Sunday, January 20, 2019

Anti-semitism?--that's what Christianity is literally all about--and if u're not anti-semitic, u ain't no Christian, pilgrim....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted, but CENSORED by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Purpose Of Christianity?--Defense Against Satanism/Subjectivism And Lies
(Apollonian, 20 Jan 19)

<blockquote>"...Christianity’s overemphasis on transcendent divinity, God out there in the clouds."</blockquote>

Thy problem (see below-copied by "anon 2") is thou fails to understand WHAT Christianity is in the very first place--IT IS NOT MYSTICISM--on the contrary. Note the philosophy of Christ is given by way of story-telling, given in Gospels and New Test. And there's no "God out there in the clouds," which is idiotic.

Christianity is about TRUTH, first and foremost, Christ = Truth (Gosp. JOHN 14:6). And all Christian ethics follows fm this basic precept. Note "truth" then is necessarily founded upon the OBJECTIVE (Aristotelian) reality--AGAINST subjectivism ("midrash") and "Oral Law Tradition." See,, and for best expo on Judaism and Talmud, etc.

<b>Note satanism is extreme subjectivism, idea reality is created by mind/consciousness, the subject being God, the creator--satanism.</b> Judaism then is an elaboration, Jews COLLECTIVIST subjectivists, Jews colluding, rendering and achieving most effective, successful sort of criminal conspiracy and "group-think," dominating, manipulating, and leading all the other subjectivists/satanists, as among the goyim, even though out-numbered by goyim, the goyim being more isolated and "individualist," not nearly as cohesive and effective as Jews.

Thus there is indeed problem for what Christianity is held to be and to be all about--as in thy case, sucker--thou hasn't the slightest idea, ho ho ho ho.

For "Vatican" (for example) is un-questionably a false church w. false prophets preaching Jew-friendly lies and prop., funded heavily and supported by Jews, the "Vatican" allied w. and supporting terror-state of Israel. Indeed, ALL the establishment "Christian" churches are false, Jew-friendly (that's the very problem), and traitorous, satanic supporters of Israeli terror-state.

Observe then that's practical pt. to the present (false) "Christian" establishment--to supporting, justifying, and making excuses for the Israeli terror-state and behind that terror-state the criminal enterprise of central-banking by which currency (not real MONEY) is generated out of nothing, literally legalized counterfeiting (see for expo; use their site search-engine), by which Jews and Satanists own and control everybody and everything.

Thus Christianity and "Church," properly understood, is designed and meant for purpose of anti-satanism and anti-Semitism. So if thou aren't "anti-Semitic," thou are not Christian--anti-Semitism is what Christianity is properly all about.

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 16, Anon 2 says:
January 20, 2019 at 6:34 am GMT • 500 Words

Re: In 1914 whites made up a third of human population

True. And now we are down to (optimistically speaking) one seventh (1 billion plus out of 7.7 billion), a global minority (By the way, I think whites should stress their global minority status – we are basically becoming an endangered species and need to be protected).

I think the ultimate reason is that we are no longer in harmony with our animal nature. We’ve become too civilized, something that Darwin was already aware of, and hence his claim that we are basically smart chimps provided a useful corrective. Historically, the West has gone from excessive aggression (e.g., slave trade, colonialism, etc. As recently as the 1960s, at a World’s Fair in Brussels (?), blacks from Africa were placed in a cage for everyone to gawk at. That was clearly inhumane) to excessive submissiveness (e.g., when Merkel in 2015 invited a million+ migrants to come to Germany without consulting with her EU allies, again demonstrating the bullying behavior that the rest of Europe has always found distasteful). The current preoccupation with toxic masculinity is another example of wanting males to display excessive submissiveness that is clearly out of harmony with our animal nature. As Aristotle said, the precise level of aggression when the situation calls for it, without going to either extreme is perfectly in harmony with our nature as rational animals.

I believe the situation will improve as the Europeans return to their pagan roots. One reason is that the Abrahamic religions are almost completely out of touch with the natural world. This is now changing. For example, the first temple to Odin in 1000 years was recently completed in Denmark. In Greece people are again beginning to visit the old temples dedicated to the Olympian gods. Granted, not many. However, after the horrors of the 20th century growing numbers of people now feel that excessive faith in science and technology is entirely unwarranted, and feel justified in turning to alternative medicine, eastern religions, and paganism.The gods and goddesses today are, of course, conceived in a much more sophisticated way as the powerful Jungian archetypes within our psyche that can exert synchronistic effects in the outer world, “As within, so without.” Many people believe that this will restore the vitality and the vigor (Pres. Kennedy’s favorite word!) they feel has been depleted in their neurotic urban lives. Paganism in this sense simply means a sense of reconnection with immanent divinity, divinity present in nature, including in us, a useful corrective to Christianity’s overemphasis on transcendent divinity, God out there in the clouds. This is of course nothing new. For example, it is reminiscent of New England Transcendentalism that Emerson was writing about.

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