Thursday, November 13, 2014

Gruber, the Obola-care op, author, perfect picture of socialist-turned-satanist, cold-blooded psychopathic liar....

Below-copied first published at comments,

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Socialism: Just satanism Light, The First Step Thereto
(Apollonian, 13 Nov 14)

Tiger: people still don't "get-it"--these creatures (see link, above) in question for this blog of urs, are not merely "socialists"--they're satanists--they HATE people; they are determined to killing people--just like they've killed the law and the people's rights.

Thus u see, socialism is mere step for the gullible to full-blown satanism.  It's like masonry--it draws a lot of people in who thirst for some kind of society or camaraderie, but there's an inner core to run-of-the-mill socialism consisting of the cold-blooded, psychopathic, blood-thirsty murderers, these SCREENED by the dumber, more gullible sort of "socialist," who never rise far in the circles of masonry--devil-worship light.

So these psychopaths and satanists learn to lie through their teeth--with a smile and pat-on-the-back, shake of the hand--these being the confirmed, extreme socialists, u see--full-blown satanists.

Only problem for satanist like Gruber is he got too jubilant--thus TOO HONEST and hence informative--for his success in passing the horrific bill subjecting medical practice to monopoly and total dictatorship of Insurance interests.

So good blog for a character-study of extreme, consummate socialist who dropped his guard and became too honest in all his smug celebration of contempt for the people.

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