Friday, May 20, 2016

JR doubles-down on the moralism/Pharisaism, "good-evil" psychoticism....

[Below-copied essay by ap in response/comment on a new blog JR had put up at his blog, but then took down, may eventually put it back up and then I'll give the url, etc.]

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JR: Resorting To Evermore Desperate Lying, Moralistic Psychosis
(Apollonian, 19 May 16)

JR: u're just getting more and evermore psychotic, buddy--u're losing it, and u need to getting a clue. And u're no better than anyone else. U have "high standards"?--no, u're just the typical self-righteous Pharisaic who pretends u're diff. fm other humans. We're all sinners as Christianity teaches.

For there's no "good-evil" which is mere propaganda for children and dogs, "good" meaning OBEDIENT, "evil" meaning dis-obedience, that's all. U need to getting a clue, like I say.

So now let me demonstrate: "torture" is only bad because it doesn't give one accurate info--it only gets what the poor victim thinks u want to hear, to get u to stop the torture. Proper pt. then, regarding torture, HAS NOTHING TO DO W. UR PHONY "MORALITY."

Christ rather tortures the sinner by means of appealing to one's conscience, for Christ is TRUTH, above all/any other precept, see Gosp. JOHN 14:6, and one only achieves Godly happiness by means of such truth.

And u continue moronic propaganda about the Jews-media which is all Jew-friendly and spews same lies and b.s. For the root of the problem, regarding Jews-media, is the central-banking, legalized counterfeiting, putting-out the currency (not real "money") to buying-up EVERYTHING and everyone, including all the politicians and judges, not to mention the media. Central-bank also pays the lawyers to sue and cause problems for any competing voices, etc. U've been informed about this central-banking issue and Jews-media NUMEROUS times, too, but u continue ignoring proper issues, like a psychotic parrot, pushing expedient lies for Jews and satanists--that's what u're all about, political-correctness.

Notice ur psychosis as it entails CONTINUED, Jew-like repeating stupid crap, like about Jews-media, ignoring central-bank issue?

And there's no one more "religious" than u for ur psychotic, incessant, insistent, fanatical, insanely obsessionate anti-Christianity (for which insane anti-Christianity u have no proper basis, indeed, going against all the known facts).

"Religion" is easily confirmed for meaning by ref. to dictionary, regardless ur self-serving lies and lying.

"Believing without proof"?--that's PSYCHOSIS (also known as insanity), sucker--and u're most perfect example of it--religious psychoticism--that's what u're all about, JR, and u need to getting a clue, u lying about Christianity, mis-representing it, w. satanic obsession, as u do.

And inasmuch as u're anti-Christian, u're anti-American, pure and simple. U literally have no clue about what's American--u're a joke, a sad, psychotic joke, lying and babbling as u do.

Problem w. Jew S A is it's captured by satanists and satanism, these led by Jews, Judaism being nothing other than satanism (see, etc.), and u, JR, are a willing dupe and useful idiot for these devilish monsters, lying in ur devilish, psychotic manner as u do and as I've demonstrated here and in other blog-comments. Get a clue, buddy.

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