Sunday, July 12, 2015

Chutzpah-filled kike, Maher rebutted--for the record....

Below-copied comment by ap first published at comments,

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Kike Maher Rebutted
(Apollonian, 8 Jun 15)

Well, the obvious refutation to kike, Maher, is the "Christians" he talks about are really, mostly, only NOMINAL for their Christianity, Christianity being necessarily anti-semitic (Gosp. JOHN 8:44), the kike filth following their satanic Talmud which teaches them Christ was rightfully killed for blasphemy and heresy (see, Talmud teaching it's ok for kikes to lie to and murder gentiles.

Thus stupid, ignorant puke, calling themselves "Christian," accept tolerance of this psychopathic filth, called Jews, who, for example, run their funny-money scam, US Federal Reserve Bank legalized COUNTERFEITING, by which Jews own and control practically all politicians, judges, edjumacation, mass-corp. Jews-media, all the corp.s--essentially the entire culture, NSA sending all the raw data to Israel, at least now 3 and probably 4 kikes on US Sup. ct., etc.

And the proof kikes and queers dominate this degenerate culture is esp. in the pop music industry wherein u have EXPLICIT devil worship and Jew Cabalism as of Madonna, Jay Z and his wife, Beyonce', and all the other illuminists--don't forget Marilyn Manson (who's Jew) is explicit satanist.

So when we say Christianity is under attack, remember we mean THE REAL THING--Christian worship of truth and objective reality (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) which is understood only be too few, the false Christianity prevailing for the great majority of these scum who call themselves "Christians," but who support terror-state of Israel, etc.

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