Sunday, November 16, 2014

satanism: note it's not a secret, quite out in the open, actually, in these perverse times

Below-copied essays by ap first submitted and published at comments,

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Only Way To Getting Rich Nowadays In Jew S A Is Selling Ur Soul
(Apollonian, 15 Nov 14)

Gary (see below): u should have confidence in free speech, old bean--simian argues for a substantial pt. w. which I vehemently disagree--let him talk. People will see easily enough who relies on serious substance and who can't handle it.

Don't forget--u don't want to over-work urself looking too closely for what's "acceptable" or not--general rule should be free speech--that's simple and easy (and it's all good Christian soldier like myself needs, ho ho ho ho).

Incidentally, great show, w. great to-the-pt. guest, mutual comrade Don Fox. U hit it smashingly on-the-head when u exposed the Talmud--it's not just "zionists" who are the problem.

Further, note Don Fox pt'd out there's about 50 million "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see and for expo) hereticalists-collaborators, the single strongest interest-group among gentiles, who run interference for these zionists--it used to be half of the "evangelicals" ("fundamentalists").

So u see, Gary, biggest problem then for our culture is the satanists who so easily manipulate these hordes of schizoids and collaborators who sympathize w. Talmudic SUBJECTIVISM--in opposition to the REAL Christianity which upholds the OBJECTIVE reality (Aristotle).

Great thing about I-net is people like u and Don Fox who have ur own outlets to the public, but also such as U-tube which has evermore expositors, putting out these vids, exposing outright, explicit satanists like Madonna, Lady Gaga (who seems rather washed-up, already, ho ho ho), and lately Katy Perry. "Beyoncé" (married to rapper "Jay Z") reportedly has 100 million ZOG-bucks tucked away, already--selling-out makes u rich, though u lose ur soul--but youth is too stupid to care.

--------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------------------

Come on Simon, were trying to clean up the name calling. Help us out.

you don't want paper you can pay with salad. It's geen too. Ian, and just like your name. What a dumbass!

---------------------Regardless, ap further added to top essay, below-copied--------------------

satanism--It's Not Even A Secret Anymore
(Apollonian, 15 Nov 14)

As matter of fact, Gary, u're a guitar-player urself, as I note u've pt'd out numerous times. So u should know well as anyone about the explicit in-ur-face satanism being pushed in the Jew-owned and -run music industry--I'm not just exaggerating.

And ZOG has made it clear they consider Christianity not only a problem, but source of terrorism. ZOG is satanist--like Judaism itself.

No wonder they mass-murder people, Muslims in mid-East and Africans. Also, satanists are mass-murdering, by slow-kill methods, people here in Jew S A by means of poison GMO foods and food additives, toxic vaccines, poison "chem-trails," and nuclear radiation of various sorts, but also electronic radiation (cell phones), mass-drugging of population and school kids--20% of them--poisonous fluoride in water supplies, etc.

It's not just corrupt politicians and run-of-the-mill criminals--it's HIGHLY ORGANIZED and conscious, deliberate satanic death-worship, mass-murder, and genocide--"population-reduction," in accord w. AGENDA-21 United Nations policy.

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