Saturday, July 11, 2015

Judaism is satanism, but most sublime, a collectivist sort--unlike stupid gentiles who are "individualist," hence victimized by more organized, "connected" Jews, always....

Below essay first published at

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Satanism Must Be Understood For Nature, Circumstances
(Apollonian, 11 July 15)

Satanism is subjectivism taken to extreme--the idea that all reality merely is in one's own mentality--that there is no OBJECTIVE (hence God-created) reality. Thus Satanism is making oneself God, extreme subjectivism.

Thus Christ = TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), truth not possible UNLESS there's objective reality to serve as criterion/basis. People underestimate the serious, genuine philosophic virtue and lesson given in New Test.

Note then the Jews are simply collectivist subjectivists, subjectivism foundation of lies. And Jews, being far better organized and "connected" then, absolutely RULE all the rest of the goy subjectivists, who vastly out-number Jews, and who are notoriously "individualist," and thus dis-organized in face of organized, "connected" Jew master-minds.

Foremost pretext for subjectivism is "good-evil" to which children are subjected and taught, most of them NEVER growing out of such delusion, BUT which delusion is most effective, when people are young, to controlling people. People become addicted to being and pretending to be "good"--such an INFERIORITY-complex they develop when young, never giving it up, always seeking to prove how "good" they are.

Thus St.s Augustine and Paul uphold DETERMINISM, absolute cause-effect (no perfectly "free" human will), it not possible to be "good," we ALWAYS being "sinners," creatures of will, hence self-interested.

Thus Jews are properly understood as DISEASE--they're not "evil" so much as they're sublimely INSANE (hubris)--no more evil than typhus, or plague, or leprosy, and God creates them for purpose of exterminating excess humanity which becomes over-populated, these humans becoming infected w. same Pelagianism/Pharisaism, pretending they're good. Jews, far more organized, then coming along, arranging for wars to exterminate excess gentiles.

For as reality is (a) objective, (b) hence deterministic, (c) it's CYCLIC in accord w. Spengler's "Decline of the West," and as an empire is first established by brave, heroic conquerors, the descendants become corrupt, not having to fight and suffer for what their ancestors provided them for nothing. Thus descendent generations become evermore corrupt, pretending evermore to Pharisaist "good," letting in the Jews who then complete the job of destroying the once great, successful, and prosperous empire--as we see now in USA, Dollar collapsing, USA soon to suffering hyper-inflation, total economic collapse, etc.

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