Monday, July 24, 2017

"Learned helplessness," impotence, confusion integral part of hubristic, satanic society/culture, never doubt....

Learned Helplessness Of Over-Populated American Morons
(Apollonian, 24 Jul 17)

Well now Fox News' Tucker Carlson admits, Trump's fate has been placed in hands of a criminal, the "special counsel," ex-FBI head, Mueller: see How did this losing control of one's own fate happen?--obviously, Trump was compelled to doing this by his Jew/Israeli handlers who want to make sure Trump puts some heavy heat on Iran for sake of Israel, if they're not setting-up for a full-on military strike. For after all, economy/currency is about to collapse, and it will set things up for killing two birds w. one military strike, blaming Iran for it all, economically too, evidently.

Thus the poor, brainless goons of Jew S A see exactly how they're held hostage to the Jews if they only take simple trouble to look, the brainless scummy, stupid puke who've betrayed their Christian culture of anti-Semitism (see Gosp. JOHN 8:44), Jews being foremost leaders of the satanic society and empire-of-lies.

Of course, remember, Jews don't create the satanic, hubristic circumstances all by themselves; Jews merely thrive and take control as the circumstances "quicken," as it were. Gentiles are now HUGELY over-populated, thus God provides the Jew disease to "cull" the herd, so-to-speak--and that's what kikes are doing, without any doubt, for sure.

People wonder over the extent of the up-coming horror which has to happen, but if one just looks and simply observes, there sure are a great mass of extremely stupid puke, called "people," who've become over-populated, so that should give some clue to things.

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