the creator of all reality, reality issuing exclusively fm one's own mentality/consciousness--and it all begins w. pretext of moralism/Pharisaism and non-existent "good-evil."

For reality is OBJECTIVE, hence determined, and all humans are SINNERS--self-interested creatures of will--not a perfectly "free," God-like will--just as Christ, St. Paul, and St. Augustine affirm.

Thus ALL JEWS, not mere "zionists," are guilty of this subjectivism which is explicitly taught in their filthy Talmud (see and confirmed in New Test. and Gosp. JOHN 8:44.

Thus "zionists" are mere junior partners for "good-Jew, bad Jew" charade, "zionists" and "neo-cons" pretending to the "right"/"conservative" in phony opposition to the "leftist" senior partners of the big bank establishment run by same Jews pushing one-world-gov. and Jew world order.

And Jews rule in the evermore corrupt, CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, as Jews are most sublimely COLLECTIVIST, hence most organized and "connected," hence natural masters of the subjectivistic-oriented culture of corruption, perversion, and psychopathic criminality even if and though gentiles still vastly out-number kikes.

And there are NO "good" Jews any more than there are good psychopaths, good satanists, or good Christ-killers. U're just a Jewwy liar shilling for the Jews, probably a Jew urself.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------

GodSend October 6, 2015 at 3:56 PM

One problem, dear professor of scientific truth, is that most people (Americans and Christians included) prefer to cling to their long-standing fallacies (as Ogden Nash poetically pointed out), rather than believe what by now is self-evident but "inconvenient truth". A closely related and REALLY BIG problem (as Albert Einstein pointed out) is blind obedience to figures of "authority" - such as pastors, presidents, policemen - and even professors! No church-going Christian dare question their pastor (especially a CUFI pastor like John Hagee, Joel Osteen, Len Solomon, Chas. Stanley and MANY others) when he proclaims that Israel is the homeland of the "Chosen People" and should be blindly supported, no matter that the evidence PROVES that Zionist Israel is a ROGUE State which has practiced genocide and State terrorism since 1948 - not to mention their DECEPTION (hallmark of the Devil) when pulling off (and down) WTC buildings and one "False-Flag" CRIME after another! (USS Liberty attack, Forrestal "suiciding", Wellstone "accidenting", JFK and RFK assassinations, 911, 311, etc.).

The American SHEEPLE have been and are continuing to be brainwashed 24x7 by the Zionist-controlled MSM (see the "Protocols") and they are just not capable of escaping from their enforced mass lobotomies. We can all blog until the cows come home and the Zionist Slimeballs couldn't care less!

Only 1 thing can STOP THEM: FORCE! (just like that Zionist Slimeball Harold Wallace Rosenthal said in "The Hidden Tyranny" interview). What kind of FORCE? INSTANTANEOUS, ANNIHILATING, MELTING FORCE - such as Yahweh promised in Ezekiel 22:20. Otherwise, THEY will employ their long-promised "Samson Option" (and 400+ NUKES, pre-deployed to European capitals and American cities), to wipe humanity off the face of the Earth!

Blogging may produce a few converts to "inconvenient truth" but the masses of SHEEPLE will continue to bleat: "We want more grass, TV sports, smartphones and booze!"

We are fighting a losing battle, especially since there are not enough true American Patriots left in the Military to pull off "Seven Days in May".

We'll just have to wait for Yahweh to complete His "gathering" (aka Aliyah) of Zionist Slimeballs in Israel before He finally fulfills His long-promised FINAL SOLUTION (literally). As THEY say in Tel Aviv: MAZEL TOV!

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