Saturday, April 21, 2012

Conditions Which Prevent Patriot Success

Who is it, and how do they actually think, who are holding things up, resisting, regarding the "patriot movement" which would otherwise un-cover the criminals in charge of US gov.?

There are (at least) TWO (or perhaps three) primary factors at work preventing the criminals--the Fed COUNTERFEIT masterminds--fm being overthrown.

(a) One is the sheer dis-info preventing the nature of the criminals fm being known--COUNTERFEITING. And this amazingly successful dis-info continues because the "leaders" of the patriots are just stupid sons-of-bitches--like Alex Jones ( wants, for example, to pretend to being (1) "good" (like Jones), imagining they're "fighting evil";

or (2) smart (and "politically correct"), these stupid scum always speaking in terms of abstracts which keep things un-knowable and not-easily understandable for most folks who have greatest difficulty with abstracts--who desperately NEED to be addressed, rather, in terms of CONCRETES (perceptibles), like COUNTERFEITING which is comprehendible even for kids. Ron Paul falls much into this second category, though it's necessary for him--in order to get whatever little attention he does succeed in getting fm the mass-news-media.

(b) The other condition is the sheer un-willingness of the people to BELIEVE their gov. and society is sooooooooooooooooooooo corrupt, these people absolutely ADDICTED to the false "prosperity," these people well-described as worshippers of MAMMON, the false god of "prosperity," etc.

(c) And again, there's great element of WISH-FUL THINKING, these people, the Mammon-worshippers, wishing and "believing" that if they "believe" enough, it will be true--and conversely, if they ignore something, it will cease to exist.

So the necessary course is to emphasize CONCRETES--the COUNTERFEIT criminals who necessarily run things according to their plans and the exigencies thereto, which includes the sort of people and dupes they take advantage of so successfully, so far.

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