Saturday, September 8, 2018

Criminals of satanic emp. of lies, genocidalists, traitors ADMIT FURTHER they're out to subvert Israel-first Trump, etc.--and stupid people don't know what to do....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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People Need To Face-Up To satanic Regime Over Jew S A
(Apollonian, 8 Sep 18)

(a) Don't forget the "deep-state" has at least TWO known factions, and there may be more, those factions are the atheist, "globalist" "left" and the Judeo-Christian -supported, Israel-first, "neo-con" "right"--which "right" is what Trump admits he's part of and represents.

(b) The "globalist" "left" admit they want to submerge and remove national sovereignty, including that of USA--so these people are admitted criminals and traitors.

(c) Now, over last few days, these "leftist" "globalists" ADMIT, through the Jews-media and NYT, they're attempting FURTHER criminal acts of subversion--and they've demonstrated this subversion in several ways, one being subversion of dept. of Justice (DOJ), refusing to heed law and turning-over documents, etc.

(d) And observe through it all, Israeli terror-state sits at top, riding-high, playing the arbiter of all this criminality and in-fighting among factions.

(e) Thus it simply indicates amazing, pathetic confusion, cowardice, and stupidity of the people of USA, now the Jew S A, as they allow these foreign agents, Jews, and satanic, genocidal (Agendas 21 and -2030) "globalist," world-dictatorship criminals to running riot as they do, Israel-first Trump telling people "not to worry."

What an outrageous farcical travesty--why we need the original, anti-satanic, hence anti-semitic Christianity, the real thing, worship of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) against lies, lying (JOHN 8:44).

For truth necessarily implies and requires the OBJECTIVE (Aristotelian) reality as criterion against Jew/satanic subjectivism ("midrash")--see,, and for expo.

And to removing the regime of satanic empire of lies, lying, the criminal central-bank (see for expo), literally legalized counterfeiting, must be removed, REAL money (gold/silver) restored. States-rights and nullification/secession is another necessity for the defense of rights, rule-of-law, and freedom.

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