Thursday, December 25, 2014

Life sucks--even if humans colonize another planet--life will soon suck there too, never doubt....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Remember Real Nature Of Life--It Sucks For Sinners Like Us Humans--Always Has, Always Will--It's What Makes For True Appreciation Of "Happiness"
(Apollonian, 26 Dec 14)

Tiger: I submit u over-estimate the film, featuring kike, Carl Sagan, one of the greatest blow-hards who EVER existed ("billions and billions of stars," ho ho hoh o ho).

Don't forget the lesson given in Bible, including New Test., and coming fm Greeks too, and seconded by all our greatest wise-men of Western culture: LIFE SUCKS--it's one problem after another.  And there's NOTHING that mankind doesn't screw-up, corrupt, and pervert sooner or later.

Only children imagine one can "live happily ever after"--'cause life sucks; humans are sinners, and life is WAR, as Homer teaches in Illiad, confirmed by Plato, St. Augustine, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Neitzsche, Darwin, et al.

But it doesn't mean we can't enjoy some happiness when it comes our way, we only appreciating it, no doubt, as it's sooooo seldom.

I guess over there in Australia it's already Christmas eve (the 24th), eh?  So Merry Christmas to u.  A.


Geekritique says:
 December 24, 2014 at 4:55 am  

I think you quite miss the point here. Life does suck. But that doesn’t invalidate the beauty of exploration, the wonder of discovery, and the hope of understanding and first-hand experience. Sure, life will surely continue sucking (war, pestilence, perversion, etc.) if this system of things is to continue. But the point of the video is to present a side of science fiction that diverges from the seemingly ceaseless stream of pessimistic portents and to show there’s more than self-inflicted pain and suffering in our future.
And with that goal in mind, I think you’ll agree the filmmakers present quite a powerful case.


ap replied:

Geek: how could I "miss the pt." if u agree life sucks?--and I noted that SOME "happiness," however short-lived does occur.  Then u insert, "if this system of things is to continue"--what "system" are u talking about?--it doesn't matter what "system" it is, life will continue to suck, overall, PERIOD--if it didn't we wouldn't know or appreciate whatever happiness that occurs, would we?

Don't we already know there's "more than self-inflicted pain...," etc.?--it's quite often interspersed w. other things, right?  If u agree life sucks, then I've achieved end of my argument, right?--how can u say u agree, and then continue to argue against the thesis?--u're just trying to have it both ways, seems to me.

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