Saturday, October 3, 2015

Pharisaic fool confronted w. his own bafflement regarding ever-advancing satanism....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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JR: Confronted W. His Own Bafflement, "Basting" In Moralist Precursor For Satanism
(Apollonian, 3 Oct 15)

JR asks, "I wonder what ever compelled me in the first place to try to point anything out to Americans." Well, JR, u just wanted to persuade them, as u thought u could, that B. of Rights was good idea, etc. It's just u didn't consider what it was culturally that was necessarily under-pinning.

U still can't figure-out what's going-on?--A VAST CONSOLIDATION by the topmost monopolists. First the US "Civil War" destroyed sovereignty of the states, and now same thing's going for the nation-state, including Jew S A. Corp.s now are all merging together; u can't sue big Pharma for the deadly vaccines they're pushing on the people w. help of their bought and paid-for politicians.

And when u get sick fm the toxic vaccines, then big Jew Pharma pushes their poison drugs and pills on u. Who's behind the monopolistic movements?--could it be same Jew powers behind the "money"-monopoly?--that legalized COUNTERFEITING scam?--the privately-owned US Federal Reserve Bank?

And u persuade urself it's best not to know anything about Jews and satanism and the great subjectivistic cultural degeneration that's taking place.

It's u and people like u, JR--that's what's happening--u don't want to face-up to the overwhelming satanistic wave and trends that are taking-over, all of it built upon subjectivism and self-righteousness--precisely the sort that oozes fm ur writing and essay, above.

Then u tell us, "Ha ha ha. I'm starting to enjoy watching this fat slob population baste in their own juices"--but that's u, isn't it?--u who doesn't want to address the Jew issue and the Jews behind the great satanistic take-over that's going on.

U and the "fat slob population," JR: u're one and the same. U both cannot and refuse to face-up to the Jew issue and the satanism under-lying things, right?--and why is that?--is it because u both suffer the same delusions about "morals," as u put it?

Seriously, JR: u need to face fact u and the "fat slobs" are alike, even IDENTICAL, for ur complacency regarding Jews (= satanism) and ur bafflement for the cultural break-down that's going on. U BOTH tolerate Jews, imagining they're not diff. fm Christian, and u both go along w. child's idea of "good-evil" founded upon delusionary "free" will. And it's u who's "basting" no less than the "fat slob population."

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