Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Psychoticism of satanism includes not admitting it IS satanic--as for obsession w. anti-Christianity....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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Satanism Of JR PERFECTLY Demonstrated--For All Time, Even
(Apollonian, 11 May 16)

When in doubt, JR just resorts to his usual satanic lying (see below-copied)--AMAZING--disguised and excused as over-generalizing--and this is aside fm the sheer stupidity of the commentary in the first place.

Of course the (obvious) lie is Christians qua Christians "support warmongering," evidently as matter of religion, ho ho hoho ho. Does it, such moronic assertion, even dignify a response?--nahhhhhhh, h o hohoho, it's sooooo blatantly stupid.

And didn't I tell u JR is palpably PSYCHOTIC--as in case of this idiotic, moronic lie he just up and blurts out about Christians and warmongering?

Of course, not a word fm JR, satanic liar and psycho, about Jews, which actually does support war against the gentile, this as integral matter of religion--just ck their Talmud (see,, and

And the pt. is that Christianity is better than Judaism, hence serious Christians are better than Jews, and similarly, Christianity is best of all religions, Christianity worship of Truth, etc.

And the best law we've ever seen (like US Constitution) was founded in Christian culture, as I noted, and could only have been founded upon such Christianity--as we see fm history.

And still I observe JR wouldn't have the guts to come-out to endorsing explicit Satanism--he's too cowardly and ignorant, not understanding what he's doing. But JR is satanically determined to lying and to down-grade Christianity (just observe his own moronic words quoted fm above)--this is the truly SATANIC nature and effect he demonstrates, he not willing to admit it or even to grasp or understand it even for his own knowledge and info.

Such is the SATANIC nature of JR--which is rather shared by many others too, in Jew S A and world, I submit--even as he fails to own up to outright satanism, as we see.

Such then is the satanic take-over we observe in present Jew S A as in case of psychotics and sublime liars like JR, willing dupes and useful idiots for satanism and ZOG.

---------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------

Anonymous May 11, 2016, 6:49:00 PM

How amusing - how do you explain that Christians support all the warmongering you cite above while I do NOT.

Ha ha. Who would Jesus napalm?

I suppose no Christians have ever dropped napalm on innocent people. Come to think about it - weren't Christians burned by their enemies? I suppose that what is good for the goose is good for the gander.

Christians are no better than anyone else - it is good law that keeps us all honest.


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