Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Hubristic fools would rather pretend to being "good" than to being alive....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Fetzer: Scribe And Pharisee, Perfect Example, Case-In-Point
(Apollonian, 13 Oct 15)

Poor Fetzer: observe he cannot grasp the satanic conspiracy--why not?--for isn't the definition for such satanism solidly enough established, along w. all the observational evidence? So what's Fetzer's real problem?

Problem is Fetzer, amazingly enough, is supporter of such satanism, right? After all, Fetzer supports the subjectivist premise for his moralism and "ethical" delusions--that's the basic problem for Fetzer.

And this pathetic situation of Fetzer's indeed is the problem generally: subjectivism is the premise for Pharisaism, hubris, and especially fallacious, delusionary "good-evil."

So as Fetzer, along w. so many others, are determined to preserve the "good-evil" delusion, they find themselves incapable of identifying the premise, subjectivism--this then is the psychologic problem of the age and the broad population, now so miserably fallen to hubris, leaving the society such pathetic victim to the rampant and raging satanism--this is what's going on, folks.

Such is the state of affairs within CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, the irrationalist, mystic, subjectivist obsession, founded upon non-existent "good-evil," is the pretext at the root of things satanic, ravaging the culture and population which would rather be "good" even than to being alive.

And we observe the spectacle of such as Fetzer, supposedly one "educated" to being duly aware of such philosophic problem, not only useless to the task, but actually rather responsible, along w. the others of his establishment sort for the great cultural predicament.

And such cultural corruption pt.s up the perversion of publicly-funded "edjumacation"--it doesn't help, but actually only compounds and aggravates the problem of human sin and hubris.

Thus we are confronted w. the spectacle of such as Fetzer and so many others of his sort, incapable of simplest inductive logic to the satanic situation steadily working to the massive death, destruction, and horror impending, before our very eyes.

-------------------above by ap in addition to below-copied----------------------

People Must Focus Upon The satanic Plot And Motives: One-World Dictatorship, Extermination Of Humanity
(Apollonian, 11 Oct 15)

Eowyn asks: (see above citation)

"•Were the 10 ducks a prediction of the Umpqua death toll?
"•If so, that foreknowledge implies the Umpqua shooting is a planned and contrived false-flag event."

And one must answer, given all the inductive evidence, yes, the ducks were indeed a prediction, and this has all been a literal psy-ops and terror-campaign by ZOG, including the Charleston, SC incident, "Eliot Roger" incident, the recent Virginia stunt, and many others too.

These incidents, above-noted, and the others, are simply part of a great SATANISTIC plot to bring down US Constitution and its gov. Citizens must (a) take explicit note of the satanic motives and character, satanism readily understood as extreme subjectivism.

(b) Citizens then must unite upon the Christian principle of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), which indicates the necessary OBJECTIVE reality and premise, and (c) proceed to make use of Constitutional principles of nullification and 10th Amendment.

Key issue is the tottering and steadily collapsing monetary system which must be restored to commodity (hence gold/silver) standard(s). For ZOG presently prevails long as the mis-guided and ignorant volk continue to support ZOG's primary existential weapon, that literal criminal enterprise central-banking fraud and fiat-money. The people must face-up to the gory and satanic implications of "Agenda-21" and planned "population reduction"--it's truly matter of life and death.

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