Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Kavanaugh "crisis," indeed--WHAT a moronic charade, for goons, suckers, scum, and fools....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Kavanaugh "Crisis"/Charade: Entertainment For Morons
(Apollonian, 19 Sep 18)

Note Jeffries writes, 2nd para.,

"The most troubling thing about Kavanaugh, to those of us who have bothered to investigate such things, is Kavanaugh’s role in covering up the death of Clinton White House counsel Vince Foster. Kavanaugh, as White House counsel under Bush, also sought to limit compensation under the 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund."

So we see right off, all this idiot "Kavanaugh" crap is just a moronic charade put on by the Jewwy "left" "globalists" who advocate GENOCIDE of Agenda-21 and -2030 vs. the traitors of Israel-first and "neo-cons" of fake "right." Kavanaugh has done yeoman's work for both sides, Clinton and Bush.

And what a joke about the Russkie "collusion" and election-meddling, when everyone knows Israel controls American elections, esp. by means of "campaign contributions" and funding, etc., not to mention the Jews-media.

Who do these idiot kikes at the top really think they're fooling, after all?

Observe (again), how the "leftist" "globalists" NEVER NEVER NEVER pt. to Israel or Israeli influence, or how Trump is their (Israeli) obvious flunky/slave.

So we see WHO rules, dictates, dominates--Israel on top of everything--AND NO ONE SAYS A WORD--NO ONE--and if anyone did, it would never make it to the Jews-media. And if anyone did say a word about Jew domination, they'd be attacked first and most by the goyim flunkies, like "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see and for expo) hereticalist scum who say Christ is/was "Jew," etc.

And note how all "Christian" establishment is Jew-controlled and -funded. After all, the very top central-bank institution, a downright criminal enterprise (legalized counterfeiting) which literally makes and controls all the "currency," not REAL money--see for expo--is controlled and run by Jews.

And NOTHING WILL CHANGE until US Dollar, along w. the economy, COLLAPSES--that's only time the goons, morons, scum, suckers, and fools, called "the people," who are LEGION, will begin to suspecting there's something wrong.

That's why patriot heroes must be ready, always preaching the anti-semitic creed and credo, exposing the Jews and satanists, satanists always led by Jews, Jews the foremost satanists. See,, and for expo on Jew Talmud.

What's "satanism"?--extreme subjectivism, idea mind/consciousness creates reality, making subject to be God, the creator. Only under satanic conditions do we get such moronic charade like present Kavanaugh "crisis" and flap-doodle, for the entertainment of self-lobotomized morons of Jew S A, fatally addicted to non-existent (totally subjectivistic) "good-evil" and moralism, the horribly corrupt empire in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

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