Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Christianity ought to be understood, at least by "Christians," eh?--it's anti-satanic, anti-semitic, necessarily....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Whtt Needs To Find Some Proper Loyalty To Christian Ideals
(Apollonian, 22 Jun 16)

Judeo-Christians (JCs) or Christian Zionists (CZs) are NOT NOT NOT Christian; rather, they're anti-Christ traitors, heretics, and apostates, to extent they ever were Christians in first place. Jews are anti-Christs who gloat over having killed Christ--ck their Talmud (

Christians worship TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) against Jew lies (JOHN 8:44). What's Whtt's problem? Whtt seems to be scared witless, eh? Why is Whtt so cowardly?

So what Whtt needs to figure-out is the satanic take-over of the world, esp. USA, Jews and Israel capitalizing and profiting thereby, Jews being foremost satanists, esp. by means of their satanic books, Talmud and Zohar, Zohar source of Cabala, Cabala providing the basic satanic liturgy.

For satanism is actually just extreme SUBJECTIVISM, the "philosophy" that reality is mere emanation of one's own mentality/consciousness, thus making oneself God the creator.

Thus Christianity worships TRUTH (= Christ), the idea there's OBJECTIVE reality under-lying, God-created; thus truth (= Christ) CANNOT BE KILLED, the entire pt. to the resurrection.

So if Whtt pretends Christ stands for peace at any price and peace w. satan and satanic lies, hence Jews, then Whtt needs learn something about Christianity, for otherwise Whtt is no better than these scum heretics, JCs and CZs. If u love truth (= Christ) u necessarily must hate lies, love and hate being mere reciprocals of same basic emotion. And if it's virtue to love truth (= Christ), how can it be sin to hate lies?

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