Friday, April 27, 2012

TRUTH--What actually is it?--do u know?--do u REALLY appreciate it?

Truth--Do U Understand What Truth Is?  Christ said he was truth, and that he/it was ONLY way to God (as in God-the-Father and/or Kingdom-of-God)--ck Gosp. JOHN 14:6.  So if u understand God as happiness, we see Christ telling us TRUTH is only way to happiness.

Christ also told us about truth and it having ability to make us FREE.  Truth is important to freedom.  TRUTH is important concept to Christ and Christianity

So then WTF is truth?  Truth must actually be something, something specific.  Thus truth is that which CONFORMS TO REALITY--hence then OBJECTIVITY.

And Objectivity then, according to Aristotle, begins in and with a basic assumption, this in contrast to SUBJECTIVITY, those being the only two basic possible assumptions.

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So what then is objectivity?--it could only be what's common and apprehendable to the senses--CONCRETE (perceptible)--and then by what is logically derived.

But logic can become extended to the pt. of speculation, and thus we have science which tests such logical speculation for whatever truth.

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Thus we see TRUTH is something which cannot be understood too thoroughly and thought about enough.  Thus the wise and truly happy man is one who loves truth and doesn't fail to think seriously about such truth--this in conformity w. Christ's advice upon the greatest commandments of God--to love God, being the first, and doing justice following (Gosp.s MARK 12:29-31, MATT 37-9).

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Thus we think about the great problems we face as humans, the enemy COUNTERFEIT criminals who are working to destroy humanity, these COUNTERFEITERS having nearly INFINITE funds by which to bribing and extorting key people in politics, law, and business--is there anything they can't do?--any lie they can't foist upon the public?

And we see now how the empire of lies prevails--precisely by means of this COUNTERFEITING which buys EVERYONE (practically--with only few exceptions).  And we see how/why Ron Paul has to be most careful for the way he says and phrases things, because if he's not careful he could be assassinated by these satanic liars and criminal masterminds behind the COUNTERFEITING fraud which gives the criminals all their practical power.

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