Sunday, December 21, 2014

satanism: built upon just the sort of smarm and fascism (they go together) by "Scarlet," below....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted (but still waiting to be published) at comments,

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Scarlet: One Who's Fast And Loose With Logic, Facts, And Fascism
(Apollonian, 21 Dec 14)

Scarlet: first thing one notices about u fm reading, is ur high-energy u put in all ur statements--it's as if u don't really have confidence in the facts u present; u "feel" like u have to push further w. emotion behind and alongside it all--typical of ur sort, I'd say.  And u lard ur text w. smarmy little jibes as if to pretend u're oh soooooo clever and witty--also typical of ur sort--u're all "sound and fury" w. very little actual substance.

So let me here just go down fm the top of ur screed and comment upon ur statements, then sum-up.

"[D]ownright lunacy of the 2nd amendment"?--this is typical presumption of ur sort which u don't substantiate.  But I'll say very briefly that 2nd amendment and the armed population is what enforces and guarantees all the rest of the Constitution.  One thing we learned fm English hist. is U CAN'T TRUST GOVERNMENT.  People have all the rights, including esp. the right to self-defense and to be armed, and gov. is mere SERVANT and cannot tell its masters they cannot be armed.  People properly tell the gov., NOT the other way round.

Next, u go through a section having to do w. "child-abuse," etc., but fact is that training, as w. arms, should begin at early age to insure proficiency--obviously.  U list some mis-haps as if this means there's something wrong w. guns, or training w. guns.  So if u fall off ur bike, then I guess that means u shouldn't ride bikes, eh?--makes about as much sense.

Finally, I'll finish off w. a train of false or grossly un-substantiated statements u make--I'll copy this section for u, and add my commentary, capped and in brackets:

"The US is slipping further and further away from the reality we all know and for once we can’t blame religion!  There is a growing feeling of the individual in America believing he  is above the law  and should take the law into his own hands  answerable to no authority.  [THIS, PRECEDING, IS UN-SUBSTANTIATED, MERE UN-FOUNDED OPINION, W. NO REASONING GIVEN OR ANY SORT OF SUPPORT OR REFERENCE.]  The dangers there ,but its not coming from Islam its within their own communities!You have a growing KKK movement [THIS IS FALSE, W. NO REFERENCE OR SUBSTANTIATION]  with training camps set up like US Army bases training idiots to use machine guns ." [MORE FALSE-HOOD AND UN-SUPPORTED STATEMENT.]
U then end ur screed w. the smarmy and empty line w. "toys-r-us."

So we see what u're really all about, scarlet: FASCISM--u just want to appear hip and "smart," pretending atheism is "advanced-thinking," and fascist gun-control is the way to treat the people who have all the rights.  But how smart are u, really, when u allow urself to be fooled by transparent hoaxes like the above incident w. the uzi?  And how do u pretend to have any respect for the people when u want to impose dictatorship, the people dis-armed?

And thus we see the nature of fascists like u, scarlet, u begin w. a gross inferiority-complex, desperately pretending to be smart, hitting upon "atheism" which isn't founded in logic (u can't prove a universal negative--that there is no God), and then worst of all, lying and insisting upon the people's dis-armament.

So is there any forgiveness for u?--well, atheism is actually common, and not bad thing for the best Christians, starting over and re-discovering what Christianity is all about--u don't have to "believe" anything, actually--Christ is TRUTH, the only way to Godly happiness, that's all, Christ being metaphor for truth, u see.

But gun-control is actually MUCH HARDER to forgive, and is far greater sin--IT'S TREASON AGAINST THE PEOPLE and the natural law, and here in USA against the actual written law, the Constitution.

U really ought to lay-off the smarmy "attitude," and do more serious thinking.  Fascist gun-control is NOT acceptable.

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