Monday, July 3, 2017

satanism is our present, DE FACTO cultural religion, protected, cultivated, worshipped--all at same time as people are kept un-aware this all is happening, not to mention the essence of satanism being amazingly simple--extreme subjectivism....

Satanism: Supreme Religion Cultivated, Protected, Worshipped, People Kept Un-Aware
(Apollonian, 3 Jul 17)

Observe how Satanism (extreme subjectivism, by which one becomes God, the creator), the greatest killer and destroyer of humanity, is so brilliantly ignored, over-looked, cloaked, masked, covered-up, diverted and distracted fm, HENCE PROTECTED, cultivated, worshipped and practiced to such horrific effect and success. It isn't politically-correct to take seriously the theme of satanism, and observe the mysterious death of the film director, Stanley Kubrick, whose last film rather more seriously explored the satanic subject, in "Eyes Wide Shut."

For people don't really want so much to face-up to the reality of satanism, it's nature, effects, practice, cultivation, worship, and overwhelming success, esp. in this present age of gross termination stage of "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler. Most people just want to pretend they're "good"; they're DESPERATE to pretend and insist they're "good"--even when they NEVER can figure-out there is no good, as there is no definition of good that actually works and makes sense in all situations.

So "evil" then becomes a kind of a joke, as in the great villain of "Austen Powers" (movie) fame, "Dr. Evil." And of course, we know fm the cowboy movies and TV shows how the villains always wear black-hats, and it isn't only the cowboy shows, but nowadays, esp. the cartoon shows aimed at the kids, the villains always being politically-incorrect, nowadays polluting the earth and failing to heed to "climate-change," etc.--"racism" is yet another great "evil" serious pushed by the politically-correct society.

Donald Trump (US President) is hated (by some), therefore it's because he must be racist--why else would he be hated? Observe the "antifa" goons of the liberals and leftists--they just go crazy if they suspect u're "racist"--they practically lose their minds, their reason, and their "cool," like crazed, rabid dogs--such is their "moral" virtue, u see.

Again, observe how satanism, the great bane and nemesis of Christianity is so much protected, covered-up, cultivated--it isn't allowed to be taken into serious consideration, one can't make fun of satanism, though it's always fashionable, even obligatory, to lampoon our dear Christianity, Christians, Christ, the saints, etc. Satanism is seriously the religion of the corrupt society, here in the pits of Spenglerian "Decline of the West"--and that's precisely why one cannot, must not examine it or consider it in any rational manner--it's mystic, so let's not talk about it.

Thus the moronic fiction of "good-evil" both substitutes and especially, COVERS and cloaks the real mass-murderer, satanism which always gets by, hardly without any notice w. only very few exceptions, the general idea of such satanism being kept un-examined and immersed within MYSTICISM, esp. numerology.

And the great irony is that satanism is actually quite easy to understand, define, and grasp, easily associated w. mass-death, getting the people to help in their being killed in great mass numbers, willingly going off to wars in which they're mass-killed on huge scale, as in the world wars of the 20th cent., other wars too, being mere additional replays of those world war productions, e.g., Korea and Vietnam. Nowadays we have Ukraine and Syria. Trump now, and the satanists who pull his strings, are looking for more venues for this mindless warfare, like Korea again, evidently, but Iran seems the intermediate-range target.

So the satanic magicians, so-to-speak, arrange the wars like great impressarios, and these wars and mass kill-events are always accompanied by huge and massive financial and economic events, booms and busts, w. great ballyhoo by the mass-media and religious and education establishments. Observe the amazing shrillness and propaganda presently pushed against Trump, who certainly deserves criticism, but not for colluding w. Russians to hack the 2016 election. But evidently, the satanists want to make sure Trump starts more wars to cover the imminent financial, economic "reset" that's impending, so they keep up this satanic campaign, and the press madness, lies, hype, and propaganda all seems to keep the masses occupied for the satanists as they set up the next false-flags and hoaxes, like Sandy Hook, and the others.

So it's important thing, as I do here, to show the serious and even simple nature of satanism, YET ironically, how this satanism is so easily overlooked, ignored, masked, and covered-up by the powers, the masses so easily diverted and distracted upon idiotic, moronic "good-evil" for children. But satanism is what's working, suckers, and we'd better get hip, quick.

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