Thursday, June 9, 2016

Subjectivistic, moralist, JR really extremely valuable for his honesty, candor, such as it is....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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JR Provides Excellent, Invaluable Info, Despite Himself
(Apollonian, 9 Jun 16)

Don't get me wrong, JR: u truly do deserve credit for ur honesty and candor, without any doubt, for ur blog and all its postings--it's shown me quite a lot, frustrating as it is.

And ur exposition is truly informative, in its way, esp. for ur mentality, way u think about things, etc.--it all giving rise to my present thesis to effect u're serious part of problem, sucking-along w. the satanists, satanists being the cadre leading the suckers in the "middle," as I describe such "middle."

There are lots of "satanistics"--extreme subjectivists, insisting all reality is only emanation fm their own mentalities, etc. But it's the ORGANIZED satanists who lead and determine things, surely most of the satanists being quite dis-organized and even sadly mentally -affected.

Note also there are lots of subjectivists, esp. in way of MORALISTS, pretending to "good-evil," for example, like u, who wouldn't say they're "satanist," but who nonetheless are quite and extremely susceptible to the satanic prop., these satanists at the top running and ruling things, esp. by means of the central-bank legalized counterfeiting controlling everything, etc.

It's interesting that one wouldn't say u're really stupid in general--excepting for ur continued insistence for anti-Christianity and ur dumb, brainless lying about it, pretending u know anything about it. Yet, u're such a sucker for the satanist prop. and mentality, and u don't seem to even realizing it--esp. as in the way u keep pretending to utterly empty, baseless, non-existent "good-evil" fallacy/delusion to which u seem so dedicated.

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