Friday, December 19, 2014

Government is defective product of defective humanity--ok, but so what?--it's still needed--like to dealing w. criminals like kikes, eh?....

Below-copied essays by ap first submitted (and then deleted, ho hoho ho) at comments,

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Basis Of Government: Necessity Of Exterminating Jews
(Apollonian, 19 Dec 14)

Basis of government: mobs of goyim w. pitch-forks banding together to exterminate Jew filth who insist they're sooooooooooooooooo "smart," ho ho ho ho ho

Long as there's goyim, there's going to be periodic exterminations of kikes, never doubt--hence GOVERNMENT.

Sure, u brilliant kikes will say it's "criminal" of us goyim to exterminating vermin like u kike filth--but hey, we need some criminality to exterminate worse criminality (in our eyes, anyway)--now do u begin to seeing ur problem, brainless kike filth? Ho ho ho ho ho ho


Insights Of Jewwy Geniuses Crashes (Once Again) Against Rocks Of Reality
(Apollonian, 19 Dec 14)

Thus speaketh the brainless one, once again, ho ho ho ho ho

but brainless one, HERE'S the fallacy and flaw of ur otherwise priceless oracles: NOT all of us goyim, in fact very few, are as "intelligent" and enlightened as kikes like u.

Thus we gentiles find we must band together, collectivistically, if u insist, in order to periodically exterminate u Jew criminals who are otherwise so brilliant, "intelligent" (ho ho ho), and enlightened--u get it?--no?--of course not--u're just too cocooned within all ur intelligence and enlightenment, as usual.

Now, if everyone was as "intelligent" as u Jew filth, maybe ur delusions might be true, though I doubt it.

Tell us, brainless one, who's yet so obviously "intelligent" and enlightened--don't lions eat zebras and wildebeests--don't lions kill the offspring of other lions? And don't the seeds and seedlings of plants compete w. other seeds and seedlings for available soil, nutrients, sunlight, etc., and aren't these simple Darwinian observations (not even necessarily Darwinian)? So how are humans suddenly become angels, according to ur unique Jews' insight?

Get it?--ur main problem is there's just too many of us dumber, more ignorant goyim, do u think?--and we HATE "smart" kikes like u--do u blame us?--even if u blame us, isn't it just the sad fact of reality, u poor, brainless kike who thinks u're smarter than everyone else? Ho ho ho ho ho

-------------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------------------------

Andy Tyne said :" To believe that you, or "we", can live a joyous and satisfying life, WITH the benefits of modern medicine, technology, sanitation, safety and knowledge -- and have NO government is to believe in a fairy tale- "

What on earth are you claiming Andy- that all of these are products of the government? You are joking, correct? Au contraire, mon frere, medicinal advancement, improved sanitation, knowledge etc. have all advanced _despite_ governments, not because of them. As for safety, are you really suggesting that the government keeps _you_ safe? Yeah, right, and since when ? :-)

Andy Tyne said : "a fairy tale you have been brainwashed with [via the delusions and/or elite-funded LIES of the Von Mises/Austrian/U of Chicago pied pipers].

Andy, your lack of knowledge of economic theory is clearly showing here - the U of Chicago economics school has nothing to do with the teachings of Von Mises, in fact, in many ways, they are polar opposites- the Chicago school [eg Friedman etc.] is , like yourself, a rabid supporter of both the government and its central banking system. Your lack of familiarity means that is pointless for me to here try to briefly summarize the teaching of Austrians like Von Mises or Rothbard, I'd just be wasting my time.

Andy Tyne said :"There is no social order, only the Darwinian chaos of the jungle, without government of SOME sort."

Absolutely, 100% wrong Andy. That is a myth you have necessarily been brainwashed with because belief in it by people like yourself is absolutely essential as an excuse/justification for the state.

The natural order exists _despite_ the interference of governments, always has, always will; and it is the natural order of the market, and _not_Darwinian in any sense of the word.

The state relies on your [and of many , many others] ignorance/denial of that natural [and superior] market order in order for yours [and everyone elses] enslavement to the state's unnatural false system of violence, theft, coercion and counterfeiting to continue more or less unquestioned and unmolested.

Andy Tyne said : "Corrupt government is an ever-present, parasitical DISEASE, one that can only be kept at bay by citizen activism "

B.S. All governments , past present and future are inherently, unchangeably, 100% corrupt, right from their initiation [because they are exclusively funded with stolen money and via counterfeiting] . That corruption can never be eliminated via " citizen activism ".

Citizen activists mistakenly almost always try to work _within_ the system that they all have been deluded [by the state] into believing they can "fix".

Working within the system only strengthens that system, and guarantees the continuance of the inherent criminality of it.

Regards, onebornfree.

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