Sunday, July 12, 2015

How powerful is Israel, actually?....

Israel Evermore Isolated, No Longer Thrives As Well For It's Criminal Enterprise, It's Central Banking Breaking-Down
(Apollonian, 14 Jun 15)

How powerful is Israel?

Note Israel is essentially head-quarters for a global-wide criminal enterprise founded upon the banking cartel featuring legalized COUNTERFEITING--"central banking."

How powerful is this criminal empire and network?--how powerful are the entities included?--for it includes Jew S A and all the other "nations" controlled by this legalized COUNTERFEITING empire--practically the entire world.

And this legalized COUNTERFEITING scam is tottering on brink of utter bankruptcy, hence the empire seeks to begin a huge round of warfare by which to "muddy" the proverbial "waters" while specific criminals escape--but where would they go?

And note warfare is notoriously difficult to control once it gets started.

So the question reduces to how powerful are the criminals vs. how powerful are the enemies, the victims, of these criminals?

Thus one would have to admit the West and USA, for example, are pretty far along in the CYCLIC historic "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, currency and economic collapse beckoning.  Can the people rally in the face of these collapses, and in the face of the criminal opposition?  Jews/satanists seem to be fairly well organized as usual.

And the question then has to do w. unity and strength of the opposition to Jews/satanists--which would seem to be strengthening in rough proportion to the weakening of general economy.  Surely KEY to the "strength" of the anti-satanic opposition is the unity of the core Christians--are these true and real Christians faring well against the phony Judeo-Christian (JC--see and for expo) accomplices to Jews/satanists?--perhaps, but perhaps they could do better for their "out-reach" for Christian grasp and consolidation.  Rise of Internet and its info has not been good for Jew/satanist criminals and their network/conspiracy, surely.

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