Thursday, November 27, 2014

satanism: it can be subtle, but note it really isn't so complicated at root--it's really just a good, thriving criminal operation....

Satanism: It's All Criminal Operation, At Root, U See
(Apollonian, 27 Nov 14)

To be sure, there surely are some, if not many, dis-connected Jews, to various degrees, who watch too much TV, etc., but these only serve--and quite willingly, we must note--as COVER for the more active of the Jews, most intensively involved in the various conspiracies, etc., topmost criminal enterprise being the "central-banking" COUNTERFEITING scam(s).

For the large enterprise is simply satanism (extreme subjectivism/hubris), for which Judaism is an entry/introduction organization--like masonry for the gentiles--which is taken more and less seriously by the various Jews.  There can't be too many Jews, u see--no more than there can be too many criminals.

And political-correctness is way Jews keep the gentiles terrorized for this over-all political-correctness and general "fear of the Jews"--even Christianity itself, much as possible, is rendered confused for its core meaning--anti-satanism (thus anti-semitism), Christian truth against Jew lies.

For note, criminals (Jews and other satanist cohorts) MUST be a minority in order to most successfully parasitize the gentile host--it all being a hierarchical-sort of organization, as in way of PYRAMID, u see.  Only a few people grasp, understand, observe and oppose the Jews and satanists.  Most people allow themselves to be confused, poor fools.

Criminality doesn't pay if EVERYONE is in on the criminal enterprise--some people actually have to work and produce in order for the system to work properly, u see. Ho ho ho ho ho

Eventually, of course, the large system MUST collapse of its own weight (as we see presently in Jew S A), and that's covered at the end by the general warfare which muddies the waters, allowing the topmost masterminds to escaping, in order to starting over the process in a few yrs. Thus the determinist, CYCLIC nature of history and reality is confirmed, once again.

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